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Welcome to the RDT Vault. Over the past 23 years I have been exposed to Wrestling Forums and almost every single one of them I've attempted what we call here a BTB (I've called them Diaries. I've called them Compos). I have a lot of these still backed up on my computer and I figure, "why not post them". These will just be random shows, mostly PPV (PLE?) events I've written over time. I hope you all enjoy them. I'll likely post a show a month.
This first entry was written somewhere from 2015-2017, I just don't exactly remember when. I was fascinated with the potential of the WWE 2002 roster right after Wrestlemania X8. The mix of superstar veterans (Austin, Rock, Hogan, HHH, Nash, Angle, Undertaker, Flair, Jericho), guys looking for one more run (Mr. Perfect), blue chippers looking upwards (Edge, Christian, RVD) and a lot of strong pieces on the roster that I just didn't create a category for right now (Booker T, Kane). I didn't get past Backlash 2002. Here is Backlash 2002 though. I don't quite recall the storylines that got us to this show, but it should still be a fun read. This is when I used EWR to track, we we get some ratings too!


Sunday Night HeAt Backlash Pre-Show

WWF Hardcore Championship
Raven (c) vs. Rhyno vs. Tommy Dreamer

Raven of course brings his shopping cart full of weapons with him and goes right at Rhyno with a cookie sheet. Dreamer spins Raven around and drops him with a DDT. Cover, 1…Rhyno breaks it up. Rhyno tosses Raven over the top rope. Dreamer tries to take out Rhyno with punches and kicks, but no effect on Rhyno! Rhyno levels Dreamer with a hard hooking clothesline. Rhyno looks to end it early with a GORE on Dreamer…but Raven pulls his feet from the outside and sends him crotch first into the ringpost! Raven’s in now and he whips Dreamer into the corner. Avalanche splash into a bulldog headlock from Raven! Cover, 1…2…Dreamer kicks out. Raven takes another cookie sheet and fakes to hit Dreamer before hitting Rhyno. Raven goes for the Raven Effect DDT, but Rhyno counters and sends Raven over the top rope. Rhyno follows this time and posts Raven! Rhyno beats the crap out of Raven all over the outside, culminating with Rhyno slamming Raven’s shopping cart over his back! Dreamer’s out there now with a garbage can lid and nails Rhyno! Dreamer covers Raven on the floor, 1…2…kickout from Raven. He tries to cover Rhyno but Rhyno powers out. Dreamer brings Rhyno back in but Raven knocks Dreamer down with the garbage can lid again. Raven takes a fire extinguisher with him. As soon as Raven re-enters the ring, Rhyno goes for the GORE but Raven uses the extinguisher to blind Rhyno and cause him to lose all momentum. Raven with the roll-up…1…2…Rhyno just escapes. Raven takes a chair and wedges it between the top and second turnbuckles. Dreamer comes back in and nails Raven in the back of the head and then hits a 2nd DDT. 1…2..another kickout from Raven. Dreamer sets Raven up on the top rope to prepare for a superplex…but Rhyno comes from behind Dreamer. Rhyno powerbombs Dreamer off the top and Dreamer holds Raven for the suplex! All three men are down but Rhyno’s the first up. Rhyno gets the crowd revved up…GORE time! Rhyno runs by Raven shoves Dreamer out of the way and Rhyno ends up GORING the steel chair in the corner. Raven shoves Rhyno out of the ring then plants Dreamer with the Raven Effect DDT on a cookie sheet. 1…2…3! Raven retains!

Winner: Raven when he pinned Dreamer in 9:45 (Retains)
Overall: 76%
Crowd Reaction: 75%
Match Quality: 77%

Backlash 2002
April 21, 2002

Kansas City, MO

Good ol’ JR and Jerry Lawler
introduce us to Backlash! Who will win the war between the WWF and the nWo, and who will walk out of Kansas City as WWF Champion?

Tajiri and Ultimo Dragon vs. The Hurricane and ???

The Hurricane gets into the ring and as he’s about to announce his partner…Tajiri and the Dragon attack. It doesn’t take long as the crowd sees the name on the titantron…it’s Rey Mysterio Jr.! Rey Mysterio Jr. has made his WWF debut here at Backlash! Springboard hurricnrana to Tajiri! Mysterio hits a flying headscissors on Tajiri as well. Mysterio and the Dragon face off in the ring before the referee tells each to go into a neutral corner for the tag match. Hurricane and Tajiri do some good wrestling and Hurricane even gets in a good leapfrog. Hurricane poses, but he ends up running into a karate kick from Tajiri to the face. Tajiri tags in the Ultimo Dragon. Dragon screw on the leg of the Hurricane. Dragon works on the leg of the Hurricane, as Hurricane tries to get to his corner to tag in Rey. Dragon with some hard spin kicks to the midsection of Hurricane. Dragon comes off the ropes with a springboard moonsault that rolls up Hurricane, 1…2…no, kick out from the Hurricane. Hurricane comes out with a dropkick! Dragon tags in Tajiri as Hurricane gets close to Rey…but Tajiri drags him back toward the middle. Hurricane tries to fight out. Tajiri goes for the Green Mist…but Hurricane ducks and Tajiri gets the Dragon! Tajiri’s distracted as The Hurricane tags in Rey Mysterio Jr.! Flying headscissors to Tajiri! Mysterio gets a wastelock that Tajiri counters. Tajiri goes for a German suplex…but Mysterio lands on his feet. Tajiri is a step ahead though and gets Mysterio good with a kick to the face. Tajiri goes for the Tarantula, but Mysterio escapes before he can get it on. Tajiri goes for a roundhouse kick but misses. Rey dropkicks Tajiri into the ropes…here comes Rey as he debuts the 619! Rey follows with the West Coast Pop into a pin, 1…2…3! Rey Mysterio Jr. is in the WWF and has pinned the Cruiserweight Champion! On the outside the Ultimo Dragon admonishes Tajiri for the missed Mist.

