
I think that Ted Dibiase andCody Rhodes have really been put on the fast track to main eventing since teaming up. And they've done it without being in a stable, or anything like that, but wwe has really managed to push them in the right way.
Before teaming up, Cody was better known as CAWdy, and quite simply, noone gave a shit. But since then, he was given huge match and mic time, and look where he is now.
It seems WWE really wants these guys to be something, as even when they weren't over, wwe didn't give up and forget to push them like usual... They kept going with the push.
And for the past month and a half, they have been main eventing almost every Raw. At first, it was with JBL in their corner, but now, it seems, they are doing it by themselves...
Yes, they have help by facing Cena and Tista, but that doesn't mean TOO much. If they weren't over, they wouldn't be over, and we would know that. But they have done a good job pushing themselves with their improvign promos and ring work, and wwe has done a good job pushing them.
I think it's been one of the best executed pushes in recent memory for two new guys. Whatdo you think about the way they are being push? And when do you see them becoming legitamite main eventers, if they aren't already?
Before teaming up, Cody was better known as CAWdy, and quite simply, noone gave a shit. But since then, he was given huge match and mic time, and look where he is now.
It seems WWE really wants these guys to be something, as even when they weren't over, wwe didn't give up and forget to push them like usual... They kept going with the push.
And for the past month and a half, they have been main eventing almost every Raw. At first, it was with JBL in their corner, but now, it seems, they are doing it by themselves...
Yes, they have help by facing Cena and Tista, but that doesn't mean TOO much. If they weren't over, they wouldn't be over, and we would know that. But they have done a good job pushing themselves with their improvign promos and ring work, and wwe has done a good job pushing them.
I think it's been one of the best executed pushes in recent memory for two new guys. Whatdo you think about the way they are being push? And when do you see them becoming legitamite main eventers, if they aren't already?