...So, Summerslam.
I guess it was good that I heard in advance that this show was a trainwreck of epic proportions. WWE's biggest enemy is expectations, so coming in without them certainly helps.
But I don't do star ratings, and there's a reason for that... because so much goes into pro wrestling. Prince and I kinda argued last year about whether Ibushi/Nakamura or Bayley/Sasha was the Match of the Year. The Japs may have had the better worked match, but Bayley and Sasha had more emotion and was a huge moment. Take your pick. There's writing. Formatting. Booking. Presentation. Card structure. All this other crap that can affect crowds and your view on the show, so let me take you back in time to the year 2016, as Wrestlemania 32 was going on. You had a SEVEN hour PPV including preshow, a deflating moment early on the card, and despite a bit of magic to draw you back in in the middle by the second half of the show you were drained and ready to get it over with. Nice to know WWE's learned their lesson.
And the other thing is that every single time WWE tries to follow an NXT special it is an ABSOLUTE DISASTER. Every. Single. Time. Because having to follow NXT really highlights all the flaws of the main product. No emotional investment, no big feeling of the shows... Takeover is an event that people come to have a good time to, it's an event where the wrestlers give maximum effort to the point where they've re-invented so much about pro wrestling, WWE PPV's have people come to watch and perform wrasslin'. Nothing wrong with that, but... well...
Anyway I want to add some humor to this, so Enzo's hair! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
The Realest Guys in the Room vs JeriKO really was a downer for me, coming off just having enough time to let Bayley's callup, and just how earthshaking of a move this is for pro wrestling, sink in. Also, just how fucking awesome their tag division has got, then we got another WWE tag match here starring 4 dudes going through the motions! (Hey, Owens mocking Enzo's walk totally counts as a motion.
) Summerslam, may as well be Wrestlemania! THAT POP-UP CODEBREAKER WAS NUTS THOUGH!
Sasha vs Charlotte was weird. I actually watched this twice because other than watching Sasha practically kill herself reversing a TOP ROPE SPLASH MOUNTAIN POWERBOMB INTO A RANA - someone tell me that women's wrestling doesn't matter
- the first time this was the ULTIMATE Pringles' match. Great action. GREAT. But since Sasha winning was the only 100% call of the night it was kinda hard to be invested - ask this crowd that SUPER didn't care and whoa wait what the fuck... *rewatches the match* Wrestling! :yay:... Charlotte winning is so weird it's unreal. Charlotte, on paper, is the best woman they have. Great character, promos, in-ring ability, she's got so much going for her but man is she ever not over, which I guess meshes well with Sasha where WE WANT SASHA is more over than WE ACTUALLY HAVE SASHA. Whether she's hurt or Wellnessed, maybe this will get her more Daniel Bryan heat and that's great... is that the positive spin? Maybe? This seriously put such a damper on the rest of the PPV for me though, it's one of those moments that brings you back down to earth and makes you remember this company you follow so much doesn't have the first idea what they're doing. May as well be Wrestlemania! Right, Jericho pinning AJ Styles clean?
Crews vs Miz proved I wasn't watching a PPV, just Smackdown. Man it was great seeing such an awesome women's match here on Smackdown LIVE! That new talent they added in Sasha and Charlotte is really making a difference. Maybe they'll bring in Bayley next and ahhhhhh it's gonna be so great... wait, this is still Summerslam? Seriously?... Well I'm sure Smackdown's women's division will be just fine and dandy after all! Next.
JOHN CENA VS AJ STYLES OMG. This was a weird one for me, because it had a lot of conflicting cynicism. First of all thank you Shadow for telling me how great this was so I had an extra reason to watch, without you man I've been counting the days for this to end ever since it started. CENAWINSLOL, just rip it off like a bandaid and save us the pain and trouble. That and Cena's matches often just don't have a lot of drama for me anymore, Cena's become the new Kurt Angle where the first 3 finishers are just gonna get kicked out of anyway and the crowd goes crazy and... anyway this was just big move, sell, repeat, big move, sell, repeat at first... And the crowd, oh man, this was the one match they were awake for. LETS GO CENA/AJ STY-LES/LETS GO CENA/AJ STY-LES. This is why Cena's been on top for 10 years, he woke THIS horrible crowd up, and for the second half of this match holy shit did these guys pick me up and suck me into this match. IT WAS SO COOL YOU GUYS but just wait Cena's gonna win... styles clash, kickout, yep, AA, kickout, yep, and here comes the forearm and.......... :blackshock: :yay: :yay: :win: AJ STYLES WINS CLEAN OH HELL YEAH! AHHHHHH! WOOOOO!
