Resident Evil General Discussion Thread

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That's Me!
Feb 13, 2021
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why the friggin frick arent they adding achievements :mad:

Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
Mar 7, 2019
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Alright so this was a dumb idea I had while talking with my brother regarding why R3make was disappointing, but this is my current thought on if I was in charge of the Resident Evil 3 remake:

I'd have let it sit in the oven for an extra year. Completely redo the opening segment of the game, with a prequel chapter where Jill walks the streets of Raccoon City right at the beginning of the outbreak, you can even have some characters from Outbreak showing up too, like Kevin Ryman (who knew all the STARS guys because he had been trying for over a year to get onto STARS) or Alyssa Ashcroft (who, because of her friendship with Ben Bertolucci in RE2, would have also been trying to get a scoop on what happened in the Mansion Incident and Umbrella's involvement). I'm not a big fan of the opening minutes of the game myself where they introduce Nemesis just plowing through Jill's apartment or what have you, I'd much rather have it start similar to OG3 with Jill's apartment building exploding on fire and her mad dash for an escape. She could escape to a factory where she meets up with Brad and Dario Rosso. Brad is badly injured already and warns Jill of a thing that's been chasing since the night before, and he slinks off, intending to get to the RPD. Dario Rosso on the other hand is more concerned about his daughter and refuses to leave the factory.

I'd make R3make much more a game about choices compared to RE2make and whatnot, but giving the player sub-tasks they can have Jill do that rewards the player with either better weapons or a better ending depending on the circumstances. I think with Dario Rosso, the player could have the ability to find Rosso's daughter and escort her back to the factory, where Dario Rosso will reward Jill be giving her an item (off the top of my head, it'd be the key to Dario's law office where some supplies are stashed). They're completely optional tasks that wouldn't take too much away from the game and seem like something Jill would do even while she's trying to escape the city, because honestly, Jill is that kind of person that would still help someone in need. So the first section of the game will be Jill running around the early portion of the game, NEMESIS is nowhere to be seen, and it's largely just Jill trying to figure out a way to get to the RPD with all the roads blocked off, it's where we get the nice set-piece of Jill acquiring a lighter and burning down a set of barricades that open up way to the RPD. Upon getting to the RPD, the main doors are locked from the inside, which means Jill can't get into the RPD without a set of keys. Of course, this is when Brad shows up, who is also distressed at the fact that the main doors are locked and there seems to be no other way into the police station. Suddenly, leaping from out of nowhere comes NEMESIS, who is just all business and puts a tentacle through Brad's skull, since he doesn't have the strength to resist NEMESIS because of his aforementioned injuries.

From here it becomes a cat-and-mouse endeavor, because NEMESIS isn't just Mr. X 2.0 where he'll just follow the player around while being unkillable. NEMESIS can be beaten, but he also will randomly disappear and reappear, messing with the player about his location and ambushing Jill in certain locations, like leaping through windows or breaking through previously inaccessible areas. The main portion of this part of the game involves fighting some of the fires that have been let loose in the area in order to find another entrance to the police station. The raison d'etre for Jill desperately trying to get to the police station is because she left her lockpicking kit there (much like in OG3); so she's intent on either finding an alternate route or a set of keys to unlock the main entrance. During this she also starts encountering corpses of the UBCS, who are not nearly as decimated like in OG3, but are also not in great shape because they are quickly losing ground.

I think by this point Jill would largely find a set of keys that granted her entrance to the RPD, but she's find them in a smaller Umbrella branch office, where a low level Umbrella employee could be found alive. By this point, Jill would have a choice, either leave him behind or bring him with her to the RPD, and to potential safety. The viability of this would depend on whether or not the player incapacitated NEMESIS before entering this area. If NEMESIS is still active, the employee is automatically slaughtered in a cutscene if you choose to bring him along. But if NEMESIS is not active, the employee will reward Jill with a weapon upgrade, either for the pistol, or for the shotgun. Of course, the player can also choose to leave the employee to his fate, but wouldn't do much.

Jill with/out the employee making it back to the RPD will trigger one of two separate cutscenes. Once inside, Jill will encounter members of the RPD (Kevin Ryman, Rita Phillips, Marvin Branagh, and Edward Elliot) and UBCS Alpha Platoon (Carlos Olivera, Mikhail Victor, Nicholai Zinovaef, Murphy Seeker, and Tyrell Patrick). They have been holed up in the RPD for a while with some surviving civilians, and have been discussing an attempt to meet up with the UBCS Delta Platoon at the Michael Warren Clock Tower Museum. Unfortunately, because of all the chaos on the streets, they haven't been able to find a path clear enough for them to make it. They tell Jill about the idea to use the Subway system to run survivors to the clock tower, where escape helicopters will take civilians out of the city, but Bravo Platoon, who was responsible for maintaining control of the Subway system, was largely wiped out before they could get power to the Subway system working. At this point, Jill volunteers to run over to the Raccoon City Power Plant and get the power diverted to the subway system, as well as bringing any survivors she encounters back to the RPD. While all this is also going on, Marvin Branagh states his intention to stay behind at the RPD to protect any other survivors who show up.

