I now want to experience the joy of eating sushi while sleep walking. Thanks!
I do what I can to encourage new experiences.
I now want to experience the joy of eating sushi while sleep walking. Thanks!
I now want to experience the joy of eating sushi while sleep walking. Thanks!
Hopefully commercials are gonna skip the part where Bryan gets eliminated, so I don't go Beast Mode on my PC.
You can feed me sushi anytime. :ksi:
So Ryder is still wrestling.... sort of..... and DB grew his hair out longer.:
That's not Bryan, dammit. It's his stunt double!
They'll edit it to look like CM Punk threw him out in an attempt to end the CM Punk and Daniel Bryan chants once and for all
That's not Bryan, dammit. It's his stunt double!
FINE! :aries: DB's stunt double has longer locks!
Now we're talkin', baby
Fandangblow's junk is all up on DB's stunt double's neck -- eww.