And the finish. Of Cena being down in the ring, knowing he's lost a step, finally being bested by the
a 40 year old AJ Styles with just a few years left the future, finally losing clean to a new guy in
Kevin Owens AJ Styles, just to put his armbands down and leave them in the ring in a sad gesture, trudge up the aisle like a 60 year old man leaving what he loves behind... That sounds like compelling TV. Unfortunately it'll suck because Cena, but so far so good!
I was so tempted to quit here while I was ahead but then WWE's best character of 2015, Jon Stewart, came out looking like he's aged 20 years in the last 2. :downer: Poor guy is looking really rough and my gosh was that spot terrible. Anderson and especially Gallows should play up in storyline that he/they stand(s) around FOREVER during spots. "Grrrrr we have Jon Stewart cornered, yeah! Lets look mean and scary and forget about our opponents! *gets jumped* *quickly dispatches opponents as Stewart effortlessly leaves the ring* *dude drags Stewart back in* *Stewart pisses himself, tucks in his shirt and forgets how to leave the ring to a Peter Griffin sitting in a chair level degree* *Gallows and Anderson pose with him by the ringpost for a while* *Stewart lamely whimpers while they position him super carefully* *Look at each other...1...2...* OMG SOMEONE'S MUSIC IS PLAYING DROP EVERYTHING fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk this took forever. Seriously there's suspension of disbelief in wrestling but this was SO incredibly lame. Then Big E drank urine because I needed to see that.
WAIT DID COLE JUST SAY A TESTICULAR CONTUSION? Does that mean... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hell no! No no no no no ewwww no no no no owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Dolph and Ambrose (dolphin ambrose?) had a match. They wrestled. Holds were exchanged. There were a lot of kicks. Moves happened. Some of them were countered. In the end someone won. Wrestling!
By the request of
@GrammarNazi82 I skipped the SD women's tag match. I'm sure it was spectacular like that clearly Smackdown women's match earlier (have I run that joke into the ground yet?) but she doesn't say stuff without a reason. Knowing her, to hazard a guess, this means Alexa Bliss and her porn star name turned face. She must have grabbed a flowery skirt, found some glitter to blow into the camera, and then hit the "Sparkle Splash" for the pin. Yeah, that has to be it for GN82 to be THIS disapproving of something. Trust me, she says! Because nothing worse than that can happen! Clearly, nothing worse than happened here.
hew: Moving on!
Balor and Rollins had a match. They wrestled. Holds were exchanged. There were a lot of kicks. Moves happened. Some of them were countered. In the end someone won. Wrestling!
(There was also a massive controversy about the new title, and I don't really care. You won't even notice it in 2 weeks.
ipebomb: They should bring back the spinner belt to spite you.)
This is going to sound crazy but after watching 3 Pringles matches on the same card - and Ziggler arguing with a fake chicken commercial - I was SUPER OK with Rusev and Reigns not even happening. It was something different on a card that could have used it - even if the main difference was "a bell didn't sound" but... This feud is AMAZING. Roman Reigns just can't help himself but be the biggest dick on earth every chance he gets. This guy who Rusev has done NOTHING to provoke... ok Rusev suckerpunched him before the match. Sure, maybe he had a beatdown coming, but dear geez! Doctors say Rusev is unable to compete, so Roman attacks him on the ground. Doctors pull him off. Roman attacks him again. Doctors pull him off, worried about Rusev's health. Roman attacks him AGAIN. Doctors yell at him. Roman attacks him AFREAKINGAIN. Doctors run him to the back. Refs hold Rusev up to try to carry him to the back and Roman runs down again and spears him... so then everyone in the wrestling community is like "This feud is doing what it should! It's finally getting Roman beloved!" Wrestling!
...Brock and Orton happened, and I couldn't really get excited for this in the buildup. My 2 IRL wrestling fan friends were HYPED for this. "Man, I wonder what will happen" they say, and I keep to myself "uhh, Suplex City?" Yep. That's what happened. And now everyone's all disappointed. As for the finish.. y'all can debate that all you want. I didn't see it, because after a 4 hour PPV I was just happy to see it end. May as well be Wrestlemania!