Rhodes/DiBiase's Push Just Stopped

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Everyone probably remembers how awesome Rhodes and DiBiase were a couple weeks before Summerslam throughout Hell in a Cell, but isn't it funny how that push seems like it never happened?

Their rivalry with DX is over.

Orton doesn't have the WWE title which makes their group look even weaker.

They are feuding with jobbers like Mark Henry and MVP.

What happened to the greatness that was the building up of Rhodes and DiBiase? Nothing came out of that monster push with DX, they didn't go into another program after DX. It's pretty lame if you asked me, they were on a roll!


...On recent writing/booking form, seeing the Priceless boys trickle straight back down the card after the DX & Legacy angles does/will not suprise me.

Hey, just like Punk 'retiring' Jeff, why capitalise on good heat? :roll:


Yup, WWE's booking at its finest. No build off the momentum of their feud with DX and no build off the teased tension between them and Orton.
What ever happened to them wanting to bring the WWE title to the group? That went out the window. Hell, when they walk out with Orton the thing reads "Randy Orton & Legacy"...some stable huh?
DX absolutely did not need to come out on top of that feud. DX should have taken the Breaking Point match with Legacy coming out on top at HIAC, instead of HHH's one man instant demolition of the team. After them beating on HBK for 45 minutes.
They never capitalized on the fact that Legacy could have been a title sweep stable, with Orton as WWE Champ and Ted/Cody as tag champs.


Given the set up with HBK in the HIAC, indeed as per above, i see no reason why they couldn't have gone over, BUT even if, as it stands, they did not come out on top they still came out of it looking great and like credible challengers... Something which is balatantly being wasted (They wouldn't have looked out of place AT ALL in a title match vs Cena given the story being told).

Shall we just add Ted & Cody to the list of 'nearly men' like MVP already....? :sigh:

Prob is that the way the Legacy story has been 'told' I don't see how they're gonna break out of the former-Orton Lackey role.... Almost like a modern day Virgil (Million Dollar Man's bodyguard and the only other Million Dollar Champion)? (Which is fucked up when you consider they're happy to give Ted a fucking movie within no time of being brought up to the main roster, but they won't push him beyond what is AT BEST a midcard role.)

I thought these two might get better treatment thanks to the 2nd/3rd Gen factor, but on evidence it's hard to conclude that Vince & Co have any more faith in them than any of the rest of the guys. Or is it that their one win against the mighty (not to mention middle-aged) DX should be enough to propell them for the rest of their career??? : pffffffffffffffffffffff : :roll:


Not to mention, if they are indeed going to go through with the rumored Teddy major face turn down the road they should be doing their best to build and push these guys as strongly as they possibly can right now. Cody honestly comes off as the natural heel of the two, so the split angle between them could easily cement both as main eventers in their own right.
I haven't seen any footage or anything but I hear Ted is greatly holding back compared to how he wrestled in FCW.


The big challenge will be to get the crowds to stay with Ted once he's moved on from the Legacy split. As already shown, both Ted & Cody got good receptions from the crowd in their 'matches' with Orton, BUT that's the Orton factor.

Dunno about ya'll, but if I was WWE target demographic in todays society I doubt I'd find myself getting behind a yes-man gimp like Rhodes or DiBiase... Maybe if Ted rocked the best promo's of all time and proceeded to actually go over Orton clean for the title, but at this juncture I feel like an utter moron for even considering such an outcome.


We haven't seen either of these guys in enough singles matches to know why we should give a flying fuck about either of them. All we've seen them do is their group kick/punch beat downs. And I understand they're making them wrestle like that intentionally to seem like vicious Orton proteges but it's really doing nothing for getting them over. How about some bad ass double team moves? Better finishers?


Don't forget his old patented match formula of dropkick, dropkick, dropkick, punch, kick, dropkick, DDT.


It seems as though we wont see anyone in the M-E for a while except for Orton, and Cena. Personally, I feel they need to do one of the two things with DX. If they are going to put them in the Title picture, set up a split/HHH heel turn or if they are going to keep them together, go after the tag titles. WWE doesnt have much of a tag division bt it has enough to suffice for right now (CT, THD, DX, Legacy, JeriShow, and Kozlov/Jackson). It looks like Kofi and Orton angle is done as well as MVP/Henry and Legacy after SS. So were back to square one. Many credible contenders in the upper mid card like Swagger, Kofi, MVP, Legacy (maybe just Ted), even Mark Henry(Heel)WWE is taking it in as they go without any real idea for any real direction for any of these super stars. RAW's upper mid card, and I cant stress this enough, is tooooooooooo heavy atm an WWE needs to choose and decide whos ready to step up and keep the M-E fresh. Its just a matter of whos first which I dont know myself.


I don't think it's possible for the mid card to be "too heavy". And I really don't see how it is. ATM it's pretty much just Miz, Swagger, Bourne and Kofi. Carlito and Primo have done jack since splitting up so I wouldn't really put them in any category at the moment. Guys who could potentially be in the mid-card are being wasted on stupid shit..Chavo, Masters, Primo, Carlito. So as of right now I'd have to say there really isn't enough depth in the RAW mid card if anything. I mean all the elements are there but they're just not using them. And World's Ballinest Men are essentially a tag team right now, so they're really going to have any singles matches I'd assume.


^^I was saying WWE needs to decide whether they want a heavy mid card considering breaking up the worlds ballinest men and legacy or do they want a smooth tag division with the teams listed in my previous post. The mid-card should be heavy. Look at Raw's roster. They have extremely talented guys from Master, Bourne, Kofi and Swagger, to even Santino, Chavo, and Carlito. They have no excuse not to have an interesting filled with entertanig matches. Theres just no excuse


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Charleston, South Carolina
Ted's Movie Marine 2 releases December 29th.

So if there going to do anything with DiBiase and Orton its going to happen right after Survivor Series. We could see DiBiase cost Orton the match against Team Kofi.


Anyone else remember when Legacy first got together, JR wrote on his blog something along the lines of "this story will have many twists and turns, some of which you'd have never expected"....

Now maybe it's just me, but this has been the most generic take on a faction storyline I can think of and struggle to think of of anything remotely resembling a 'twist in the tale'.

Said it before, but the highlight of ALL this Legacy shit was the double-cross on Cena the night that Dusty hosted Raw and Randy RKO'd him in front of Cody.