Raw 5-23-11

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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What are you talking about? Miz is the savior of the WWE, aint ya heard? He single handedly raised raws ratings, made daniel bryan relevant, and went back in time to kill hitler!!


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Mar 29, 2010
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One: Edge got over as a heel almost SOLELY because of booking, as i've touched on before. If they did everything they did with Edge with say...Funaki, he would have been over too. Doesn't mean he's this legend people make him out to be on the mic. Wrestling-wise, he's in a whole 'nother world than Miz.
Ok, this is all stuff I stated, not sure why you're repeating. And no, Funaki wouldn't have gotten over with Edge-booking, this is just completely asinine to state that Edge didn't get over on any ability of his own. The guy is/was a very good talent and talker, good size, good look. Not even sure if your statement was serious, hopefully not.

Two: Who has Miz gotten over? Bryan was a result over due to feuding with Cole moreso than Miz. Ever since then he's feuded with Orton and Cena, yeah, he really got those guys over. >_> He hasn't done anything for Riley, because nobody cares about him as a main eventer and Riley's been booked like a joke for months, Batista was getting a mega-push for 8 months before his match with Trips.
LOL yeah Cole got Bryan over more than Miz. Miz wasn't the one who put him over in a match and completely shit on him as his trainer leading to the epic turn where people who didn't give a fuck about Bryan the same night were chanting his name next thing you know, completely becoming unglued. Enough talking/typing out of your ass.

Three: Guy's best non-Bryan match hovers at 2 stars with Cena on Raw. He's failed miserably at every PPV singles title match he's had. Promo-wise, they all roll together, because he's so one-dimensional and his lease on cutting it every week has run out. No need to drag this out anymore, he doesn't have what it takes.
Uhh.. I said before he isn't godlike in the ring, and that's common, do you know why? Because he hasn't been fucking wrestling THAT long. Do you realize that guys like Bryan Danielson and Adam Copeland have like 10+ years of experience on Miz? Yeah, let's drop him because he lacks experience even though he's done far more than the aforementioned could with what he had. And ROFL, if you actually think they're just going to 'drop' him and he'll be feuding with Kofi in a couple months then I question any knowledge you have of wrestling or how long you've even been watching. Miz is a star, the WWE has banked so much stock into the guy, his face is plastered everywhere (there's a reason he's on the fucking intro to Tough Enough with legends like Taker, Austin, Trips, and Rock) and he sells fucktons of merchandise, probably only second to Cena/Rey. Yeah let's drop the guy who sells our top merchandise! Makes tons of sense, oh wait. Miz has achieved far greater than Sheamus, whom they had a logical reasoning to drop. Oh and the whole 'most must see' champ thing isn't just a gimmick, he ACTUALLY was, because guess what, people WANT to see him because he's actually good on the mic and entertaining and has something none of the shitfests in the indys have, something Alex Riley sure as hell can't hold a candle to the Miz in. The ability to make people care about him.


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Feb 22, 2007
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A-Ri has been outshining Miz? roflroflrofolf. More like, just put one more in the cap for the list of names of people Miz has gotten over by himself, already. You really think people were chanting for Alex Riley 100% because of his fantastic talent and ability? No, it was because of fucking Miz, Miz's brilliance and downgrading of Alex since the beginning has set this moment up and given such a fucking perfect turn, I can't even remember a better one. No one would give a fuck about Alex Riley if it wasn't for Miz. Far better than anything Vickie could do, this was doing what Triple H did for Batista good (although it will be harder to capitalize on for Riley). Even a blind fuck like Kaedon can probably see this and agree with me. Guy is a one-of-a-kind professional, his abilities and accomplishments as a heel have leapfrogged nearly every other in the short amount of time that he did it in. If you're looking for a replacement for Edge, look no further, he's already been here even before Edge left. Imo, Miz has far surpassed Edge as far as promo/mic ability is concerned. Who the fuck did Edge ever get over? It was more like others always getting EDGE over. Miz never needed anyone and never will, the guy is truly awesome and the biggest talent the WWE has right now, case closed.

Boy, I sounded like Michael Cole in that post.

chill, I'm not putting Mizanin down. I'm a fan....

Alex has been outdoing him on the mic in my opinion, which I'd consider outshining. I'm not saying anyone "made" him.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Meh, I want to see how Miz has sold all this merch and drew all these huge numbers. He gets outsold by Zack Ryder, LMAO. Sorry if i'm not jizzing over his appearance in the Tough Enough show that gets Smackdown-esque ratings. We'll just have to see what they'll do with him, but his title reign sucked, and G1, nor anyone else has anything to back Miz up as "must see" anything. Unless you count a few talk show appearances the first week he won the title, again, that doesn't mean anything. His promos are still all the same and he's a bad wrestler. And isn't (in any comprobale way besides certain folks marking out for him.) a draw. Sounds just like this guy I know on Smackdown who has a penchant for undeserving title runs...In the end, Miz just brings nothing to the table, especially now that he's damaged goods. Took Y2J 5 years to get back in the ME after this sorta reign, and Miz is no Jericho, no way, no how.

And what are these reasons you have for Sheamus getting depushed you speak of, G1?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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chill, I'm not putting Mizanin down. I'm a fan....

Alex has been outdoing him on the mic in my opinion, which I'd consider outshining. I'm not saying anyone "made" him.
Trust me, I fucking LOVE A-Ri, the guy is comedic gold and everything, but that's it. I just really don't see how he was outshining him. He did a good job playing the bitch and does a fantastic job sucking up to Miz, but so does Cole. Do you think Cole is outshining Miz?

