The thing is about 32, other than the fact half the roster was hurt, it had some good points but was overshadowed by a bunch of meh. Women's Triple Threat, the IC ladder match and AJ vs Y2J were good and overall Wrestlemania quality. Then most of the rest were bleh. New Day vs League of Nations, Brock and Dean being a disappointment, Shane vs Taker was lackluster until the ending, The Battle Royale was ok, The Rock and Cena almost buried the Wyatts, and as we already know, the Main Event was a shit show.
The bad stuff definitely overshadowed the good stuff. I'd also say that the although the good stuff was good, there wasn't anything that happened that was so exceptional that I felt like I was watching WrestleMania. Yeah, the women's match was good, but it wasn't great. It had the benefit of being the best match on a pretty lousy and long card. Also, that long ass preshow, which I just HAD to watch.
I think if Ambrose and Lesnar had lived up to my expectations, I wouldn't have been so bent out of shape about the show as a whole. I could deal with the lousy main event if there is a match I really want to see that lives up to expectations. For example, WrestleMania 13 (which I attended) had a main event I couldn't care less about, Undertaker vs Sid Vicious. However, it also had a match between two of my favorites, Bret Hart and Steve Austin which completely lived up to its potential. So I left the show in a good mood. WrestleMania 32 didn't have that.
It also had a great WrestleMania the previous year to live up to. And it didn't.