So while Jill is largely supposed to go to the power plant, she can also do another subtask and if she revisits the factory from the beginning of the game, she'll encounter Dario Rosso and his daughter being attacked (if the player doesn't find Dario's daughter, he's instead found already devoured by zombies). If Jill rescues them and escorts them successfully to the RPD, there won't be any bonuses, but the ending to the game may change. This section will also have NEMESIS be active again once you use your lockpicking tools on the gate that leads to City Hall (which by virtue will also lead to the power plant).

Stopping at a restaurant to gather a battery left behind to open up access to the power plant, Jill will encounter another UBCS officer, who is dying and slowly turning into a zombie. He begs to be killed, but Jill can't quite go through with it. Someone instead shoots the UBCS mercenary in the head, and it's revealed to be Nicholai, who coldly states that it had to be done. Jill can't believe that Nicholai would follow her, but he also points out that Carlos & Tyrell was also sent out to assist as best as he can while the others stay behind. Nicholai is less like the lighthearted asshole he is in R3make and I'd prefer him to be portrayed much more like his OG3 self.

Once Jill gets the battery that allows her to open access the power plant, but she also has to get through the Racoon City Newspaper building to also get to the power plant, and it's there where she encounters Carlos and Tyrell and the three have a conversation about why the UBCS even showed up in the first place. Their talk is cut short when NEMESIS plows through the building wall and viciously wounds Tyrell Patrick, leaving Carlos and Jill to fight him. This becomes the first required boss fight of the game, which is in the lobby of the news station.

When Carlos and Jill defeat NEMESIS, Tyrell is hurt badly and Carlos takes him back to the RPD to get first aid, and Jill moves on to the power plant. The Power Plant is where the Drain Deimos is introduced, but not made exclusive. The layout can be similar to how it is in RE3make, but prefer to have the DD akin to its OG3 version. Jill gets the power back on and makes a mad dash back to the RPD. With power to the Subway system restored, Jill and Carlos are tasked with securing the nearest subway station before the rest of the group arrives. They head down into the subway system and find one of the trains to be still operational, though the sewer is infested with wasps and giant ticks (like in Resident Evil Outreak). As they're clearing out these pests, they also discover how the UBCS Bravo Platoon was defeated, and Jill finds among the bodies a keycard that would unlock a staff area of the station, and from there, would find keys to start the subway train. Before Carlos can radio the rest of the group to bring them to the Subway, the ground begins to shake violently, like a tremor, which causes the floor beneath Jill to collapse and she falls into the sewer below. Jill manages to remain relatively unscathed, but Carlos calls from above that there's no way to reach her from up top. Carlos mentions that there should be a subway access tunnel from the sewer nearby, but isn't sure where.

The sewer section will introduce the Hunter Gammas, who are weaker version of the Hunter BOW line, and if Jill has the upgraded shotgun, can be one-shot. The sewer section involves releasing several pressure valves in different locations to raise a sewer bridge that leads to the access tunnel to the sewer. We also find out that there's a minor Umbrella lab in this sewer portion as well, where the Hunter Gammas were stored. At one point, when Jill arrives in a much larger area, the source of the tremors will reveal itself, a giant worm with nasty mandibles. Jill will fight the Grave Digger early on, and though doesn't kill it, does enough to make it flee.

Finally making it back up to the subway, Carlos calls for everyone to arrive, and we get all the survivors into the subway train. Several of the RPD and UBCS officers take the first train car, the second train car has most of the survivors (the Umbrella employee and Dario Rosso & daughter if all rescued), and the final car has Carlos, an injured Tyrell Patrick, Jill Valentine, and Mikhael Victor. The subway train is speeding towards its destination when suddenly the final car is ripped open by a returning NEMESIS, who is none too pleased with having been taken out by Jill and co. earlier. This threatens the train to become derailed, and Jill forces Carlos and Tyell to protect the civilians in the train ahead. Meanwhile Mikhael, who is in the midst of protecting Jill, is grabbed by NEMESIS and is about to be killed. Mikhael gets the last laugh by pulling the pin on a grenade and shoving it in NEMESIS's mouth. Mikhael is killed in the blast, but NEMESIS is also blown off the train thanks to it. Unfortunately, it also causes the last train car to decouple with the other two cars and derail, leaving Jill behind.

And that's just my idea for the first half of the game.