Rate Smackdown Live! 11/14/2017

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ur booty is heavy duty like diarrhea
Apr 14, 2016
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now that the Survivor Series build is officially over, I have to say, what a fucking show we have on our hands. Every match on the main card has a story to it and I'm looking forward to any one of them. They managed to make this brand supremacy story work again even though Smackdown already won last year and "proved" that they are the A-show in storyline, but apparently they have to do that every year now lol.
  • it's incredible, after 1 promo, both Styles and Bryan did more to sell Brock's match than Jinder did with 3.
  • Corbin retaining was the right call, nobody wants to see Sin Cara walking into a PPV as champion.
  • Charlotte winning the title was cool too, but knowing that they were in her hometown and that Charlotte vs Bliss would be more of a sell than Natalya vs Bliss, it's not shock to me that they went this route. Of course both Ric and her had to cry, otherwise they wouldn't be Flairs lol. I just recently watched Ric's 30 for 30 and it was really good. Everytime I see Ric come out now I appreciate it even more, what a guy.
  • Raw's invasion was amazing, I loved how they used Braun like a final boss with Angle confidently waving his hands, knowing that he has the biggest player on his team. Also liked the little things like the Usos standing in front of Roman, not attacking him, because we all know they're related and stuff. God when Charlotte slowly started to stand up during the women's attack I was just sitting there going "please don't cut away now, please" because it would have been so awkward, like, why would you just stand up and not fight anyone? You're the strong babyface, fucking fight lol. But thankfully Bliss knocked her down again to close the segment.
Survivor Series is gonna be great. With matches like New Day vs Shield, Usos vs Bar, the 5v5 traditional tag which mostly never disappoints and Styles vs Lesnar which are all already slotted in as amazing matches, this PPV should be a good one


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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Aside from a few tiny details, this was an awesome go home show from SD's part so a well deserved 9/10 it is...Thoughts:

- The opening bit with Shane giving somewhat of a pep talk is one of the minor things I didn't like. Idk, maybe it's just me, but it just didn't feel as genuine, I suppose, as it should. On the other hand, though, I must note that both Becky and especially Baron Corbin delivered their lines perfectly; this is a good step forward for Mr. Corbin...

- The second thing that I kind of didn't like is during the final segment and the RAW invasion, how Roman Reigns and Strowman basically worked together cohesively. I understand this was strictly about RAW getting their revenge on Smackdown but doesn't Braun just hate Roman Reigns in storyline? Again, it's really a minor thing but kind of storyline stupidity, don't you think?

- Congratulations to Charlotte and of course great to see Ric Flair....

- Absolutely fantastic promo by DB and, you know, if he were cleared to wrestle, you would almost think they just planted the seeds for a future Brayn/Lesnar match....

- Generally speaking, indeed this has shaped up to be a really stacked card and literally a "can't miss" PPV that has all the potential to be one of the all time greats and most certainly one of the top 3 for 2017.

For the most part, I can honestly say I'm pretty much locked in as far as my predictions are concerned and will try to perhaps post my thoughts during the weekend, provided I have the time to do so. I will say this though:

In regards to the 5 on 5 main event, it appears that the majority of people are predicting RAW going over for various, valid reasons. As we all remember, SD was the brand that got the win last year and then this time around Stephanie already added the caviot of basically Kurt Angle's job being on the line so these two points alone are pretty solid in theory to justify a win for the red brand, not to mention the bragging rights and/ or the constant mentioning of "A show", "B show", "The show" and whatnot.

While I still want to give this a bit more thought, my initial take is that Smackdown is winning again. Let me put it this way: I feel it makes more sense for Smackdown to win...

The easy point I could make is that, as we all know, whomever stands tall on the go home show usually loses at the following PPV and vice versa but that's not exactly a really valid point, is it now? And, of course, it's not always necessarily a given...

However, think about the potential storylines that could come out of such an outcome this Sunday. This ain't going to be popular but the "Authority" can easily blame Kurt Angle for the loss but perhaps instead of firing him, they allow Kurt to keep his job under their "watch". So basically the Authority would step in as and when they please to do so by, say, overturn certain decisions Angle makes or change up matches, stipulations, whatever. Meanwhile, they could have Jason Jordan being somewhat "punished" because of his father in handicap match situations or ignore him by not giving him opprtunities to challenge for a title (IC in particular). Or, if they do, they make sure the odds are so stacked against him, there's no way JJ could win.