Winners: The Hurricane and Rey Mysterio Jr. when Rey pinned Tajiri in 7:43.
Overall: 81%
Crowd Reaction: 72%
Match Quality: 91%


Edge and Christian vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page

Interestingly, Edge and Christian come out separately.

Match starts with Christian and Booker. Booker and Christian lock up. Booker has the advantage early hitting some chops. Christian is quick to take back control though and backdrops Booker. Booker looks to tag in Page, but Page tells Booker to stick with it. Christian gets the advantage again and tags in Edge. Edge hits a dropkick then hits the winning edge for a two count. Booker again backs away from Edge and tries to tag in DDP, but once again DDP tells Booker to keep trying. Edge dropkicks Booker into Page, knocking Page off the apron. Edge and Christian hit Booker with a double dropkick. They go for a double suplex, but Booker starts to fight out and hits both with Harlem Sidekicks. Edge and Christian easily retake the advantage and hit a double flapjack. Edge goes for the Edge-O-Cution but Booker T fights out and hits Edge with a kick to the face. On the outside although the referee doesn’t see it, DDP whallops Christian in the head with the ring bell and then drops him with the Diamond Cutter on the floor. DDP slides in and takes Edge out with the ring bell, causing the disqualification. Booker T begins to argue with Page about why he did that, and Page tells Booker that he isn’t ready yet. Page sets Edge up for the Diamond Cutter but Booker breaks it up again to confront Page about what he just did. Page drops Booker with the Diamond Cutter! Page leaves yelling to the camera that “Booker should have listened”.

Winners: Edge and Christian in 4:22 by DQ
Overall: 83%
Crowd Reaction: 85%
Match Quality: 81%


Intercontinental Title vs. European Title Match
Rob Van Dam (IC Champ) vs. William Regal (European Champ)

Both championships on the line here. They lock up and Regal gets a headlock to start. RVS sends Regal off the ropes but Regal comes back and knocks RVD with a shoulder tackle. Elbow and a quick cover for two. Regal sends RVD into the corner, but when he follows RVD leaps over him. RVD with a kick but it’s blocked by Regal. RVD tries to spinkick with the other leg but Regal catches him and folds him up like an accordion with suplex. 1…2…another two count from Regal. RVD tries to escape to the outside but Regal is on him. Regal slams RVD’s face on the apron. It has been all Regal so far. Regal brings it back into the ring and gets another two count. Regal locks RVD in selfchoke headlock. Regal wears down RVD, then follows with a snapmare and a quick knee drop. RVD busts out a small package out of nowhere, 1…2…Regal breaks free and sends RVD to the outside once again. RVD turns the tide and is able to send Regal face first into the ring post. RVD then front suplexes Regal on the barricade. RVD off the apron, twisting legdrop on Regal on the barricade! RVD sends Regal back in. He hits some kicks and some punches and then a slam. Rolling Thunder…no…Regal gets his knees up. Regal gets a double underhook suplex. 1…2…RVD shows how resilient he can be with a kickout. Regal wears RVD once again with a chinlock, but RVD gets back into a standing position and it able to do a split kick to break free. Spinning heel kick from RVD! This time RVD gets Rolling Thunder! 1…2…Regal just kicks out! Referee pushes back RVD a bit…but wait a minute, Regal just pulled those brass knucks from his tights! He swings but RVD ducks and kicks the knucks off Regal’s hand! RVD off the ropes but a big elbow from Regal. Regal goes for the Regal Stretch but RVD fights out of it and gets to the ropes. Regal goes for another underhook suplex, but RVD backdrops Regal out of it. RVD sends Regal into the corner…then comes at him with a monkey flip! Cover, 1…2…Regal just escapes. RVD up top, flying kick knocks down Regal! RVD goes back to the top rope but the Regal shoves the referee into the ropes crotching RVD. Regal meets RVD up top and tries to suplex him off, but RVD gets some shots and Regal goes flying off the top. Here it comes…Five Star Frog Splash! RVD obviously hurt himself…but he gets the cover, 1…2…3! Rob Van Dam has unified the titles!

Winner: Rob Van Dam by pin in 10:56 (Wins the European Title)
Overall: 77%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality:75%


WWF World Tag Team Championship: Tables Match
APA (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz

