So I'm hours behind. But this is the first raw I have watched since post-mania raw. I've caught a minute or two the odd time (very rarely) but I had no issue sitting through this episode in entirety. I started it at about 1am expecting to skip through most, but I didn't. I was once again captivated.
A few thoughts:
Wow. The cena and roman promos feel....real. like they actually express emotion. John expresses a seriously determined vibe. Pushing roman to better his skills all around. Including on the mic. And he's crumbling. You can see and hear the hesitation in his voice. And his come backs have fell flat. Totally flat. And as cena said "the moment you begin to feel like you've made it, it's the beginning of the end". And it felt like he gave him a look to say wake the fuck up.
And either miz is a good actor, or he was also throwing some reality in Enzo's face for a minute. Practically yelling at him. And it's true Enzo is a good mouth, but flat in the ring from what I have seen of him. And I've been seeing things about his backstage heat lately.
On a side note:
As most people say these days; brock has become more lazy lately. Shows up, bounce around while heyman spouts on another long drawn out promo, has a match once n a while, and disappears for extended periods of time.
But to me, it seems like he's just being paraded around. Like a circus monkey. Like does he seriously enjoy his situation? Now I'm not much of a talker myself, but at some point over the years I'd become bored. And almost discouraged that they have this guy spouting on for sooooo long while I just bounce around shaking my arms like a...well like caged beast. Just because that's his role, does it make him happy? Or do you thin he ever has an urge to just grab the mic sometimes and rip into his opponent for himself? If heyman didn't have brock would he even still be relevant? Sure he could be strowmans guy, but same deal I'm sure he'd get bored too.
I'd maybe I'm just looking too much into that. But at a time where cena is schooling roman on the mic, week after week, don't you think the top champion wants to give er a go sometimes?