Rate the Member 51 >Kassidy<

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  • Should Be De-Modded

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Should Do More in His Position

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doing his Duties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Should Be Promoted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IWF Hall of Fame Material

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Every efed mod has had one late match during their time as a writer, some more than others. I know that Kass puts in some effort, as does everyone else - but to say he's never had a late match is a load of shit, sorry. He has, I have, LW has ... every mod has!

I haven't :)....yet

As for this conversation........Just watch the video



Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I'm not going to rate Kass, I just want to let you guys know my position in all of this...

I don't hold grudges. The things Kassidy said were disrespectful in many ways, however it doesnt affect me in at all. At the end of the day, none of us know each other on a personal level (with the exception of a few of us) Me and Kass talked rarely, I never disrespected him, if he wants to make threads disrespecting me...or "burning" me, thats fine. If thats the way he feels, so be it. I'm a pretty friendly guy. I get along with everyone on the forum. Regardless of how he feels about me, I have no problem with the guy. Honestly, I never felt disrespected.

Hopefully we can now move on with our lives, and leave this subject buried.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
9/10 for kassidy. He did alot for the e-fed, good gfxer, and did alot for the gaming section. Also, gotta love the controversy, makes me lol.



I didn't count J-Dawg's because he never posted his himself, and LW I counted 1 because it was higher than 0.

Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Lethal Weapon said:
Kassidy hasn't written one damn match yet and I see him flying around on the forums telling me he's on vacation. Your predictable, I knew you wouldn't have the guts to come out and flame me but don't I always disappoint people, hearing from Kassidy that's all that I do on this forums is disappoint people. You see I want you to stay out of this bad blood between me and Kassidy. I never really judged him in the first place, I said in the post that he could be a great person outside of the forum. From experience I know I am a great person outside the forums and people enjoy talking to me.

Digging up old dirt that hasn't been settled. Me and Kass will never had settle this. We hate each other I don't have any respect for him and I am sure he has no respect for me so you can go shove it if you want to deal with it because I'll bring you into it. Lemme disappoint you again because I know you won't like this and this is all I do on the forums.

That's all I have to say you two-faced albino looking whore/slut. Hey Kassidy have fun with both your forum and real life bitch.

Shaun...why does it seem to me that you want this feud with kass to go on forever? I mean frankly he doesn't give two flying shits about you and he doesn't go out of his way to fuck with you...so what's your problem? The only thing that i saw between you two was the fact that you unfairly rated his efed character or whatever and he had a problem with it, then you started going off and all that bullshit...Senseless bullshit. All it was. So just drop it all why don't ya and just move on.
Two faced albino slut/whore? That's really funny Shaun and you know, I could give a shit less what you think of me because you don't know me as a person, therefore how can you judge? So as Bill Engvall had once said, Next time you have a thought...let it go.

monkeystyle said:
You know the other day Kassidy told me that the KKK was teh greatest thing to ever happen to America.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!Wow, MS, you really have no idea....hahahaha!

J-Dawg said:
No you called me out sayin' i made up the fact that i have African American family to gain cred...So the only thing i have left to see is Fuck You and Kassidy...There its dropped...
Here J-Dawg, here are some soothing words from Doctor Denis Leary....SHUT THE FUCK UP! NEXT! He has a book coming out in the fall, you should go out and get it sometime.

And a final word for you all, I spoke to Kassidy just a few minutes ago and he will in fact be back tommorrow evening. He kindly asks Xtremebadass to please keep this thread open so he can have his say...thank you.
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
I really do not want to get involved but lets put this asside, Sure Kassidy has done some things to upset some IWF users but we are not talking about the great things he has done for this forum, I have never really talked to him but I can see the hard work he puts in on this forum and I respect DegenerationX_2006 for backing him up even though they are gf and bf this forum would really go downhill without the pair of them, Kassidy is away on vacation, DX_2006 said she wouldent lie about a thing like that ok, I dont know her that well but if she said hes away on vacation I beleive her, so stop bitching about Kassidy he is great for the gaming section and his SVR 2007 updates where great and he is great in the e-fed sure he has had some late matches but as KnicKy said who hasent.

