Every character is boring, aside from Lesnar and HHH. That's what happens when nobody gets across as authentic. It's hard to invest in anyone when the WWE doesn't let the wrestlers invest in themselves. They tried with Wyatt, but when he never wins it gets canceled out.
As for Austin's shoot, he's right. Rock would've never gotten over if they kept him as good guy Maivia. He needs to become a heel to get over as a face. Weird logic that when someone is bad and tells everyone to f themselves then they get cheered, but it works. Roman is more than capable to main event WM, he already has proven it. Sucks he's going to get booed, but WWE needs to cut their losses after that and turn him.
I'll never understand why they just didn't add the stip Shane & Vince had to Roman's match, though. Everyone loves Shane, and they probably would've cheered Roman by proxy. The crowd loves HHH, but they hate The Authority. They wouldn't have been as behind him as they're going to be.