Rate Smackdown 6/12/2018

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The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Post comments on what you liked, hated, or whatever in between.

The show opens with commentary hyping up our night of first time matches, including Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin (which actually happened previously at a NEW show in 2010), Jeff Hardy vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, and Rusev vs. Samoa Joe.

In the ring, Paige welcomes us to the show alongside the four SmackDown women that will be in the ladder match at Money in the Bank. She introduces Lana, Naomi, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair and reminds them they have the opportunity to change their lives forever with the Money in the Bank briefcase. She puts the Raw women over briefly, saying she needed the best to counter the best.

She doesn’t care who wins, as long as one of them brings the briefcase back to her house. Lana says she’ll bring it home and gets into it with Naomi, jawing back and forth. Naomi reminds us she won the battle royal at WrestleMania, and Charlotte says the only reason she won is that she wasn’t in the match. Flair’s done everything there is to do in this business from the NXT Championship on up, but she hasn’t won the contract, wooo.

Becky then stakes her claim and reminds us of her own credentials, but she’s sick of saying “I was” and is gonna start saying “I am”, as in “I am gonna be the SmackDown Women’s Champion again.” Charlotte wishes her luck but Lynch says that’s got nothing to do with it, and she’ll go through anyone and everyone to do it, just like she beat her last week.

Naomi reminds her there’s six other women in the match and Becky says she’ll beat them too.

Enter the Iconic Duo. Billie Kay asks Peyton Royce if she’s thinking what she’s thinking, and she says yes, it’ll take a miracle for these women to bring the briefcase back, but Billie actually meant that the WWE Universe smells kind of funny. They move onto the Peyton Royce Impression Hour, starting with Lynch, then Billie has a crack at doing Charlotte, mocking her propensity to cry when she loses.

Naomi cuts them off, but they didn’t forget about her or Lana and they have a mock dance-off.

Enter Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. Mandy calls Paige out and says she’s gonna be disappointed on Sunday because the talent outside the ring is far superior to that inside the ring, which leads the women inside the ring to hit the floor and we got a pier six brawl!

Commentary recaps Shelton Benjamin’s singles run on SmackDown thus far and we go backstage where Daniel Bryan is warming himself up for his match before sending us to break.

Back from commercial, the eight-woman tag team match set up by the opening segment is made official.

Daniel Bryan’s excellent fallout promo from last week where he points out that Big Cass doesn’t even know how to break his leg and teases the “You’re gonna get your head kicked in” wrist-clutch stomps as a finish for Money in the Bank is played back for us.

Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin
Circling, collar and elbow, Benjamin with a knee and an elbow, and a punch in the corner sends Bryan reeling. Whip across, backflip up and over, off the ropes, duck a lariat, shoulder block, trying for the Yes! Lock early but Shelton counters, picking the leg. Front facelock denied, Dan wrenches him around and locks a standing Ode to Jim Breaks in! Stepping on the free arm, into a pin, no good.

Uppercuts, whip reversed, kick to the face, up and over to the apron and Benjamin kicks Bryan’s leg out of his leg and knocks him to the floor. Following after, shinbreaker onto the announce table to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Shelton’s got a half-crab in square in the middle of the ring but Bryan’s able to get the ropes and force the break! German suplex, Dan lands on his feet, ducks some kicks, dropkick to the knee and he’s paying for it but now Benjamin’s clutching his knee in agony as well! Leg kicks to capitalize, Shelton shoves him back but here’s the dragon screw!

Yes! Kicks follow, Shelton hung up in the corner and he takes a dropkick but is able to get back in moments later and land the superplex! Paydirt denied, the American Dragon muscles him down for the Yes! Lock but Benjamin reverses back into the half-crab! Crawling for the ropes, he can’t get them but he rolls through and into the heel hook. IT’S OVER!

Daniel Bryan wins by submission with the heel hook.

Commentary shills for the WWE Network and runs down the card for Money in the Bank to do so before recapping AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in short.