Gotta get both guys through a table. Big brawling in the middle of the ring between all four guys. The Dudleyz gain control and send Bradshaw to the outside. Bubba slams Faarooq and D-Von is on the to prope…flying headbutt connects! Bubba tries to splash Faarooq from the second rope but Bradshaw drags his partner to safety. Bradshaw boots D-Von over the top rope as Faarooq gets a table. Faarooq grabs D-Von and is about to slam him through the table but Bubba shoves the table away just in time. Bubba and Bradshaw go at it with rights and lefts once again. Faarooq sends D-Von off the ropes and slams him with the angry man spinebuster! The APA prepare to double spinebuster Bubba through the table, but Bubba is able to fight out of it with some punches and gets through the ropes and out of the ring. Bradshaw and Bubba brawl on the outside. Faarooq sets up the table and then sets up D-Von. Faarooq sends D-Von through the table with a vicious Dominator! That’s one Dudley down! Bubba smacks Bradshaw on the outside with a chair before ringing his own table in. He smashes Faarooq in the head with the same chair. Bubba sets Faarooq on the table and then climbs to the top rope…big senton through the table through Faarooq! Down to Bradshaw and Bubba now! Bubba and a slow to get up D-Von pound away on Bradshaw, but Bradshaw fights back and takes out D-Von with the Clothesline From Hell! Bubba thought takes Bradshaw down with a chair shot. He sets up the table…but here comes the former (maybe) Dutchess of Dudleyville…Stacy Keibler! We haven’t seen Stacy in weeks! Bubba sees her and Stacy gives him a nice view of perhaps the greatest ass in wrestling history! Bubba is mesmerized! Bradshaw uses this time to set up a table. Bradshaw boots Bubba and powerbombs him through, winning the match! The APA leave with Stacy!

Winners: The APA in 7:55 (Retains)
Overall: 77%
Crowd Reaction: 72%
Match Quality: 83%


#1 Contender to the WWF Championship
The Undertaker vs. Kane

Undertaker starts right rights and lefts…but they have no effect on Kane who fires back with huge right and lefts that clearly stagger Taker. Kane tosses Taker into a corner and continues to beat the hell out of him with more right and lefts. Kane whips Taker…well Taker reverse and Kane slams into the corner. Taker charges but Kane fires an elbow that again staggers the Undertaker. Kane charges at Taker but Taker staggers Kane with a big boot and a clothesline over the top rope. Kane lands on his feet and drags Undertaker out. More hard shots including a vicious haymaker. They keep brawling but Taker lands a low blow. Taker slames Kane into the steel steps and then rams him straight into the ringpost. Taker chokes Kane with a TV cord before sending him back to the ring. Undertaker now beats Kane down with big lefts and rights. Undertaker then locks in the Taker Care of Business….the Dragon Sleeper! Kane tries to fight out…but Taker holds on trying to get his brother to submit for the first time. Kane eventually uses all his strength and actually picks up Undertaker and gets in a standing position. Kane tries the Tombstone right there, but Taker is able to shift his weight and both mean collapse onto the canvas. Kane goes back to the big fists, but Taker is able to get onto the apron and hang Kane on the top rope. Taker goes for the cover with a foot on the rope, 1…2…Kane kicks out anyway. Undertaker locks in a leg grapevine, trying to take out the legs of his brother. Kane tries to fight out, but Taker really synches it in. Undertaker slams Kane then hits a huge legdrop, 1…2…kickout from Kane. Undertaker comes off the ropes and goes for the Flying Clothesline, but Kane ducks and Taker crashes to the canvas. Kane regains control with a big one arm bodyslam to the Undertaker. Cover, 1…2…Taker kicks out. Kane hits a big sidewalk slam. Another cover, 1…2…another Undertaker kick out. Kane shows some frustration and calls for the chokeslam, but Undertaker breaks out of the choke and hits a back suplex. Both Kane and Taker do an old school sit up at the same time! They come off the ropes and knock each other down with a double big boot! This time it is only Kane who sits up! Kane heads to the top rope. Flying clothesline misses as Taker pulls the referee in his way! Referee goes flying! Undertaker hits another low blow and then goes to the outside to get a steel chair. He puts it in the ring before going by his bike to get something. Ric Flair runs down but Taker sees him and levels him! Taker has some kind of sand or something to which he says on camera “this will burn his eyes like I burned his face!” Taker gets in the ring and waits for Kane to get up from the low blow. Flair gets a chair from ringside and gets in the ring as well. Taker throws the sand, but Kane ducks and Flair takes the sand right in the eyes! Flair violently swings the chair and accidentally whacks Kane right in the face! Taker takes the first chair and smashes Flair over the head! Taker the hits Kane with a great shot as well. Big time chokeslam and the referee has regained consciousness…1…2…3! Undertaker has the title shot!

Winner: The Undertaker by pin at 14:43.
Overall: 84%
Crowd Reaction: 85%
Match Quality: 83%


