Absolutely despise the belts at the moment. I know they're going for the whole UFC thing but it doesn't even make any sense in kayfabe which is still the most important thing about wrestling as a whole. The whole fucking point of this brand split was to have two DIFFERENT shows for two different types of audiences so that they could better draw for these respective shows, one for more pure wrestling fans and one for sports entertainent fans and this is emphasized by having Bryan in control of SmarkDown (Pure wrestling beast and lover) and Foley in control of RAW (Crowd working and promo expert)
You're telling me in kayfabe that Shane/Bryan and Stephanie/Foley when given total power are the exact same people with the exact same ideas despite the fact that you've put emphasis on the fact that they're different (especially Shane with his whole "the product right now sucks" speeches and character going in WM 32 and how about if he was allowed control, things would be changed). This would be like if the lannisters in Game of Thrones completely abandoned all their traditions and took up the Stark Banner with a slightly different colour as soon as they went to war.
They're different characters in control of different shows, how fucking difficult is it for a global company like WWE to commission a few fucking different looking belts when it's important to both the prestige of the company, the belts, the wrestlers and entertainment of the fans?
Honestly, the changing of the colors and that is it... Well, that seems like it is the cheap way out. I wish they would have done something differently. The ugliest one to me is that universe belt hgod:
Like they put no effort into it and the red background behind the main plate is nauseating.