We cut to the locker room where Styles is getting ready and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Paige is walking backstage when she runs into Asuka, who wants Carmella tonight.

Paige says she can’t do that, but she’ll do her a favor and put her and Carmella into the tag match tonight. Asuka agrees, saying it’s good for her and bad for Carmella. Paige rolls up on Miz dressed as a referee next, he claims he’s up for a movie role about a dog that referees the main event of WrestleMania, and he plays the dog’s mentor. This turns out to be an elaborate pitch to guest ref Rusev vs. Joe later.

Paige tells him she’s onto him and he gets hot, so she steals his hand goes up line and... gives him what he wants.

This is followed by a video package for the Nakamura/Styles feud.

Jerry “the King” Lawler makes his entrance. He stops on the stage and introduces AJ Styles.

He tells AJ he slapped Shinsuke last week like he slapped Andy Kaufman and Styles admits he got under his skin and he lost his cool. For that he should probably apologize, which confuses Lawler until AJ says he’s sorry he didn’t knock his head off with his fist. This ain’t no playground, it’s the House That AJ Styles Built, and that’s what men do.

They have unwritten rules, and if Nakamura can’t follow those rules, he’ll be disciplined. If he wants to act like a child, AJ will act like a man-- the Last Man Standing, and he’ll leave the same way he comes in, as WWE Champion.

Miz is backstage with referee Danilo Anfibio discussing the finer points of being a referee and we go to break.

Back from commercial we get some more hype for Money in the Bank.

Miz makes his entrance to be special guest referee for our next match.

Rusev vs. Samoa Joe
Circling, collar and elbow, Joe forces Rusev into the corner and throws a few jabs only to get warned off by Miz. Rusev turns him around, big clubbing right hands and Miz backs him off as well. Off the ropes, front kick gets a lariat and Samoa rolls to the floor. Rusev follows after him, smashes his face into the turnbuckles but gets cut off the apron with a forearm and wiped out with a suicide dive that sends us to break!

Back from commercial and Joe is in charge, grabbing an arm-trap rear chinlock. Shift to a neck crank, Rusev stands up, body blows, a jawbreaker and Samoa is sent staggering but able to counter a charge with a back elbow still. Cover’s only good for two, three-quarter nelson applied, snapmare, readjusting to a reverse chinlock but the Bulgarian Lion’s able to fight out with punches again.

Whip across, body avalanche, kick to the midsection and a right hand but Joe comes back with a lariat that wipes Rusev out! Throwing more punches, duck a lariat, roundhouse kicks and Rusev is fired up! Charging shoulder thrust and that beautiful Ohtani-esque spinning wheel kick connects! Machka Kick sidestepped and the Coquina Clutch is on but Aiden English runs interference and Rusev gets out!

Joe bowls Miz over by accident, big Rock Bottom but the A-Lister won’t count the pin! He and Joe yell at each other and Samoa grabs his finger and wrenches! Rusev comes in...

Rusev wins by pinfall with the Machka Kick.

Not content to leave it at that, Rusev gets a ladder and knocks Joe out of the ring with it! He sets it up and climbs to retrieve the Money in the Bank briefcase, but Miz takes English out... SKULL-CRUSHING FINALE! The A-Lister then climbs the ladder and retrieves the briefcase to remind us how you win the match.

He takes the briefcase over to commentary and opens it to show the contract off as he pledges to win the title, but Byron Saxton points out it’s full of pancakes and Miz has a full-on “KHAAAAAN!” moment yelling at New Day, who we see celebrating while watching on a monitor backstage.

Commentary hypes up our ten-woman tag for later as well as Hardy vs. Nakamura.

We go backstage with Shinsuke Nakamura as he gurns and poses to get ready for the match, which will take place after the break.

Back from commercial in time for entrances.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Hardy indulges the crowd in some “Delete!” hands before getting down to business. Collar and elbow, Nakamura backs him into the corner and referee Danilo Anfibiio forces the break. Shinsuke does his weird head-on-belly break and gets a kick to the gut for his trouble. Corner to corner, face to turnbuckle, whip and Nakamura slides to the floor and throws up Jeff’s hand signs before waving him on for more!

