Raw 900th Episode Thread - 08/30/10

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Mar 29, 2010
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HOLY FUCK! That was the greatest promo ever, CM Punk just reminded me why I still watch the WWE. Why is he not the champion, sigh. There is so much fucking epic and amazing in that promo that I can't even begin (don't remember the last time that happened), guy was just on a role and every person here should watch just this promo if you are you on this fucking forum. "I don't drink.. I don't smoke.. and I don't make crappy movies like the toothfairy", LOLOLOL. I swear I was crying laughing through the majority of all of this. Best part is probably after Austin's theme hits, rofl. "DID YOU FALL FOR IT? YOU FELL FOR IT OBVIOUSLY I SEE IT ON YOUR FACES. OHH AWW BOO! ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED? HUH BOSTON, DO YOU FEEL EMPTY INSIDE? ARE YOU UPSET WITH ME? WELL GOOD THAT'S HOW EMPTY INSIDE I FEEL, THAT'S HOW DISAPPOINTED I ALWAYS FEEL WHEN I SEE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" Even a reference to Katie Vick, "this clip represents something I will never be.. criminally obese", and "I don't know who the other guy is" @ Lesnar lolol. I even liked Big Show's parts of the segment, playing less serious and the Hogan stint.

The most interesting part aside from that was Chris Jericho saying he'll leave WWE if he doesn't win, wtf. He better fucking win the title. I'd rather see him/Edge face/tweeners at this point now, they're both pretty over, especially Jericho. He gets fucking DEAFENING Y2J chants like every night, seriously.
Mar 30, 2008
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what was dissapointing is that they ruined two matches that could have been good in mcintyre and rhodes vs. truth and morrison and hart vs taker just to push the nexus which is dieng fast and... didn't it say somewhere nexus is done in october? Why ruin a good match for that... and the double dq tag thing.. embarassing...

Firstly, Everybody knows that Bret Hart has prolems that limit his wrestling abilities. He has had a stroke and for him to work a match would be extremely dangerous. Secondly, I agree with Morrison/Truth vs. Cody/Drew being too short since it would have been extremely amazing.

Furthermore, The reason for the Hart/Taker match being cut was because WWE wanted to rebuild Nexus since they've died to the point where no-one sees them as a legit threat & now they've only got 5 members, It'll die soon.


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Mar 29, 2010
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The Bret Hart thing is such a joke. If everyone knows it, then why does the WWE keep trying to hide it in such a pathetic manner. I mean, at least put on the fucking pink tights and whole Hitman stint again to at least LOOK like you're going to compete, not come out in fucking jeans and a leather jacket to face THE UNDERTAKER you dumb bastard. I'm surprised people aren't bitching about this more, if it was TNA, people would be crying all over it. It even sounds like something TNA would do, hell there's still time.

Lady Redfield

Itchy tasty
Apr 29, 2008
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Raccoon City
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CM Punk's segment was the best fucking segment ever. CM Punk is WWE.

If they made Bret GM (for real, not just for like a week or two), I wouldn't really care, but they need to keep him the fuck out of the ring and stop with these 'matches' in which you know he wont even wrestle, anyways. He might throw a punch of two but that's it. What a waste of time and how lame of them to think anyone even cares if Bret wrestles again.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
What... the... hell? Hart vs Taker could have been good? Bret can barely walk in the ring. How the hell is he going to have a match? Do you remember his match with Vince? Let alone people are on this rant about WWE's youth movement, those 2 combined age are 98. 98!! Some youth movement. I'm tired of the Nexus act but that was a blessing in disguise to save us from that train wreck of a match.

What are you talking about? That match was pure spectacle and was Vince's way of mending fences, it was nothing more than for the fans and a spectacle and it was never sold as a wrestling match and it's not like it was in a main event spot or there were rematches. It was a one and done and put some closure on one of wrestling's most infamous debacles.

The most interesting part aside from that was Chris Jericho saying he'll leave WWE if he doesn't win, wtf. He better fucking win the title. I'd rather see him/Edge face/tweeners at this point now, they're both pretty over, especially Jericho. He gets fucking DEAFENING Y2J chants like every night, seriously.
It's sad that he might really be done with the E soon. That was the best promo on Raw that night and I know how much you loved that Punk segment, but Punk's promos are always the same stuff, he never switches them up, and it'd be nice to see him get as intense as Jericho did. Edge's promo was the 2B to Punk's 2A. Just great freakin promos all around on Raw.
Mar 30, 2008
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The Bret Hart thing is such a joke. If everyone knows it, then why does the WWE keep trying to hide it in such a pathetic manner. I mean, at least put on the fucking pink tights and whole Hitman stint again to at least LOOK like you're going to compete, not come out in fucking jeans and a leather jacket to face THE UNDERTAKER you dumb bastard. I'm surprised people aren't bitching about this more, if it was TNA, people would be crying all over it. It even sounds like something TNA would do, hell there's still time.

Probably because they want Hart to appear like he doesn't think he's going to wrestle. By putting him in the pink tights, would make it look like he came to wrestle and still can wrestle (& He's got no injuries) but if he dresses in his normal clothes then it appears like he's not prepared to wrestle, thus he has no intentions of wrestling (Just a fist fight) because he can't wrestle. If you give him the pink & black, Fans will expect him to be exactly like he was in 1997, Something that he isn't.


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Mar 29, 2010
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Dude Punk freaked out in his promo, he's been cutting the most intense promos I've ever seen him cut lately, bitching and ordering around SES and being completely deranged. But Y2J will always be the man, created an entirely new character and is truly the best in the world at what he does. If he leaves, that will seriously, seriously hurt how much I watch this show, but I can't see it happening, mainly due to his past interviews. He said he's not burnt out at all and loves what he's doing and is going to continue, no point to swerve that, it really wouldn't make sense aside from creative issues or something.

Probably because they want Hart to appear like he doesn't think he's going to wrestle. By putting him in the pink tights, would make it look like he came to wrestle and still can wrestle (& He's got no injuries) but if he dresses in his normal clothes then it appears like he's not prepared to wrestle, thus he has no intentions of wrestling (Just a fist fight) because he can't wrestle. If you give him the pink & black, Fans will expect him to be exactly like he was in 1997, Something that he isn't.
You COMPLETELY missed the point. They ARE presenting him like he was in 1997 and HE'S NOT.
Mar 30, 2008
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^ In 1997 (Correct me if I'm wrong) but didn't Bret wrestle everyweek and have like a million promos a year. Recently, He's not been acting like that at all. He has only wrestled 3 times this year. Once at WM, One time on Raw and then at SS. They dressed him in other clothes so people wouldn't expect the "Pink & Black" Bret but more of a limited Bret.

WWE put him in matches solely for reasons. On Raw, He was placed in a match against Undertaker but he never actually wrestled. He was put in there so when the Nexus come down, There's an old man who can't fight for himself out there so he'll back off.

Lady Redfield

Itchy tasty
Apr 29, 2008
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Raccoon City
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^ In 1997 (Correct me if I'm wrong) but didn't Bret wrestle everyweek and have like a million promos a year. Recently, He's not been acting like that at all. He has only wrestled 3 times this year. Once at WM, One time on Raw and then at SS. They dressed him in other clothes so people wouldn't expect the "Pink & Black" Bret but more of a limited Bret.

WWE put him in matches solely for reasons. On Raw, He was placed in a match against Undertaker but he never actually wrestled. He was put in there so when the Nexus come down, There's an old man who can't fight for himself out there so he'll back off.

Did you just start watching wrestling this past year? Your posts are seriously just huge facepalms.