No DQ Six Man Tag Team Match
The nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Big Show) w/Eric Bischoff vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Match starts with all six men being face to face inside the ring before they all come to blows! Hogan and Show, Austin and Hall, Rock and Nash all going at it! Ring ends up with Austin and Hall and Austin stomps a mudhole in him! Nash comes from behind but Austin gets the chance to stomp a mudhole in him as well! Big Show on the outside slams Rock into the barricade and then trades rights and lefts with Hogan. Hall gets a low blow and the Outsiders go to work on Austin, with Nash choking Austin out with his boot. Hogan gets back in and hits Nash with some right hands. Big clothesline knocks Hall down. Big Show’s back in and a clothesline takes down Hogan. The Rock follows Big Show and lays the smackdown with big right hands. Rock nearly knocks the big monster down with a clothesline. Austin and Rock begin to double team the Big Show and they double clothesline him to the outside. Kevin Nash takes Austin out with a big boot and then knees Rock in the gut before hitting a massive sidewalk slam. Cover, 1…2...Rock kicks out and Hogan’s there anyway. Hogan slams Nash! Suddenly X-Pac jumps into the ring from the crowd and gets Hogan with a jumping spinkick. X-Pac stomps away on Hogan before Austin comes back in and hits him with the Stone Cold Stunner! Big Show is in as well and a big headbutt knocks Austin right down. Big Show sets Austin up for the chokeslam but the Rock breaks it up with a big clothesline to the Big Show. Hall is on the outside with Hogan and chokes him with the TV cord. Hall punches Hogan down before getting back into the ring. Hall and Rock go at one another with huge right hands before Nash just takes Rock out with a steel chair shot to the back. Nash tries to hit Austin but Austin ducks and nails Nash. Nash drops the chair and Austin gets a good shot at Nash! Austin prepares for the Stunner…but Eric Bischoff gets on the apron. Austin grabs him but Big Show nails Austin from behind and knocks him over the top rope and onto the floor. Big Show grabs The Rock. Big chokeslam! Cover, 1…2…Rock kicks out! Show goes for the chokeslam again, but Rock low bridges him. The Rock actually gets Big Show up for a spinebuster! Here it comes. The Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment Today…People’s Elbow…no, the hell…that’s Mr. Perfect and he just tripped up and dragged The Rock out of the ring! Hogan is in there with the Big Show as Rock fights Perfect on the outside. The Big Show gets to his feet…and Hogan picks him up and slams him! Hogan off the ropes…big legdrop! 1…2….Scott Hall just gets there to break it up! Hogan fights Hall, but Nash nails Hogan in the back with a chair. Austin is behind Nash though….Stone Cold Stunner to Nash! Hall swings at Austin but he ducks! Boot…Stun…no, Hall pushes off and boots Austin himself. Here it comes…Outsider’s Edge! Hall has him up but Austin slides out and lands on his feet…Stunner to Hall! Hall somehow is still on his feet…so Austin stunners him again! Hall goes flying. Cover, but that damn X-Pac is back in and breaks it up. Austin drags X-Pac to the outside and beats the hell out of him. Menawhile the Rock is back in after taking out Perfect. The Big Show is still out of it and The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom…but Big Show powers out and hits a roundhouse kick that takes the Rock down. At this time Shane McMahon comes down to ringside as well. Hogan hits The Show with a giant clothesline that knocks him down. Now wait…it seems like he’s teasing dropping the big leg on The Rock. As he looks like he’s about to he nails Nash who was getting into the ring! Hogan, Nash and Perfect all fight on the outside of the ring…and then through the entrance way. Austin has disposed of X-Pac and gets back into the ring as well…but this time Scott Hall drops him with a Scott Hall Stunner! Cover, 1…2…Austin kicks out! Hall goes for it again but Austin counters and The Rock catches Hall…Rock Bottom! Big Show from behind, but Austin and Rock begin to double team him with punches! Big Show misses a double clothesline…and Austin gets him with a Stunner! Big Show doesn’t go down, but instead staggers around the ring…and right into a Rock Bottom! Eric Bischoff gets on the ring apron again…but Shane McMahon pulls him down and knocks him out! The Rock this time gets a chance to do it correctly…People’s Elbow on the Big Show! Cover, 1…2…3! The Rock, Austin and Hogan beat the nWo! Austin, Rock and Shane end up celebrating and drinking some beers!

Winners: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Hollywood Hulk Hogan when Rock pinned Big Show in 20:59
Overall: 80%
Crowd Reaction: 89%
Match Quality: 60%

Suddenly, Shane McMahon stops celebrating with Steve Austin and The Rock…and gives them a look as if they are about to go down. Rock and Austin realize it when suddenly four men from the crowd come into the ring and attack Rock and Austin! On commentary JR identifies them as Ohio Valley Wrestling’s Brock Lesnar, Dave Batista, Randy Orton and John Cena! Rock and Austin try to fight them off but the numbers and fatigue is too much for them. Cena drills Rock with a Death Valley Driver and Orton his Austin with a Full Nelson Slam. On the outside Lesnar takes the nWo's Big Show and lifts him on his shoulders…and does a move called the F5 through the Spanish announcer table! Scott Hall takes X-Pac with him and thinks about confronting Batista…but decides to gets out these four men’s way. Batista gets in the ring and violently Demon Bombs Austin to the canvas. Cena and Orton then spike piledriver Rock before Hollywood Hulk Hogan comes back down. Brock Lesnar dares Hogan to come to the ring but Shane McMahon holds him back. McMahon calls for Batista, Cena, Orton and Lesnar to leave through the crowd. Hogan looks at the fallen Rock and Austin and calls for officials to help each back to the locker room. Shane McMahon promised something shocking…and he surely delivered!

