It seems for some reason a lot of people don't like Roman Reigns. What did he do or not do to deserve this?
Bingo...we have a winner...He was pushed too hard too soon.
People only hate on Reigns cuz they are sheep. They like to follow what others do to feel like they fit in and are apart of some movement.
He was pushed too hard too soon.
Is it possible for someone other than an uneducated 12 year old touneducated 12 year olds will tell you that he sucks in the ring and on the mic and that they should push some vanilla midget to the top simply because "all the other people said he was great in the indies" and educated people will tell you that they picked the right guy, they just had bad luck because people wanted Bryan to win that 1 rumble.
While this might actually be true for some or even most of the people, it's as unfair to characterize everyone that dislikes Reigns as "sheep" as it would be if I claimed that the only reason you like him is because others dislike him and you feel a psychological need to be contrarian to that group. I could then defend that opinion based off the characteristics of your posts about Roman which reveal basic psychological traits of the contrarian, all evident in your posts. However, I don't personally know you more than interacting with you online. For the most part I actually like you quite a bit, in spite of the Roman obsession. So, even though my assessment (and if you want, I can go over an in depth diagnosis) would be scientifically sound, it would be unfair of me to state that this is your reason for liking Roman Reigns because YOU are the only person who can make that distinction, just like those of us who don't like him are the only ones who can decide for ourselves why we don't. Sweeping generalizations are almost always wrong.
This point has been made over and over and over and over and over and over but certain people keep ignoring it. A lot of the hate towards Reigns has nothing to do with him and everything to do with him being pushed before many fans think he is ready. Regardless, though, it's blatantly rude to discount the opinions of other people by referring to them as "sheep" simply because they dislike one of your favorite wrestlers. I personally find it very offensive. I have several times said exactly why I dislike him: the dumb vest, the overuse of the Superman punch, cocking his fist and roaring before the he spears.
So please don't group EVERYONE into the same group because I personally do not make my decisions off who or what I like due to other people's opinions. Hell, if I did, Jeff Jarrett wouldn't be my second favorite wrestler of all time because it seems that even Roman Reigns is more popular than he is.
BUT it was also thanks to the fans. What fans? These fans: Favorite member of the Shield When you look back in 2013, he was the favorite in The Shield and that is only ONE thread for example where Reigns was shown to be most liked. There are plenty others where people basically jiggle in his lap.
There are a few reasons really...
There is a leaching system in the WWE like many other businesses where it pays to be related to the right people. Roman Reigns being related to the Rock, the Usos, ect. helped him get his foot in the door A LOT faster than someone who knew no one or was related to no one who was previously in the WWE. Some fans find this utter BS because they can see how unfair it is to other wrestlers and they also see the differences in terms of treatment being upheld based on relation.
Another reason, as Botchie said, was down to him being pushed to hard to fast. The push he got was partially to do with his relations, I am sure, BUT it was also thanks to the fans. What fans? These fans: Favorite member of the Shield When you look back in 2013, he was the favorite in The Shield and that is only ONE thread for example where Reigns was shown to be most liked. There are plenty others where people basically jiggle in his lap.
And lastly, we all have someone we like to boo and for some people, that is Roman Reigns.