Saints Row 3 and 4 were utter shit, They were over the top and just not enjoyable after the first 30 minutes, Once you finished the campaign which itself was not good, Had a shit story, Had no emotion and just seemed so weird there was nothing to do, No side missions, A tiny "open world" and nothing to do in general, There was co op multiplayer which was just meh, It was fun for like 10 minutes and having 2 of the main character just made no sense, There was no real multiplayer and left me feeling like I had wasted my money. Saints Row 4 is the exact same as SR3 just with even more boring over the top crap with the same map, It was an expansion pack for 60 dollars or 40 pounds.
GTA 4 is overrated.
I hate people who judge a person and their intelligence based off of stuff on the internet.