Overall: 90%


WWF Undisputed World Championship: Triple-Threat Match
Triple H (c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho and Angle try to double team Triple H first…but HHH knows it’s coming and knocks them both down with beg right hands. Big clothesline knocks Jericho down. HHH tosses Angle over the top rope and then sends Jericho over the top right onto him before taunting and getting the crowd into it. HHH to the outside. He stalkes Jericho and sends him up the ramp with some big punches. Angle attacks the Game from behind but gets a big right hand for his trouble. HHH goes to Pedigree Angle on the ramp…but Angle backdrops him. Angle then sends HHH hard into the barricade. Angle brings HHH back into the ring. German suplex! 1…2…HHH kicks out. Angle gets a fireman carry and then sends HHH into the corner and hammers away on him. Overhead belly to belly suplex! Angle with the cover, 1…2…Jericho is able to run down and pull Angle off just in time. Jericho and Angle argue for a bit before Angle sees HHH get to his feet. Angle runs at HHH but HHH moves and Angle slams into the ring post and falls to the floor. HHH takes Jericho out with a high knee. HHH pounds away on Jericho, but when he tries the high knee again Jericho counters and tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho! HHH powers out though. Jericho hits HHH with a standing enzigiri which takes down the Game. Jericho tries the one foot on the chest pin and gets a one count as HHH angrily shoves the foot away. Jericho keeps the pressure on and he stomps away on HHH. Jericho hits a bulldog on HHH…Lionsault follows! 1…2…Angle pulls Jericho off. Jericho and Angle argue again and Angle levels Jericho! Angle stomps away on Jericho before HHH rolls Angle up, 1…2...kickout from Angle! HHH comes off the ropes and ducks the clothesline. Angle goes for the backdrop but HHH stops and nails a knee to the face. HHH props Angle in the corner and then begins to punch him and the crowd counts along, 1…2…3…4…5…Jericho nails HHH with his springboard dropkick sending the Game over the top rope and onto the floor. Jericho chops away at Angle. Jericho goes for the dropkick but Angle counters and almost gets the Ankle Lock locked in…but Jericho fights out. Angle runs at Jericho but Jericho does a double leg takedown and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Angle fights out and turns it back into his Ankle Lock! Jericho looks like he’s about to tap before HHH breaks the hold up. HHH sends Angle flying to the outside. HHH goes for the Pedigree on Jericho, but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho! HHH looks as if he’s about to tap…but he does manage to get to the bottom rope. Jericho decides his next move is to set HHH up for the Pedigree…but HHH counters with a backdrop. Angle comes in with a sledgehammer! HHH sees that and knocks him down before we can use it. Low blow by Jericho on HHH. Jericho then Pedigrees HHH! 1…2…Angle just breaks it up. Angle Slam to Jericho! Cover, 1…2…and now HHH is able to just break it up. Pedigree on Angle…no...Angle backdrops HHH before he can complete the move. Angle goes back and picks up the sledgehammer. He goes to hit HHH…but HHH ducks and Angle nails Jericho! Angle tries to hit HHH again but misses. HHH takes the sledgehammer from him and takes Angle out with it, sending Angle over the top rope! HHH picks up the out like a light Jericho…Pedigree! 1…2…3!

Winner: Triple H in 15:02 when he pinned Jericho (Retains)
Overall: 87%
Crowd Reaction: 90%
Match Quality: 82%

Overall Show: 82%
Last edited:


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The following was a PPV in a three-way split I was involved in. I would put the time of posting at around....2014?

WWE Night of Champions
January 17, 1999
New York, NY

“Hello. I, Vince McMahon, welcome you to WWE Night of Champions, our very first Pay-Per-View event in the World Wrestling Elite era. I have a few announcements regarding some of the advertised performers on this show. If you tuned into our Thunder program you saw that Mankind was taken to jail in Baltimore. As a result he is unable to compete in tonight’s WWE World Championship main event. I am pleased to announce though that my son, Shane McMahon is in fact here (Shane comes into the camera shot with his head bandaged up) and will assist me tonight in our main event matches. Furthermore…

There’s a knock….and Stacy Hancock enters Mr. McMahon’s office.

“Hello Mr. McMahon. I just received this from the Board of Directors and I was told to deliver it you promptly.”

Mr. McMahon opens the package and reads to himself.

“You’re telling me that not only did the Board have Mankind released from jail…but that he’s competing for the World Title tonight?!”

“Also Mr. McMahon…that match is now a No Disqualification Match.”

“Get ou….thank…thank you Stacy.”

Stacy leaves…but another knock on the door irritates McMahon.

“Who is it now damnit. I said who….”

The Rock walks in.

“Hello Rock.”

“Let the Rock admit something. The Rock is a little unhappy…no, scratch that…the Rock is pissed off that you hit him with a chair on Thursday Night.”

“It was an accident Rock I assure you. I…”

“Look Vince, listen. The Rock gets that. The Rock appreciates being the Corporate Champion and is planning on obtaining the physical belt to do prove it tonight. But you know the last two months, The Rock has been criticized about not being able to win the title on his own. The Rock is angry, yes. But the Rock has something to prove. Tonight, The Rock wants to win the WWE Corporate Championship belt….on his own. The Rock needs to beat Mankind on his own. The Rock needs to beat Ric Flair on his own. The Rock is fully prepared to take both of those jabronis and take them down to Smackdown Boulevard!”

“But Rock…why risk it? Why not have us as insur…”

“Vince, I appreciate what you have done for the Rock. But this is the way The Rock has to get this done. If ya smell what the Rock is cookin.”

Rock leaves a frustrated Vince in his office as we get to the ring!