What this could do is eventually lead up to what I mentioned yesterday in another thread, a HHH/JJ match in which Hunter basically destroys Jordan, sledge hammer and all putting him on the shelf for a dew months, while Kurt Angle has his hands tied and can do nothing about it. This would be the time that Kurt Angle eventually snaps, says enough is enough, talks about not giving two shits about his job as GM and challenges HHH for a match at Mania. By now, this build has made things 100% personal but if someone wanted to spice things up even more, maybe Kurt Angle puts his job on the line as well. Who goes over? Obviously Kurt Angle and when finally taking his revenge, then you could have Jason Jordan...turn on his "father". The story is already there: "you took me off the RAW team at Survivor Series, took away the great opportunity to wrestle along your side, afterwards cost me any other opportunities to compete for a title, did nothing when HHH destroyed me and "injured" me forcing me to be out for months"....

Meanwhile, as SD celebrate their victory, DB drops the bomb by telling Shane that he is leaving the company. As much as it hurts me to say, it almost seems inevitable with Bryan's desire to wrestle again and so long as WWE ain't giving him the green light, I can't see him staying once his contract is up. So the easiest thing to do is have DB bring up the trust issue thing, based on SD's attack on RAW a few weeks back. "How can I ever trust you again?"

I understand this is me pretty much going fantasy booking and do realise the other potential ways this can go. For instance, the most popular theory out there is KO and Zayn costing SD the win, which indeed could happen but knowing how WWE tends to operate when picking up on the fan and or various website talk, I wouldn't be surprised if they passed on the idea, as much sense as it would make. Don't go too far, just this past Monday everybody was anticipating Paige and...what happened exactly?

Come to think of it, what other big match is their for SD to win? If we are to rightfully assume that the Shield are going over against New Day and if Brock is going over AJ, there's not much else left, is there? Sure, Corbin could beat Miz, Charlotte could beat Bliss and the Usos could beat the Bar but Smackdown does need to win at least one of the big ones' right? So, if we are to furthermore assume that the 5 on 5 women's elimination match goes to RAW (cause Asuka JUST HAS to be amongst the survivors on the RAW side, if not the sole surivivor), the main event is really the only one left for the blue brand...

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Aside from a few tiny details, this was an awesome go home show from SD's part so a well deserved 9/10 it is...Thoughts:

- The opening bit with Shane giving somewhat of a pep talk is one of the minor things I didn't like. Idk, maybe it's just me, but it just didn't feel as genuine, I suppose, as it should. On the other hand, though, I must note that both Becky and especially Baron Corbin delivered their lines perfectly; this is a good step forward for Mr. Corbin...

- The second thing that I kind of didn't like is during the final segment and the RAW invasion, how Roman Reigns and Strowman basically worked together cohesively. I understand this was strictly about RAW getting their revenge on Smackdown but doesn't Braun just hate Roman Reigns in storyline? Again, it's really a minor thing but kind of storyline stupidity, don't you think?

- Congratulations to Charlotte and of course great to see Ric Flair....

- Absolutely fantastic promo by DB and, you know, if he were cleared to wrestle, you would almost think they just planted the seeds for a future Brayn/Lesnar match....

- Generally speaking, indeed this has shaped up to be a really stacked card and literally a "can't miss" PPV that has all the potential to be one of the all time greats and most certainly one of the top 3 for 2017.

For the most part, I can honestly say I'm pretty much locked in as far as my predictions are concerned and will try to perhaps post my thoughts during the weekend, provided I have the time to do so. I will say this though:

In regards to the 5 on 5 main event, it appears that the majority of people are predicting RAW going over for various, valid reasons. As we all remember, SD was the brand that got the win last year and then this time around Stephanie already added the caviot of basically Kurt Angle's job being on the line so these two points alone are pretty solid in theory to justify a win for the red brand, not to mention the bragging rights and/ or the constant mentioning of "A show", "B show", "The show" and whatnot.

While I still want to give this a bit more thought, my initial take is that Smackdown is winning again. Let me put it this way: I feel it makes more sense for Smackdown to win...

The easy point I could make is that, as we all know, whomever stands tall on the go home show usually loses at the following PPV and vice versa but that's not exactly a really valid point, is it now? And, of course, it's not always necessarily a given...

