Bryan vs. Sheamus: What the FUCK?
Rhodes vs. Show: Decent overall, glad Big Show won. Hopefully he'll actually defend the belt, instead of just wearing it as decoration.
Kane vs. Orton: Good match, glad Kane won. He should really hold more championships, instead of being the big man everyone has to beat to get over.
Divas Match: Just what you think it would be. Suckfest not deserving of the WM stage. This should have been the pre-show match. I love Maria Menunous, though.
HHH vs. Taker: Perfect match, exactly what I predicted it should be. The roles reversed from last year. With Taker dominating as he should. Loved the ending with Taker & HBK carrying HHH out. Really made me realise it was the end of something special.
GM match: Boring, predictable,clusterfuck of a match. I predicted the outcome of this match weeks ago, the moment Ryder was added to Teddy's team, I knew Eve was going to cost them that match. I'm glad she kicked him in the balls, maybe he'll start thinking with his brain instead of those now.
Punk vs. Jericho: Excellent match, just what I would expect from the 2 best in the world. I love every minute of it. Really thought Jericho was going to win, but glad Punk did. Those guys are so similar in the ring it's scary.
Rock vs. Cena: Was a good match, the both of them worked well together. In the end, the outcome I wanted came true, Rock wins. Cena is no match for the Rock in any way, imo. Cena looked really good in the match, but he's still nothing next to the Rock.
Overall score: 8/10
Was entertaining most of the time. Had me marking really hard at the high points. Brodus Clay is alway entertaining. Love Edge with the short hair.