Hardy puts Shinsuke into the barricade and follows it up with a diving lariat off the apron that sends us to break.

Back from commercial, a cover comes up empty for Nakamura. Cutthroat armlock, Hardy fights out with elbows, hits a jawbreaker, blockes punches and returns his own, whip reversed and he knocks the King of Strong Style down with a forearm. Manhattan Drop into the double leg drop and the basement dropkick but it’s only good for two. Kick to the midsection, Twist of Fate denied, sidestep the knee, kick caught but Jeff gets him with the solebutt!

Hardyac Arrest countered, reverse roundhouse connects! Setting him up in the corner, Hardy gets away and snaps his neck across the top rope... WHISPER IN THE WIND! NOT ENOUGH! Twist of Fate connects, headed up top... SWANTON BOMB BUT HIS BACK IS TOO JACKED TO CAPITALIZE! Jockeying for position, Shinsuke hits the low blow!

Jeff Hardy wins by disqualifcation.

Nakamura’s fired up... KINSHASA!

Backstage, Carmella’s having her makeup applied and tells the artist to take her leave. She goes to take a selfie and Renee Young rolls up to interview her. She has no concerns about Asuka because she’s the champion. Charlotte Flair beat Asuka, she beat Flair twice, so she’s better than both and completely unconcerned about either of ‘em.

The match will be after the break.

Back from commercial we get a hype reel for Stephanie McMahon’s appearance on Undercover Boss this Friday.

Big Cass is interviewed backstage.

He cuts Renee’s question off before she can begin and says he has it from here. He tells us about his day-- he went to the county fair, where they paid him 25 large to open a roller coaster. He pretended to smile, took his pictures, and took their money, but he also took a souvenir, the height requirement chart for the rollercoaster.

He thought they could bond over it, but unfortunately one member of the SmackDown locker room doesn’t meet the requirement, and that’s Daniel Bryan. He said last week a good big man always beats a good little man, and that’s what’s going to happen Sunday. It won’t be a roller coaster, it’ll be a free-fall drop, and if Bryan tries to come up to his level, he’s gonna come crashing right back down.

Commentary shills for the WWE Network and runs through the Money in the Bank card again.

Entrances for our main event begin and we cut to a video package on Special Olympian CJ Pianteri that takes us to break.

Asuka, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Lana, & Naomi vs. Carmella, Iconic Duo (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce), Mandy Rose, & Sonya Deville
Naomi and Sonya to start, circling, trading leg kicks and Naomi is staggered. She ducks a lariat, leapfrog, roll-through, Frankensteiner and a tag to Lana. Running knee in the corner, boot to the midsection, a hangman’s neckbreaker gets a cover. Deville backs her into the corner, tag to Carmella, putting boots to her, moonwalk, Bronco Buster comes up empty!

Lana crawling for the tag, nearly cut off but she tags Lynch in! Becky in with kicks, rolling solebutt, uppercut, flying lariat into a kip-up and then the exploder suplex... NOPE! Boot to Sonya, trying to armbar her down but Carmella gets to the ropes and tags Royce in. Big reverse roundhouse, no good, tag to Kay, double kicks into a cover, still not enough.

Tag to Deville, working Becky over and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Becky Lynch is isolated in the corner and being worked over with quick tags. Peyton puts boots to her, tag to Sonya, more kicks, front chancery countered into a small package but she can’t get the finish. Deville with a spear for a nearfall, and Kay tags in to grab a cravate. Body slam denied, caught by the leg-feed enzuigiri and Lynch tags Charlotte in!

Running Royce over with a lariat, clearing the apron, firing off chops and having a bit of a strut! T-Bone suplex, into a kip-up, charging into boots, quick recovery and the spear! Climbing up, she fends Carmella off, moonsault... the knees are up! Tag, sliding knees from Rose and Deville, clear the apron, double suplex denied and Flair clobbers them.

