Can someone explain what Stopspot and the other geezer are talking about in one sentence please.
Stopspot said:That's a situation that cannot be compared fully to this. That was a situation where neither person had full control of the situation nor can any of them be solely blamed. Punk complaining about not being booked goes more in line with his character and story so it is most likely planned.
Goodbad_Jester said:Just like Vince gave him the go to hit a fan right? :dawg:
Lacky said:Can someone explain what Stopspot and the other geezer are talking about in one sentence please.
Goodbad_Jester said:When is this dude not complaining and throwing shade at WWE?
They make him WWE champion for an entire year and this is how he pays them back by shitting on their product.
He seems like a real ungrateful mf like dude maybe if you brought in ratings they'd bother promoting your appearances.
Lets face it Punk will never be A rock or Stone cold. In 20 years from now he won't be remembered. He'll never make it into the HOF.
Vince should depush the douche and have him drop the title to Rock at the Rumble. Punk is giving WWE bad press.
Hitting fans,telling fans to kill themselves on twitter,calling fans homosexual names and now he's trashing WWE on twitter.
Wow just wow :facepalm:
Wacokid27 said:This Jester guy doesn't like Punk and makes sure everybody knows it (maybe if he showered? Really? A very grown-up thing to throw out there...."You are an unintelligent person." "Yeah, smell bad!"). Stop is defending Punk, saying his actions are in-character and part of a new way for heels to get heat using social media.
As to the OP, the story is now almost constant that "Superstar X has heat backstage with Vince/HHH/Laurinaitis". It may very well be kayfabe. It may also very well be Punk, Cena, or ADR who muttered, "Well, that was a dumb move," under his breath while passing a guy who sold the story to a dirtsheet who blew it out of proportion. Or, it could be that Punk, Cena, ADR, or all three have complained about portions of their characters/treatment/storylines/etc. Basically, it's a "nothing to see here" type of situation.
Oh, and just because somebody complains about things doesn't mean that they are disloyal or being disrspectul. Oftentimes, the only people who are complaining are the people who are trying to fix the problems while the people who don't care are sitting around quiet because it doesn't matter to them what happens.
leojay said:I don't think he's being ungrateful, I think he's giving constructive criticism.
I honestly find it strange how the IWC complain about how shit the product is every parting moment of their life, then hate on people like Punk for "shitting on their company" when he most likely has the same opinion as all of us but can make it heard by officials. Talk about idiocy.
Goodbad_Jester said:CM punk sucks he's an iwc darling. The only reason why you kids like him is because he's from the indies. Just :stfu: child.
Goodbad_Jester said:CM punk sucks he's an iwc darling. The only reason why you kids like him is because he's from the indies. Just :stfu: child.
Goodbad_Jester said:Yeah i don't like Punk because he's an arrogant ,rude ,botchy disrespectful little cunt who is ungrateful to all his defensive delusional smark fans have done to get his botchy arse to where he his today.
He can't draw worth shit,his in ring skills are overrated i'd put Zack ryder above his mediocre ring skills.
He's made the WWE title into a mid care title. The douche is simply unfit as WWE champion.
Now go along and fan boy some where else you defensive little snark. :finger:
LOL @ Kevin nash as your avi...that alone proves you're a band wagon smark.:
CM punk sucks he's an iwc darling. The only reason why you kids like him is because he's from the indies. Just :stfu: child.