I enjoyed both your stories, although I disagree with Drew winning the title, it was a good story nonetheless. I'll avoid a Brodus/Tensai story since that's already been covered. Would be awesome though.
A fatal 4-way is held on the Raw after ER between Ziggler, Santino, Brodus and Swagger. It turns into a 2 on 2 basically, then after Brodus and Santino face off. Brodus knocks down Santino, he's about to bounce off the ropes to hit his finisher but Ziggler and Swagger pull it down then get to work on him. They then start to beat down on Santino, then the usual procedure with the pin then falling out etc.
It then turns into a proper fatal 4 way between them all, at the end Swagger and Brodus are in the ring, Brodus about to beat him but then tensai comes out and destroys Brodus and locks in the claw, leaving him outside the ring - they then go on to have a fued for whatever reason. It breaks into a fight between Ziggler and Santino, Santino goes for Cobra, Ziggler hits Zig-Zag. Wins title.
The following weeks Ziggler cuts promos on how he's a proper US champion and not a joke like Santino. Then he beats Santino cleanly at Over the Limit.
The weeks after he cuts a promo in which he ditches Vickie, saying that he's doing fine on his own. He thanks her for her help though so he doesn't get cheers for it.
The next week Ziggler beats Santino again, after kicking out from a cobra. He then cuts a promo on how he will be unbeatable a US champion, then suddenly Rey Mysterio's music hit, Ziggler faces the tron, Mysterio kicks him from behind the gives him the 619. After this he holds up the title.
(Mysterio's return will have been used for a fued with Del Rio between ER and OTL, with Rey getting revenge for ADR injuring him.)
Rey comes out the next week cutting a promo on how he plans to win the title, Ziggler comes out to the ring and starts slagging him.
Next week as Rey is walking out to the ring for his match with Ziggler, Dolph then runs out and gives him a zig zag on the ramp, showing a more aggresive side.
At No Way Out Ziggler gets disqualified via Lowblow when Rey jumps for the second half of the 619, he retains the championship.
The next week Rey requests a rematch, Ziggler then goes onto say he won't give him a rematch because he's Mexican, and shouldn't be allowed to hold the US championship. Johnny agrees.
Next week Rey moans about not being allowed a rematch, Johnny gives him a chance. In a no DQ handicap vs Henry and Ziggler. Ziggler is in the ring dominating Rey. Then out of nowhere out comes Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez, Ricardo jumps and hits Henry who's on the apron, Henry then chases him backstage Del rio runs in and starts laying into Ziggler, Rey then kicks him into the ropes and beats him via 619. Rey and Del Rio stare at each other, Rey looking confused at what just happened.
Del Rio the next week explains his actions, saying that he did it for Mexico - cementing his face turn. Johnny then comes out and says that Del Rio will team with Rey tonight to face Ziggler and his partner of choice, who turns out to be Miz . Del Rio wins it for the team forcing Ziggler to tap.
Week after Johnny announces that at Money in the Bank it will now be a triple threat between Rey, Ziggler and the Miz, since he impressed him in the tag match. Rey then points out that Miz lost in the tag match, whereas the winner of the match ADR isn't added. Johnny then says if ADR can beat The Miz then he will get in - the stipulation, there is no DQ for the Miz, whereas there is DQ for ADR.
ADR wins against Miz after Miz removes the turnbuckle cover, picks up ADR to throw him off it, ADR slides off, pushes him off it and then forces him to tap via armbar. Ziggler comes out and hits him with the Zig Zag, saying "This is my title".
Ziggler goes on to win the F4W.
Ziggler then goes on to have a singles fued with Del Rio, with Del Rio eventually beating him. After that Del Rio can fued with Dean Ambrose who then goes on to win it and fued with Christian at 'Mania.
What's everyones thoughts on this?