No... wait a minute now. You claim that the Daniels smiley won't be used. Well, I'd use it, Testify would as well since he's been claiming for a Daniels smiley for quite some time now, and Rain and GN have already said it was quality stuff and they'd use it as well. That's 4 people. On the other hand, the Neymar smiley is used solely by you, Jose, and occasionally Baraa, to make fun of me. That's 3 people. You deny the addition of the most popular smiley and keep the least used one in? Hypocrisy at its best. You have three options. Add the Daniels smiley. Remove the Neymar smiley. Or live the whole rest of your life knowing that a random guy in the internet said you were a hypocrite over two little images of people's faces... but with enough proof.
Your choice. @Crayo