Rate Slammiversary XVI

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The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
Reaction score
Leave a comment or two about what you liked, hated, or both.

Moose vs Austin Aeris: Austin Aeris

Su Yung vs Madison Rayne: Su Yung

Brain Cage vs Matt Sydal: Brain Cage

Pentagon Jr. vs Sami Callahan: Pentagon Jr.

Eddie Edwards vs Tommy Dreamer: Eddie Edwards


Tessa Blanchard vs Allie: Tessa Blanchard

Johnny Impact vs Fenix vs Bone Solider vs Petey Williams: Johnny Impact
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The Villain

Jul 19, 2018
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England, United Kingdom

It was the most I have enjoyed a wrestling PPV for a hell of a long time. The matches were fantastic, the way the stories were explained were fantastic. The whole show was just pretty great. It wasn't the perfect PPV by any means, hence why I gave it a 8/10 and not 10/10 but it was so enjoyable.
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The Lunatic Fringe
Apr 13, 2016
Reaction score
Really great PPV.

Johnny Mundo vs Fenix vs Taiji Ishimori vs Petey Williams - I was a little upset to find out that Swann had been injured and wouldn't be in the match, but Petey made a fine replacement and added to the international angle the match had. I would have enjoyed seeing DJZ or someone else as Petey was in that feud with Killer Kross, but being in Canada, it makes sense to have Petey show up. The match was exciting and everything you would expect from an X division style matchup. After the match, I thought there was no way for the other matches to live up to it.

Tessa Blanchard vs Allie - pretty good match. As much as I like Allie, Tessa really needed this. Especially with her recent signing a long-term deal with Impact, she should become a major force in the division (deservingly so, because she is a great wrestler).

Eddie Edwards vs Tommy Dreamer - This was one of the most interesting developments going into this PPV. Eddie snapping was so interesting. The match itself was decent. Impact does need to take a tip from the tv industry in that if you introduce a gun (or in this case a flaming table) you eventually use it. The crowd was really hot and wanted that. Personally, I didn't need to see, but they shouldn't have teased it then. The post-match stuff I'm a little torn on. I like the whole "passing of the torch" moment but did Eddie just forget his issues? Did he stop thinking that Tommy was with his wife and all that crazy stuff he had in his head beforehand?

Matt Sydal vs Brian Cage - I had it in my mind that Sydal would be losing this match before it even started, but I was still holding on to that tiny possibility that he would retain. Not that I don't like Cage, because I honestly like him, but lately, Sydal has been the most interesting I've ever seen him in his career. Either way, it will be interesting to see where things go forward from here. I would love to see Johnny Impact mix it up with Sydal or Cage in the X division for a little while.

Su Yung vs Madison Rayne - I'll be honest and say that my hopes weren't too high for this match, so it didn't disappoint. It wasn't too amazing, but an average match. It may have been better, but I had no investment in Madison Rayne as I assumed she was only here short term, and I Su Yung is still too similar to Rosemary (whom I prefer) for my liking. I'm curious to see who will go after Su Yung next.

LAX vs OGz - This was an exciting matchup and really picked the PPV back up. LAX always knows how to work a streetfight, so this civil war within the group was sure to make the most of the match type. I was very pleased and thought this tied with the first matchup of the night.

Pentagon Jr vs Sami Callihan - Man oh man, this match was amazing. MOTN for me for sure. This was intense, they told a great story, and played well off the buildup. I had a good feeling that Pentagon was winning but they had me going back and forth in the match. There were some insane spots especially the Fear Factor through the chairs. I was really hoping that oVe wouldn't be involved in the match, but they were neutralized quickly so their harm to the match was minimalized. After watching Lucha Underground, I was really hoping that Impact wouldn't drop the ball with Pentagon when they brought him in, and they have been doing some great stuff with him. Can't wait to see where he goes next. If they don't have anything, I wouldn't mind him and his brother tagging for a while and taking out the tag division.

Austin Aries vs Moose - I must say, I was for sure that they were going to be crowning Moose here. It seemed like the setup was all for Moose to overcome and prove that he belonged in the wrestling ring. I'm not upset with Aries being world champion though, as he is a great worker. The match itself was better than I expected. I was really worried that wouldn't be able to follow up the previous match, and while it wasn't as good, it definitely held its own. I really wonder where they take moose after this.

Other notes - Interesting camera angles. Not sure what I thought of them yet, but they definitely caught my eye as something different. Back when TNA was on spike they had interesting camera angles, and I thought they were interesting. Gave it a new feel. The arena was pretty cool too. Overall, the PPV was probably around an 8-8.5, but I gave it the bump up to a 9 for the hot crowd who really added to the night. Hope they will be this hot for the upcoming tv tapings there as well.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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I really can't add anything that hasn't been said by Crithu, but I would highly recommend this show to anyone who is tired of WWE's subpar PPVs. I really loved every second of this PPV, but due to Su vs Rayne and Moose vs Austin being okay so for that I have to get it a 9/10, the second highest grade I have given a PPV this year so far.
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Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Parts Unknown
Crit more or less covered everything. I also am unsure of where Eddie goes from here after the end of that match, but all I know is that they have me fully invested in him right now. Perhaps with Alisha walking out alone and not with Eddie will play into it.

-That Sydal SSP was scary to watch for a split second, but he managed to save himself from dying perfectly, and accidentally made the ending of the match even better.

-I figured the main event would be good, despite the lack of hype it seemed to be given (at least on Mooses end). Honestly shocked Aries retained, but not in a bad way. And that match was even better than expected.

Perfect 10 from me for this one. When even the worst match on the show is entertaining, and not in a "so bad it's good" way, that's when you know it's a good show. Impact has failed to disappoint me yet in the recent months, id even say years, and this was yet another shining example of them improving their product. Only thing they need now is to keep this momentum, and get more people watching again

The Sheik

The Architect
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
8/10 really good show.

Every match on this show was good, even the women matches. Su Yung's character is so interesting... Match of the night was Sami Callihan and Pentagon Jr.. Eddie Edwards finally showing some personality after 10 years... Great show for Impact, kudos to them.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I probably don't have much room to comment. I only saw 1 match and that's only because I was browsing the guide on my android box and saw impact slammiversary and remembered seeing that it was in Toronto. Fortunately, I got to see the pentagon jr match. Boy oh boy was that a treat. So refreshing.
And the camera angles. Different but nice.

Back last year when I watched impact for a couple months I said how it reminded me of the AE wwf a lot. And that match solidified that for me.
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