However, think about the potential storylines that could come out of such an outcome this Sunday. This ain't going to be popular but the "Authority" can easily blame Kurt Angle for the loss but perhaps instead of firing him, they allow Kurt to keep his job under their "watch". So basically the Authority would step in as and when they please to do so by, say, overturn certain decisions Angle makes or change up matches, stipulations, whatever. Meanwhile, they could have Jason Jordan being somewhat "punished" because of his father in handicap match situations or ignore him by not giving him opprtunities to challenge for a title (IC in particular). Or, if they do, they make sure the odds are so stacked against him, there's no way JJ could win.

What this could do is eventually lead up to what I mentioned yesterday in another thread, a HHH/JJ match in which Hunter basically destroys Jordan, sledge hammer and all putting him on the shelf for a dew months, while Kurt Angle has his hands tied and can do nothing about it. This would be the time that Kurt Angle eventually snaps, says enough is enough, talks about not giving two shits about his job as GM and challenges HHH for a match at Mania. By now, this build has made things 100% personal but if someone wanted to spice things up even more, maybe Kurt Angle puts his job on the line as well. Who goes over? Obviously Kurt Angle and when finally taking his revenge, then you could have Jason Jordan...turn on his "father". The story is already there: "you took me off the RAW team at Survivor Series, took away the great opportunity to wrestle along your side, afterwards cost me any other opportunities to compete for a title, did nothing when HHH destroyed me and "injured" me forcing me to be out for months"....

Meanwhile, as SD celebrate their victory, DB drops the bomb by telling Shane that he is leaving the company. As much as it hurts me to say, it almost seems inevitable with Bryan's desire to wrestle again and so long as WWE ain't giving him the green light, I can't see him staying once his contract is up. So the easiest thing to do is have DB bring up the trust issue thing, based on SD's attack on RAW a few weeks back. "How can I ever trust you again?"

I understand this is me pretty much going fantasy booking and do realise the other potential ways this can go. For instance, the most popular theory out there is KO and Zayn costing SD the win, which indeed could happen but knowing how WWE tends to operate when picking up on the fan and or various website talk, I wouldn't be surprised if they passed on the idea, as much sense as it would make. Don't go too far, just this past Monday everybody was anticipating Paige and...what happened exactly?

Come to think of it, what other big match is their for SD to win? If we are to rightfully assume that the Shield are going over against New Day and if Brock is going over AJ, there's not much else left, is there? Sure, Corbin could beat Miz, Charlotte could beat Bliss and the Usos could beat the Bar but Smackdown does need to win at least one of the big ones' right? So, if we are to furthermore assume that the 5 on 5 women's elimination match goes to RAW (cause Asuka JUST HAS to be amongst the survivors on the RAW side, if not the sole surivivor), the main event is really the only one left for the blue brand...

I liked your post and went to like it.. before I did, I saw someone else already liked it. I thought about what you wrote and thought "The other like has to be Solidus.... and it was...

(he's got good taste in posts so this was a really awkward compliment)


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
I liked your post and went to like it.. before I did, I saw someone else already liked it. I thought about what you wrote and thought "The other like has to be Solidus.... and it was...

(he's got good taste in posts so this was a really awkward compliment)

Well then...thanks...I guess :p
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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The go-home show for Survivor Series was great. 9/10

This was actually the first SmackDown episode that I've watched in its entirety in quite some time and it was great.

- The opening segment with Shane-O Mac hyping up the roster was good. It felt different than most show opening segments, so that's always a positive.

- DB/AJ Styles segment was great. Bryan playing AJ's advocate was great and energetic, the crowd was invested, too.

- Corbin vs Sin Cara was good for what it was and with the right man winning. I'm glad there were no BS shenanigans, the ending was clean and that's how a champion should be booked.

- That DB/Shane backstage segment was interesting.

- Charlotte vs Natalya was good and the title changing hands was absolutely the right call. Nattie's still comical at selling submissions, though. Once Charlotte applied that Figure Eight, I started laughing, but at least Charlotte won and all's good.

- Jimmy Uso vs Gable was solid.

- The New Day vs KO & Zayn was perfectly solid until the RAW invasion started. I really enjoyed the RAW invasion, it was great.

- None.

All in all, it was a great and enjoyable show and Survivor Series seems like it'll be a good PPV.
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Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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Everytime Ric Flair is on camera, he cries lol like god damn get ahold of urself Flair :flair:


I lost it. I'm InSaNe!
Apr 16, 2014
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I loved that invasion by RAW. Shane McMahon's face was priceless when Angle did his grab.

I chuckled at the whole Braun Strowman thing. Shane's throwing punches, and Strowman's like "What the fuck did you think you were going to accomplish?" And then, Shield does their thing. *nods in agreement*