Its the farthest thing from an RPG unless you count item collection to make you money to buy weapons an RPG. Its built with the GTAIV engine, which was built for free-roaming "sandbox" games. Its also the first Rockstar game to have nipples in it. There are cars in the game, it takes place around 1910. The multi-player lobby is incredibly innovative, it allows you to free reign to roam the land & pick off other players, take on gangs for experience (unlocks weapons and costumes) when not playing games. I loved GTAIV & find this to be even better than it & the bonus stories (Lost & Dead and Ballad of Gay Tony). GTAIV isn't overrated, it took gangster games to the next level and games similar to GTA are going to use it as a template for their games. Red Dead Redemption will for the same for Western games, the ones that have come out over the past decade sucked, except for Red Dead Revolver.