Crayo said:That's how you get big, feuding with big guys. Barrett has the potential to be a HHH in 2000 type heel.
You got me there, champ.. Not bad.

Crayo said:That's how you get big, feuding with big guys. Barrett has the potential to be a HHH in 2000 type heel.
Crayo said:Yes I'm serious. I personally find Sheamus incredibly dull as a face. He's a charisma sucking vacuum and doesn't sell for anyone. Name me a heel that's looked good out of a feud with Sheamus? Where as Punk -- despite the hate he gets -- has made every heel he's fought look good in some form (that he could influence, booking doesn't count). Taker shouldn't be in the title hunt anyway, he doesn't need it. His character wanting it simply doesn't make sense.
That's how you get big, feuding with big guys. Barrett has the potential to be a HHH in 2000 type heel.
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:So baisc u are saying u don'twant see that match b/c Sheamus is a Face and not heel? WHO FUCKIN CARE! This will be a great wether it face vs. face or heel vs. face! Look at Stone Cold vs. Undertaker at the 1998 SummerSlam Stone Cold vs. 1 of big boy and that was face vs. face ansd it help Stone Cold. This would HELP Sheamus if face some that above him! Instad of vs. someone who not ready to be at the mian event yet like he been facing!
Jose Tortilla said::dafuq:
But his character is so stale, boring and stiff.
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:SO? yet it bad but who care? He still a good wrestler and I want to ashley defend against that good! The onw got he face in this title rune that was good was Bryan at E.Rule as I don't the 18 piss ass that gave us at WM28! Everything else was BS! And the World Title losing it veue b/c it WWE Title is not the mainevent on more of the PPV this year but goes the World Title has it wrost do u even know last time the World Title was the main event? E.Camber 2010 when Undertaker was still the World Champion! THAT 2 FUCKIN LONG! If that can't main event asley give the World Title match something that we can remember!
Jose Tortilla said:Having a hard time reading your post.
So, is Ashley facing Taker at WM now?
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:NO he face at SummerSlam for the world title!
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:So baisc u are saying u don'twant see that match b/c Sheamus is a Face and not heel? WHO FUCKIN CARE! This will be a great wether it face vs. face or heel vs. face! Look at Stone Cold vs. Undertaker at the 1998 SummerSlam Stone Cold vs. 1 of big boy and that was face vs. face ansd it help Stone Cold. This would HELP Sheamus if face some that above him! Instad of vs. someone who not ready to be at the mian event yet like he been facing!
Jose Tortilla said:Ashley a face a SummerSlam?
Jose Tortilla said:Ashley Massaro?
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:NO NO NO! THE WORD ASHLEY! Not that dam name!
Jose Tortilla said:Ashley is a name, not a word..
Gohan6425 Randy Savage said:IT WORD TOO! Like frank is!