Most definitely not the best Summerslam I’ve seen throughout the years but I feel a 6/10 sounds just about right. For a show that went a little over four hours (not including the extra two hours of the pointless preshow) it’s pretty much doomed to have its highs and lows but at the end of the day, I really can’t complain. Rapid fire thoughts:
- Skipped the preshow and just read the results later on. As it turned out, I saved myself two valuable hours and the way I see it, WWE might as well just kill the preshow concept altogether. For the most part it’s useless, pointless and a waste of time…
- Great opener with Rollins regaining the IC strap, however the bigger story I feel is Dean Ambrose cause you can just see the turn coming. I’m glad they didn’t do anything last night being this is a story that should slowly play out but you can clearly see it with the way Ambrose is acting. His mannerisms, his not so enthusiastic reactions all around (almost looked indifferent after the match was over), the new heelish look and the fact he has yet to utter a single word (perhaps will do so tonight on RAW) are all signs that this turn is happening sooner than later.
- AJ vs. Samoe Joe was easily the match of the night in my book. A magnificent told story both inside and outside the ring alongside the great commentary from Corey Graves during certain moves (as in explaining why the Styles Clash or the Clutch were not as effective as usual) just made this entire thing simply awesome. Even the DQ finish made all the sense in the world and I feel it’s quite obvious that we are looking at a Hell in Cell rematch next month. Being this has gone way too personal of a feud, for once it will be a gimmick match that makes all the sense in the world rather than just a random two people fighting inside the cell for the sake of it.
- Speaking of awesome, Miz and DB was a close second as far as MOTN is concerned and I’m sure some may argue it’s the other way around. I guess it all comes down to personal opinions cause either case has valid points so won’t argue about it.
- Nice to see the Demon character back and was very pleasantly surprised. Didn’t that feel good, him coming out unannounced? I wish WWE would pleasantly surprise us more often these days because it would surely make for better shows, rather than everything being advertised beforehand. Where’s the fun in that?
- Quite convenient to have somebody double jointed on the roster, isn’t it? Either way, Ronda dominated as she was supposed to so at the end of the day, all is good. Post match, I obviously understand Natalya celebrating with Rousey but what the fuck was up with the Bella Twins? Like, why were they out there to begin with?
- Becky slapping the shit out of Charlotte post match probably got the biggest pop on the entire show but I wouldn’t rush to call this a heel turn just yet. WWE can play this in more ways than one being Becky’s reaction came out of frustration for basically being screwed over and not some out of nowhere random attack. Anyway, interesting story being developed and at the end of the day, I think we are happy Carmella ain’t champion no more.
- Can’t say I appreciated KO being squashed like that, as if he’s some random jobber, even if it came at the hands of Strowman.
- Main event was fine and though indifferent about Roman Reigns, at least we can MOVE THE FUCK ON…
- Should have started with this, but really enjoyed the opening of the show with Terry Crews. Very well done....