First of all...All caps...
Anyways, at this point, it just feels like a worked shoot to get Roman over. I mean, there could be truth in that he is considering leaving to the UFC, and he has half-assed or phoned in a good chunk of his matches since the Goldberg stuff (except AJ Styles) but they're trying to do their damn best to present Roman as much as a good guy as they can and the only way to do it is to make Brock seem like an anti-WWE character and use his part-time status as a vehicle to advance the storyline. Will it work? Temporarily, maybe. But long-term, probably not. They want the crowd at least to finally cheer Roman's fourth attempt at a grand coronation for this year's Wrestlemania. So, to make the crowd legit hate Brock Lesnar by feeding into the criticisms the fans gave him to force them to cheer Roman by default isn't an insane idea. Once again, how it'd work is yet to be seen.