Tag to Asuka, missile dropkick wipes Mandy out, waistlock, German denied, hip toss knee, underhooks, no Angel’s Wings, only rolling armbar into the Asuka Lock... THE ICONIC DUO BREAK IT UP AND THE MATCH BREAKS DOWN INTO A BRAWL! Carmella legal in the chaos, Charlotte climbs up top... MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR! Mandy and Sonya put Becky into the barricade but Naomi takes Deville out with a crossbody!

Asuka nails Rose with a roundhouse and Carmella hits the superkick... LANA MAKES THE SAVE! Mella dumps her, another superkick, blocked, roll-up, kicked out... THE ASUKA LOCK IS IN! IT’S OVER!

Asuka, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Lana, & Naomi win by submission with the Asuka Lock from Asuka on Carmella.

The babyface team celebrates in the ring before having a slightly tense moment staring at the briefcase together.

That’s the show, folks.[/QUOTE]
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Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2017
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Good show. A lot of people were used even if it wasn't always in the ring. Shame we didn't get any Almas, or any members of the tag roster tho. Plus the AJ/Lawler segment was a bit lame. Shinsuke should have attacked AJ from behind to give the segment some reason for existing, otherwise it was just AJ saying he was going to win on Sunday. He could have done that via a Tweet
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Thanks again Seth! I should be fine getting NXT tomorrow, I appreciate your help!

Now to see how this show was...
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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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I've only watched the youtube versions of the segments I cared about, which basically means if you're not Styles, Bryan, or Asuka you don't exist to me. Okay, I also checked out the Shinsuke segment. Not going to rate the show since that's not really fair to it, but I will talk about the few things I seen.

I. Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin seemed fine, nothing to comment about this match specifically per se but I do love how Daniel Bryan has taken the chance to incorporate another finisher into his arsenal with the Heel Hook (which looks brutal, love it). He could've easily just retained his moveset from the olden days exactly and faced zero consequence as a result but I love the decision to add another finisher to his repertoire. For starters, too many people have singular finishers, but most importantly, adding signature, recognizable moves to his offense as his career continues is exactly the kind of evolution I love seeing. It helps revitalize matches, making things seems fresh. It gives matches more variety and drama, with three finishers now, and two of them being submissions, there's a lot more room for believable false finishes. And since the heel hook targets as different part of the body than the LeBell Lock, it means that the matches story can influence which finish Bryan uses. Big men like Cass will see Bryan naturally target the leg to ground them, that helps builds to the Heel Hook, rather than seeing say Bryan target the legs and then finished off with a move that targets the head. And I liked that Bryan attempted to win with the LeBell Lock earlier, as it works either to A) remind people that it's still a finisher and the Heel Hook isn't a replacement, or B) if it is a replacement, it helps make the transition feel a lot more natural.

II. The AJ promo was fine here but it kinda feels like any fire this feud had has been extinguished. I actually really liked the contract signing last week, at least the youtube version, so it's a shame that we end with just kinda a decent promo with Styles saying he's going to win. Nice to see King again I guess, I like him a lot when he's not commentating.

III. A bit weird that they went with a DQ finish here with Shinsuke cheating on Styles' balls with Jeff's but I think it worked to convey their point that Shinsuke kinda sucks and can't win without being allowed to low-blow people? Nah, the match looked good from the highlights and the finish works, ideally a competitive match with Jeff Hardy would be enough to showcase that Shinsuke is a talented competitor and the low-blow/Kinshasha at the end was meant to punctuate his heel character. So that's all fine, though I do kinda wish Shinsuke performed at an interval that didn't make it seem like Jeff Hardy was going to win if he didn't.