Meh, I want to see how Miz has sold all this merch and drew all these huge numbers. He gets outsold by Zack Ryder, LMAO. Sorry if i'm not jizzing over his appearance in the Tough Enough show that gets Smackdown-esque ratings. We'll just have to see what they'll do with him, but his title reign sucked, and G1, nor anyone else has anything to back Miz up as "must see" anything. Unless you count a few talk show appearances the first week he won the title, again, that doesn't mean anything. His promos are still all the same and he's a bad wrestler. And isn't (in any comprobale way besides certain folks marking out for him.) a draw. Sounds just like this guy I know on Smackdown who has a penchant for undeserving title runs...In the end, Miz just brings nothing to the table, especially now that he's damaged goods. Took Y2J 5 years to get back in the ME after this sorta reign, and Miz is no Jericho, no way, no how.

And what are these reasons you have for Sheamus getting depushed you speak of, G1?
Clearly you missed the point. His appearance is plastered with the legends (in the INTRO) on WWE programming because the WWE SEES HIM AS A MAIN EVENT/HIGH CALIBER STAR. What the fuck does this have anything to do with ratings?

Do you not watch the shows..? Just look at the crowd, the shirts, and the signs. He's the only heel where you see a shitload of people wearing his t-shirts. And Ryder outsells EVERYONE because no one can fist pump like the Long Island Iced Z, WWWYKI... BRO.

The logic is derived from mainly my earlier statement. You could never look in the crowd and see Sheamus shirts everywhere, people reacting him to everywhere he went, people in demand to SEE him. He's not an out-striking personality like the Miz is, that's just the way it is. He's not like a Rock, a Flair, even a Cena. If anything, the WWE was thinking your way towards Miz to Sheamus, in that he's not going anywhere big so fuck it, he doesn't have the larger than life character. He could maybe develop later, who knows. Miz already went big, and a few talk show hosts and a shit load of guest appearances was a lot more than Sheamus did. Also the ratings never went anywhere when he was champ, lol. Sorry his reign was awful, nothing to do with the fact that his top two feuds were only the two most stale and overexposed talents probably in the history of the WWE and professional wrestling... oh, and a fucking 60 year old commentator, who they actually booked stronger than Miz! His promos were still top notch the whole time through and people were always reacting heavily. If people didn't care about the Miz, Alex Riley wouldn't have JUST gotten over last night, fact.


Mar 3, 2010
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Kharma has been stealing the show for weeks.
I've been rescheduling my narcotics anonymous meetings just to watch her.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
I'm just saying, because nobody cares enough to watch TE outside of the "smark" population. What WWE thinks of him doesn't mean anything to the general consensus if they don't see the vid you speak of. And WWE's proven many times over in their current state to be inept at recognizing talent so who cares if they put him with those legends?

Okay, Ryder's awesome. Still don't notice many Miz shirts. Am willing to admit I might be wrong and he may sell tons and I just don't notice. Got any proof of his merch sales?

Well, I guess I can bite on him being handicapped by working with clowns like Cena/Orton, but I still am not a fan of his promos and don't see any of this outstriking personality you're on about. He comes out and acts badly over and over. Sheamus at least seemed like a real person and had some passable matches with the same guys Miz bombed against. Just because he did media crap for a week doesn't mean anything. Ratings? Matches? Promos? Title reign? PPV buys? All a thumbs down for Miz from my POV.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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But don't you think Vince McMahon would give the nod to something like this.. it's not like he doesn't oversee the production of the show.

Unfortunately there's no real proof, there's not even proof that John Cena sells more than Rey Mysterio or vice versa by figures. Just a bunch of happy prepubescent kids and spics.

And Miz has literally had that same 'personality' since The Real World days. Just a very condescending and arrogant douche bag, and I don't see how you can't say he's damn good at it.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
You guys really think the Cole thing is over?

Dunno who pointed it out but he hasn't stopped acting the heel. Just doing so quietly, like he is actually having to restrain himself. I would think that the natural progression of this story goes with Cole forcing himself to be somewhat "nice" until he just can't take it anymore and goes back to the old full blown heel nonsense. Where it goes from there, I dunno. Lots of things can be done. But I think you're crazy if you think the whole Michael Cole story is over.

Luke Flywalker

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^^This. I still don't believe he and King have had their last match.

BTW, to all the twats saying A-Ri has been more entertaining than The Miz... HOW? He hasn't had matches... the match he had with Cena was not only a botchfest but a squash. He got on the mic and completely embarrassed himself twice... had one good comment during the Del Rio, Mysterio, Truth & Miz faceoff which was a rip-off of the content Truth was using... and then he carried weapons all night at OTL. Stop with this ridiculous nonsensical crap you all are spewing about Riley. Monday night was huge for the guy, BECAUSE OF MIZ, but if you believe you've seen anything out of him to insist he could get over following this, you're insane!


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Mar 29, 2010
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Jesus christ, thank you Luke, was hoping you, Airfixx, or Enzo would eventually comment. I think I gave Kaedon too much credit.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
THIS. Ive lost a bit of desire to debate lately and the whole "A Ri is more entertaining than Miz" thing is mind numbing. And LAUGHING MU FUCKING MUTT ASS OFF at anyone who said he's a better promo than Miz. Get the fuck out of here. Dude was entertaining once andit was because Miz put him over HUGE.