On monday, Kaz, Daniels, and Doug put on one hell of a show. I started watching some of the early years of TNA and how they cherished and showcased the X Division as it's focal point. I was learning why Low-Ki, AJ Styles, and Jerry Lynn were called pioneers of the X Division. Then I look at today's TNA. A TNA that doesn't seem to give a damn about the guys that put them on the map. These guys are lucky to get one decent match in on iMPACT! They are lucky to get TV time. What has happened to this division? It went from a focal point and a unique entity in pro wrestling to something less than the cruiserweight division. Unappreciated by old school smarks that call them spot monkeys. Who cares? Last I remember, half of Sports Entertainment is Entertainment. Guys like Amazing Red, Generation Me, MCMG, might not be ground and pound smash mouth boring wrestlers like the ones the IWC boast, but they entertained the crowd. Dixie Carter IMO ruined this division. Bischoff claims to love this division yet it's still not getting the respect it deserves. Instead, I see two old fucks in a bloody pulp and a autistc "monster" crying all of the time. Pure fucking Pathetic.