I know I shouldent bother with this because it will probarly get me into some little fights with other members but I am happy to stick up for Kassidy and his gf DX_06 because they have not done anything wrong. Now LW and Kassidy you both have problems with eachother but drop it, act like adults and drop this whole little fued, Hey it is kinda funny but guys just drop it you have no reason to fight on a wrestling forum. I would give Kassidy a rating of 9 out of 10 for the member he is, As of late he hasent done much because he is away on vacation but in the original Impact Wrestling forums before it crashed in febuary Kassidy was one of the main men that kept the site alive.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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Like I said, I never had any problems with Kassidy until the "Burn" thing. Even then I didn't make a big deal out of it. I honestly don't understand where he was coming from. We only talked a few times in the shoutbox, and we seemed to get along fine. I have no hard feelings towards him and I'm willing to put this all behind me if he is. If not, Its fine...I have faced many hardships in my life from gang violence to racial discrimination, I'm not going to let something as small as an internet feud get to me.


Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Mass
I love all this drama it makes me so happy! Just a forum god damn....


Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The little place in the back of your mind that you
Shaun...why does it seem to me that you want this feud with kass to go on forever? I mean frankly he doesn't give two flying shits about you and he doesn't go out of his way to fuck with you...so what's your problem? The only thing that i saw between you two was the fact that you unfairly rated his efed character or whatever and he had a problem with it, then you started going off and all that bullshit...Senseless bullshit. All it was. So just drop it all why don't ya and just move on.
Two faced albino slut/whore? That's really funny Shaun and you know, I could give a shit less what you think of me because you don't know me as a person, therefore how can you judge? So as Bill Engvall had once said, Next time you have a thought...let it go.

I can't wait for Kass to come back because he will be greated with


Actually he started this again way back with his double profiles of Black Widow and Kassidy. He came into the promo grades thread grades when I was working my ass off to put up both shows and read every god damn promo in the e-fed section for you guys and everybody in the e-fed to push them harder. Kassidy comes in and persecutes me for giving Helms a grade of 9.0 tied with JJJ (more on him in a minute) for #1, while he was a little off at number 3 or 4 if I remember correctly.

Later at Born 2 Bleed 2, as we all know JJJ defeated Kassidy aka Black Widow to become the number one contender for the title held by James Kash. Kassidy was pissed off at the fact that he was supposed to win the match but didn't since JJJ out roleplayed him. I wrote the match and personally got flamed for doing so and I PM'ed both, KnicKy, Truth and Montana on what they thought and they told me to go ahead with letting JJJ getting the upset.

SO WE ALL KNOW WHO TO THANK NOW FOR LOSING PROMO GRADES, I'll give you a hint it's been the guy I've been talking about for a while

I am willing to drop it and did until Kassidy had to play this anti-efed guy that thinks LW shouldn't be on the e-fed staff. You would like to see me leave the forums and all but you dumb SOB, we had a vote and it was clearly spoken that I should stay, I am highly regarded in the e-fed staff even though I do make mistakes sometimes and get flamed for it.

I hope Kassidy comes back because I know a lot of members here don't like his actions of making everything a big deal and I will speak out for it, as a member of the IWF I have a lot of respect for him but as a person I have zero respect for him. He is one of the main reasons that IWF is around today but so is Monkeystyle, so is Mike Chaos so is Great One so is Soulpower so is Legend Killer 21, so is KnicKy, so is JMay so is Slash so is 3lions so is Chuck, so is this guy and so is members like me, v1, tdk, d1 and truth and montana. He doesn't have to act like he is the hottest shit around here because he isn't. And he needs to learn that. I am willing to drop this but since thing one and thing two have to constantly bring this up I can't drop it.

And Amanda congrats on being the first slore here.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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^^^ Actually i know your wrong and could prove with the pm montana sent me, james kash and truth, all said i should win and if anyone actually reads jjjs rp they would see al the errors and how Blue it sounds read out loud

MS whats funny is i was telling amanda that same thing on the phone while i was in florida. KKK i love it but i think our version should have a lil more open mind set why stay on blacks I say we go after Everyone who is ummmmmmm every dumbass there is in the world.


Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The little place in the back of your mind that you
^^^ Actually i know your wrong and could prove with the pm montana sent me, james kash and truth, all said i should win and if anyone actually reads jjjs rp they would see al the errors and how Blue it sounds read out loud

MS whats funny is i was telling amanda that same thing on the phone while i was in florida. KKK i love it but i think our version should have a lil more open mind set why stay on blacks I say we go after Everyone who is ummmmmmm every dumbass there is in the world.

They'd be turning on you and Amanda then, if you want to live then that's not a good idea.