Ric Falir vs Triple H

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Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Said it before, and i'll say it again: RESPECTING VETERANS HAS LIMITS. When it makes a complete joke out of WWE and professional wrestling, it's time to stop. Thanks for everything Ric, you did a hell of a job 10 and 20 years ago, but now it's time to stop fooling yourself and making a mockery out of what you helped build.


^^^I don't think Flairs farewell run makes a mockery of anything.

They are playing up the angle that he was great back in the 80's, but has lost a few steps over the last decade or so.

Right now, Flair is being booked as a washed up legend who is fighting for his livelyhood and is wrestling as good as he ever has in order to save his career. Its actually a good storyline in my opinion, and if HHH has to oversell a knife edge chop to get it over, so be it.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Think about new fans who are watching their first few episodes of wrestling. How can you argue that professional wrestling isn't downright stupid when stuff like THIS goes on? I'm embarassed to tell people i'm a fan of professional wrestling, because i'm afraid they'll turn it on just to see what it's about and come face to face with a match like this. Downright embarassed to admit that i'm actually a fan of this.

The storyline can be as great as anything, but the fact is Ric Flair has no wrestling ability left and it makes a complete joke of professional wrestling when someone like him is allowed to main-event shows and beat such talent as Randy Orton, Umaga, and now Triple H. Ok fine, the match was won with outside interference, but the fact that Ric did any damage at ALL to Triple H is laughable enough. Ric Flair is not a legend anymore. He's a 58 year old fat man who's wrestling ability is surpassed by 14 year olds with cell phone cameras on youtube. If WWE wants to keep the slightest shred of credibility and dignity in itself and in North American professional wrestling, they'll face that fact.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Think about new fans who are watching their first few episodes of wrestling. How can you argue that professional wrestling isn't downright stupid when stuff like THIS goes on? I'm embarassed to tell people i'm a fan of professional wrestling, because i'm afraid they'll turn it on just to see what it's about and come face to face with a match like this. Downright embarassed to admit that i'm actually a fan of this.

The storyline can be as great as anything, but the fact is Ric Flair has no wrestling ability left and it makes a complete joke of professional wrestling when someone like him is allowed to main-event shows and beat such talent as Randy Orton, Umaga, and now Triple H. Ok fine, the match was won with outside interference, but the fact that Ric did any damage at ALL to Triple H is laughable enough. Ric Flair is not a legend anymore. He's a 58 year old fat man who's wrestling ability is surpassed by 14 year olds with cell phone cameras on youtube. If WWE wants to keep the slightest shred of credibility and dignity in itself and in North American professional wrestling, they'll face that fact.
OMG Wot a load ov shite you spew out this story line is wot it is its not making out flair is some kind ov superman its playing out that he is not what he used to be and is struggling to hold on to what time he has left and the match with trips was good, for god sake it was a match that was in flair country with 2 men who respect the shit out of each other did you really think that trips would come out on top plus not sell the hits he was gunna take really it would av been the same if hbk or orton or who ever stepped in that ring with flair that night they would sell the hits as best they could it called respect. if wrestlers didnt sell the hits they took it would look shit. look what happend when masters didnt sell undertakes hits he bust his nose a wrstler has got to sell a hit or the moves just look shit granted trips is stronger younger tougher than flair doesnt mean them chops aint gunna sting my advise to you is dont watch wwe and watch tna or roh instead
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
This was an interesting match. Didnt live up to my expectations at all, match-wise; however the crowd was suped up and into this match big time, and the atmosphere accompanying it was amazing. It deserved to be the ME, and the addition to Trips problem, and the promos they cut earlier just pushed this match more and more.

Trips over selling Falir's moves was a bit much for me, admittedly it was doing it's job - making Flair look 20years younger, but this just got to me.

The ending of this match was a shame - have Flair atleast kick out of one pedigree, that would've psyched the already crazed crowd. A clean win in this match, or a closer victory would've certainly helped - maybe have Flair lock in the Figure four again, and then have Regal interfere.

Overall, good pre-week build up, amazing pre-match build up (via added stipulations and promos) and great atmosphere for this match - definetly a 4/5 in my books.


Jan 3, 2008
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The crowd seemed to be booing HHH at parts, I was worried (or maybe not worried) that HHH was gonna lose it and nail Flair with a sledgehammer or summat like he did at that Homecoming a couple of years back.

The ending really surprised me, I thought it might've been a double countout or 1 of those things where someone taps out at the same time as they pin their opponent (if you know what I mean).

HHH vs Regal at RR and if HHH wins he gets in the Rumble?