So by the looks of the out of the blue Braun "heel turn", its like they advertised the Shield for the Aussie show because they're a popular act.....looked over the roster and was like "FUCK! Wheres my top heels? Who is over goddammit?".
Braun does the HBK when he was facing Hogan, play heel until after HIAC and then shake hands, next night pretend like he didn't do anything wrong.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend in the case of Ziggler and McIntyre.That's a fair comparison but it feels less forced than that HBK super jealousy angle bc it's like Braun is just pissed he had the shield help him last week. Depending on how heelish he becomes in the next couple weeks I could change my mind but it doesn't feel like he's acting much different than he was bullying Owens other than this weird alliance with obvious heels McIntyre/Ziggler....I got nothing for that