Overall: 94%

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Round 1
Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Scott “Too Hot” Taylor vs. Super Crazy

In a funny way to start, Scott Taylor is dancing in the middle of the ring as Eddie, Chavo and Crazy all look at him. All three attack Taylor. Chavo hits the Tornado DDT, Eddie hits a Frog Splash and Crazy hits a spring board moonsault for the 1…2…3. (Super Crazy eliminated Scott Taylor in 0:42). Eddie quickly realizes it will be him against Chavo and Crazy here, and he shoves Chavo out of the ring. Super Crazy gets some punches in and a kick. Eddie gets control though with a snapmare. Eddie continues to outwrestle Crazy before Chavo gets back in and dropkicks Eddie. Chavo hits Eddie with a suplex and Super Crazy hits a springboard moonsault for 1…2…just two, kick out from Eddie. Chavo heads to the top rope but Eddie shoves Crazy into the ropes, crotching Chavo. Eddie hits Crazy with a brainbuster, 1…2…3! (Eddie Guerrero eliminated Super Crazy in 4:01). Chavo comes off the top rope with a dropkick and nails Eddie! Eddie backs up in the corner then gets on his knees, begging Chavo off and offering a handshake. Chavo takes it…and ducks the Eddie clothesline! Chavo hits another dropkick. Chavo goes for the Tornado DDT, but Eddie counters by shoving Chavo off in midair. Eddie then goes for Chavo’s move, the Tornado DDT…and hits! 1…2…Chavo kicks out! Eddie suplexes Chavo then heads to the top rope…Frog Splash misses! Chavo heads to the top rope and hits Eddie with his own finisher…the Frog Splash! 1…2…Eddie just kicks out. Chavo complains to the ref that it was three, but doesn’t get it. Chavo rolls Eddie into a small package…but Eddie uses the tights to reverse it…1…2…3! Eddie wins!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero by pin in 8:22.
Overall: 72%
Crowd Reaction: 56%
Match Quality: 88%

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Little Guido w/Big Daddy Vincenzo vs. Nova vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

All four men start in neutral corners…and Rey and Nova attack Guido and Tajiri to begin. Nova sends Guido over the top rope and hits Guido with a dive to the outside. Big Daddy Vincenzo attacks Nova though…and the referee sends Big Daddy to the back! Tajiri also sends Rey over the top rope. Rey, Nova and Guido get into a small brawl and Tajiri hits all three of them with a springboard Asai Moonsault! Tajiri sends Nova back into the ring and sets him up for the tree of woe…and dropkicks him right in the face! Rey’s back in though…springboard hurricanrana to Tajiri…1…2…3! (Rey Mysterio eliminated Tajiri in 3:02). Guido gets back into the ring and Mysterio goes for another springboard hurricanrana…but Guido catches him and plants him with a powerbomb! 1…2…Rey kicks out. Nova dropkicks Guido and goes for the Kryptonite Krunch..only Guido counters and turns it into the Sicilian Slice (springboard arm DDT). Guido locks in the Fujiwara Armbar….and Nova submits. (Little Guido eliminated Nova in 4:23). Guido stomps away on Mysterio. Guido goes for a powerbomb but Rey rolls though…1…2…kickout. Guido goes for another powerbomb, but this time Rey turns it into a hurricanrana for the pin, 1…2…Guido kicks out. Rey goes up top, moonsault connects! 1…2…Guido kicks out again. Mysterio this time locks his arms behind Guido for a hard hitting sunset flip, 1…2…3! Rey wins and will face Eddie Guerrero later on tonight!

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. by pin in 7:41.
Overall: 71%
Crowd Reaction: 56%
Match Quality: 87%

WWE World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1
The Dudley Boyz vs. Harlem Heat

Four way brawl early on that ends up with D-Von and Stevie Ray in the ring. Stevie Ray pounds away n D-Von before hitting a big sidekick. Tag to Booker, Stevie Ray holds up D-Von and Booker T hits a sidekick. D-Von tries to fight back, but Booker takes him out with a flying clothesline. Cover, 1…2..no, D-Von kicks out and gets a low blow! Tag to Bubba Dudley. Bubba hits some hard forarms then hits a the Bubba Bomb! Cover, 1…2…kickout from Booker T! Bubba off the ropes, but Booker takes him out with a Harlem Sidekick! Tag to Stevie Ray. Stevie Ray slams Bubba and goes for the cover, 1…2…kickout from Bubba Ray. Booker’s back in. He kicks Bubba Ray and comes off the ropes…Scissors Kick! Booker goes for the Spinarooni….wait aminute! Stevie Ray just leveled Booker T! Stevie Ray is beating the hell out of his brother! “I told you that you needed to toughen up sucka”. Stevie Ray nails the Slapjack and leaves Booker lying in the ring! The Dudley Boyz come in and pound away on Booker. Double hangman’s neckbreaker, 1…2…Booker T somehow kicks out! The Dudleyz are surprised. They go for 3D..but Booker rolls D-Von up, 1…2…no, Bubba breaks it up. Bubba sets Booker up and powerbombs him hard into the canvas. They go for the 3D….and this time plant Booker in the middle of the ring. 1…2…3. Why has Stevie Ray abandoned his brother?

Winners: The Dudley Boyz in 7:32 when Bubba pinned Booker.
Overall: 85%
Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: 87%

WWE World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1
Steve Corino and Rhino vs. Sabu and Taz

Corino and Rhino beat the hell out of Sabu before Taz even gets to the ring! Taz gets in and belly to belly Tazplexes Rhino! Corino ducks out of the ring as Rhino actually gets to his feet. Both Taz and Rhino slug it out. The referee tries to stop them….so Rhino and Taz double hiptoss the referee! Moments later Sabu has a chair and throws it at Rhino! Corino gets in the ring and yells at both Sabu and Taz…”That should be a DQ! There are no weapons in this match! Where’s the ref? Where’s the ref?” This distracts Sabu and Taz enough that they turn into a double GORE by Rhino! Corino, ever the hypocrite, gets a chair and smashes Sabu over the head. Rhino dumps Taz to the outside as they continue to work on Sabu. Still no referee. Rhino goes on the outside and sets up a table. Sabu fires back at Corino…but Rhino drags him to the outside and hits a belly to belly suplex! Steve Corino gets on the mic in the middle of the ring.

