It's simple enough, On Raw one night, Cena (the champ at the time) wrestles a grueling match with Mark Henry. After he Worlds Strongest Slams him through the announce table, out comes Rhodes/Ziggler with the briefcase to do the same old predictable crap. He drags him in the ring, 1-2-kickout. Beautiful Disaster/Fameasser, 2-count. Zig-Zag/Crossroads, 2-count. You know, because Cena doesn't lose. They go on to have a 10-15 match, typical Cena match where he gets very little offense in building up to his "epic comeback"... Shoulder tackle, shoulder tackle, Portoslam, Five-Knuckle Shuffle, lifts him up... He falls off Cena's back, grabs the head and twists him around/slams it down, 1-2-3, new champion.
It's similar to Miz, but tease the same old predictable Cena crap for a long time so the cash-in is actually surprising. I'd prefer Rhodes to win MITB as you guys know, but you sure as hell can't go wrong with Ziggler.
If it's anyone else, run in, cash in, get AA'ed, get out.