IV. The tag match seemed fun! I do kinda wish Charlotte would start saving that moonsault of hers instead of using it every-single match but admittedly I only really watch youtube segments and if you were Charlotte doing a moonsault or Asuka, you didn't get a whole lot here. Naomi and Becky were basically non-existent while Lana 'saved' Asuka from a loss to Carmella (that didn't rub me right), but Asuka was a blast to watch like she always is and I didn't make any secret about the fact that I'm watching this just for her, so this was everything I wanted. BUT, it's the go-home show and Asuka made Carmella tap which pretty definitely signals that Carmella is retaining at Money in the Bank. There's a part of me that remembers during the go-home show for the Royal Rumble Asuka won a multi-tag match for her team then "eliminated" all her teammates after the match. Initially that worried me that Ronda was debuting in the Rumble and that's why Asuka was booked so strong on the go-home show but nope, they just made her leave a strong impression heading into the Rumble then had her win it. So maybe there's hope. Probably not, I'm just hoping Carmella doesn't win in a way that's even remotely clean, if the title retention isn't so dirty everyone in the arena has to take a shower, I don't want to see it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Shelton Benjamin vs Daniel Bryan was a great match. WHY are we seeing Daniel v Cass on sunday, when we could of had a Bryan vs Benjamin fued?

Nakamura vs Hardy was another solid match and continuedd to make Nakamura be a prick. I don't really know what they are doing with Jeff. But things will pick up going into Extreme Rules.

Even the 10 woman tag was just all the woman in one segment, which has been the norm on Smackdown. This match was areally fun match and built up to MITB well.

AJ's promo meant nothing. But it was only a couple of mins, so whats the point moaning about it?

Rusev vs Joe on paper seems like it could tear the house down with the right time and booking. But that didn't happen. I see Joe as a main event guy so I was surprised that Rusev beat him. The Miz and New Day stuff was funny tho.

Good episode of SDL. 7/10. You would probably expect more since its the go home show for MITB, but whatever.

Oh and Big Cass is fucking terrible lol


The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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Bryan vs. Benjamin was great, Joe vs. Rusev okay, main event decent. That being said, Joe vs. Rusev and the main event are both forgettable, so the only real reason to watch this show is for Bryan vs. Benjamin. Smackdown is the Daniel Bryan show as long as AJ's not wrestling. These shows will be much better once both get to wrestle on the same card assuming they aren't facing bland talent like Nakamura and Cassidy. AJ vs. Bryan is gonna be fantastic once it happens. This show didn't get that, though. I give it a 2/10.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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. I give it a 2/10.
I know people have different rating systems but how can a show with a 'great' match be not just an average show or a bad show but a 2/10 show. Unless 2/10 just means bad. For me 2/10 means so bad it hurts my eyes.
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The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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I know people have different rating systems but how can a show with a 'great' match be not just an average show or a bad show but a 2/10 show. Unless 2/10 just means bad. For me 2/10 means so bad it hurts my eyes.
2/10 is bad, but has some sort of highlight that makes watching part of it worthwhile. A show has to have multiple segments and matches that are worth watching to be an average or good show. One single worthwhile moment warrants a low rating. Average has to make me want to keep watching to see what happens next. I was ready to check out once Bryan and Benjamin were gone.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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2/10 is bad, but has some sort of highlight that makes watching part of it worthwhile. A show has to have multiple segments and matches that are worth watching to be an average or good show. One single worthwhile moment warrants a low rating. Average has to make me want to keep watching to see what happens next. I was ready to check out once Bryan and Benjamin were gone.
So im guessing most of the time you rate less than 5/10


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
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I'm fairly sure that's the case. I dunno, I don't keep track of it very well.
What if a show has nothing but average segments. Nothing bad, nothing great just average. Does that get a rock bottom 1/10 by your logic?


The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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What if a show as nothing but average segments. Nothing bad, nothing great just average. Does that get a rock bottom one by your logic?
That'd probably be a five. Depends on what my expectations were. If high, then I'd be disappointed and rate lower. Average matches can occasionally have good spots or moments that make me wanna keep watching.


Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2017
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Did you not like Hardy vs. Nakamura @MildlyUpsetGerbil? The women's match and the Joe/Rusev match were both average, so therefore combined make a good match. DB vs. Shelton and Hardy vs. Nakamura were both good IMO. Therefore 3 good matches should equal at least a 3/10.