“Do you see this? Does this make you happy? Does me using a chair make you people want to cheer? If I need to use hardcore to end hardcore then so be it. I…”

Taz comes from behind and locks Corino in the Taz-mission! Corino taps out…but we still don’t have a referee! Rhino runs in to break up the hold. Rhino stomps away at Taz, but Taz catches one of the stomps and takes Rhino down and ends up crossface punching him. Taz with a chair…bam! He practically knocks Rhino out. Sabu puts a second table in the ring and then Taz and Sabu slide Rhino onto the first table on the outside. Sabu takes the chair and sets it up….he comes off the ropes, leaps off the chair, then the top and drives Rhino through the table! Taz puts Corino on the table in the ring. Sabu goes onto the top rope and Taz hands him the chair….Arabian Skullcrusher through the table! Taz cleans up the table wreckage, and the referee finally comes to in time to see Sabu cover Corino, 1…2…3!

Winners: Taz and Sabu when Sabu pinned Corino in 11:03.
Overall: 79%
Crowd Reaction: 72%
Match Quality: 86%

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Eddie Sucks chants fill Madison Square Garden! Rey is quick on the attack, hitting a punch and locking in a headlock…and the sequence ends with Rey armdragging Eddie. Eddie and Rey end up hitting the ropes, and Rey kick flips Eddie into the ropes…with Eddie looking like he hurt his hamstring. Eddie rolls to the outside and Rey comes flying with a springboard crossbody, but Eddie moves and Rey crashes into the railing! Eddie then sends Rey right into the ring steps. Eddie takes the hurting Mysterio and hits some shots. Rey regains control with a dropkick, but when he goes for the bulldog Eddie instead suplexes him on his head. Cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out. Eddie sends Rey off the ropes…Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! 1…2…another kick out from Rey. Eddie locks Rey in an abdominal stretch…and holds onto the rope for leverage. Eddie continues to wear down Mysterio with an armbar. Rey gets to his feet and the armbar has turned into a wristlock. Rey leaps to the top rope…and backflip DDTs Eddie! 1…2….Eddie just kicks out! Rey comes off the ropes but Eddie gets an elbow to the face that knocks him right down. Eddie locks Rey in a Camel Clutch…continuing to wear out Mysterio. Eddie transitions into a standing Gory Guerrero Special! Rey refuses to submit…and eventually counters into an armdrag! Rey goes for a dropkick…but Eddie sidesteps and avoids it. Interestingly, Francine has come down to ringside, to which Eddie gives a dismissive look towards. It looks like she’s cheering for Rey. Eddie has Rey in the corner and punches and chops him. Rey again tries to escape, but Eddie stops him and puts Rey in the tree of woe. Eddie tries a sliding dropkick, but Rey sits up in the tree of woe…and Eddie crotches himself on the ring post! Eddie slides to the outside and Rey heads to the top rope…plancha! Rey sends Eddie back into the ring and hits the ropes. Eddie tries for the Tilt-A-Whirl again, but Rey lands on his feet and hits a lightning quick hurricanrana…1…2…Eddie just kicks out! Rey uses a headscissors to send Eddie to the outside. Rey comes off the ropes…he flies over the top rope and lands on Eddie…then takes him down with a head scissors! Rey sends Eddie back in and hits a top rope splash, 1…2…Eddie just kicks out. Rey tries another hurricanrana…but Eddie Tiger Powerbombs him! 1…2…Rey just kicks out! Rey sends Eddie into the turnbuckles and hits a spinkick. Rey goes for a springboard hurricanrana…but Eddie sidesteps into a backbreaker! Eddie Guerrero up top…frog splash…no, Rey moved and Eddie rolled through the move. Rey runs at Eddie…but Eddie sends him up high and face first into the corner! Eddie sets Rey up for a top rope belly to back suplex, but Rey fights out with some elbows. Moonsault by Rey…1…2…Eddie Guerrero kicks out again! Rey goes up top for another moonsault, but Eddie throws himself at the top rope, crotching Rey. Eddie sets Rey up for what looks like a Razor’s Edge….here it comes….Rey counters into a hurricanrana, 1…2…3! Rey Jr. wins!

As Rey celebrates, Francine comes into the ring to celebrate with him to the confusion of Rey. From behind…Rey gets attacked by Jerry Lynn! Lynn Cradle Piledrivers Rey in the middle of the ring and takes the Cruiserweight Title belt….along with Francine…with him.

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. in 20:31 (New Champion)
Overall: 82%
Crowd Reaction: 79%
Match Quality: 86%

WWE World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz vs. Sabu and

Taz gets on the mic right away.

“Let’s just cut to the chase. We don’t need to knock out another referee. Let’s make this No DQ, falls count anywhere in the fuck’in building!”

The Dudleyz say “you’re on” and were we go! Suddenly this is a four man street fight! Taz and Bubba Dudley in one corner, Sabu and D-Von in the other! Two Irish Whips and Bubba and D-Von meet in the middle! Both men roll to the outside and Sabu promptly dives over the top rope onto Bubba Ray! All four men end up in the crowd, still beating the hell out of one another. Taz suplexes D-Von on a concrete portion of the floor. Bubba Ray Dudley has taken a fan’s beverage and smashed it in Sabu’s face. Bubba gets backdropped back over the railing. Sabu gets onto the railing and dives onto Bubba. Back in the crowd, D-Von and Taz are just going at it. Bubba and Sabu end up back in the ring and Sabu has a chair. Sabu tosses a chair into Bubba’s face. Bubba gets propped up in the corner and gets hit by Air Sabu! Cover, 1…2…Bubba Dudley kicks out. Arabian Facebuster! Taz dumps D-Von back into the ringside area, but D-Von gets control and slams Taz into the steps. D-Von attacks Sabu from behind and hits the Diving Reverse DDT. Cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out. The Dudleyz go for 3D…but Sabu counters by driving D-Von to the mat with a DDT. Taz gets into the ring and T-Bone Suplexes Bubba Ray Dudley. Taz says that’s it, but Bubba hits a low blow. Sabu sends D-Von off the ropes, but that’s countered, 3D to Sabu! D-Von is slow to cover Sabu… and Taz locks Bubba Ray in the Tazmission! D-Von gets the cover…but Bubba Ray taps out!

Winners: Sabu and Taz when Taz made Bubba Ray tap out in 9:14 (New Champions).
Overall: 78%
Crowd Reaction: 74%
Match Quality: 82%

Sting vs. The Giant

Sting circles the Giant before yelling toward the crowd. Giant misses a clothesline and Sting goes to work with rights and lefts! Sting immediately goes for the legs, chop blocking The Giant. Sting heads to the top rope and even hits a top rope chop block, bringing the Giant to one knee. Sting is still firing, but the Giant isn’t feeling the effects. Sting goes for a crossbody block, but The Giant just bodyblocks Sting out of the air. The Giant chokes Sting in the corner with his boot and then hits Sting with some massive chops. The Giant tosses Sting around like a rag doll. The Giant sets up for the big chokeslam, but Sting low blows the Giant. Right hands, left hands, Sting is firing back! Sting tries to slam the Giant, but he doesn’t quite have the power and the Giant fights out of it. Big headbutt by the Giant. The Giant calls for the chokeslam again, but Sting fights out in midair. Sting again with rights and lefts that stagger the Giant into the corner. Sting backs up….Stinger Splash! Sting backs up again…a 2nd Stinger Splash! Sting gets ready for a third one…but Shane McMahon is out here and he holds Sting’s foot! The Giant comes charging in and squashes Sting in the corner! Big elbowdrop from the Giant. 1…2…Sting just kicks out. The Giant sets Sting up on the top rope. He goes for a chokeslam from the top, but Sting fights out of it. Flying clothesline from the top rope knocks the Giant down! Shane’s on the apron, but Sting levels him! The Giant though…he has a chair tossed in from Shane! Giant levels Sting with a brutual chair shot, causing the DQ and busting Sting wide open! The Giant takes Sting and hits a huge chokeslam! The Giant has left Sting lying at Night of Champions…but The Giant couldn’t beat Sting either.

Winner: Sting by DQ at 9:39.
Overall: 86%
Crowd Reaction: 90%
Match Quality: 78%

WWE World Championship Match
The Rock vs. Ric Flair vs. Mankind

Mankind and Ric Flair double team The Rock early on, with Flair chopping the Rock over and over until he falls…and then Mankind hits a running knee. Flair offers a handshake to Mankind…but when Mankind looks to accept it, Flair pulls back and fixes his hair, strutting across the ring, WOOO! Mankind turns his attention on The Rock, who fires big right hands to knock Mankind down. Rock and Flair get into a punching-chopping war, with Rock winning and Flair going down. The Rock turns into a swinging neckbreaker by Mankind, cover, 1…2…Rock kicks out. Flair comes from behind and low blows Mankind. Flair chops Mankind a bunch before Mankind fires back with big punches and sends Flair to the outside. Mankind wraps a television cord around Flair’s throat, choking him out…before Rock knocks Mankind out with the ring bell! The Rock drags Flair back into the ring. Rock nails Flair with some shots and then a spinebuster! Corporate Elbow coming up! Rock off the ropes, but Mankind drags him back to the outside! Mankind hits a Double Arm DDT to The Rock on the floor! Mankind heads to the apron to drop the big elbow, but Flair shoves Mankind off and Mankind crashes through the announcer’s desk! Flair brings The Rock back in and locks him in the Figure Four! Mr. McMahon is coming out here! McMahon stands at ringside while The Rock fights out of the Figure Four, reversing the hold and putting the pressure on Flair! The Rock eyeballs McMahon, looking obviously irritated that he’s out here. The Rock sets up for the Rock Bottom as Mankind recovers and attacks Vince! Rock heads to the outside and Rock Bottom’s Mankind on the floor! Vince puts a chair on the apron at the same time. Rock heads back into the ring and ducks a Flair clothesline….spinebuster! Here it comes, Corporate Elbow coming up. The Rock runs the ropes but Vince enters the ring and cuts him off by attacking the Rock! It had a little effect on The Rock….and The Rock sets Vince up for the Rock Bottom! Flair smashes The Rock in the back with the chair! Another chairshot to the head of The Rock! At that moment…Vince begins to do the Ric Flair strut! Flair smiles as he sets The Rock up for his own move…Rock Bottom on The Rock! 1…2…3! Vince was in cahoots with Flair all along…and has helped Flair win World Title #14! Mankind staggers back into the ring but Flair and Vince leave together as Night of Champions goes off the air!

Winner: Ric Flair when he pinned The Rock in 13:23 (New Champion)
Overall: 88%
Crowd Reaction: 93%
Match Quality: 77%

Overall Show: 79%