Well, it was decent for what it was. 5/10 at best.
- The Usos vs The Miz & Mizdow was decent for what it was. The match wasn't anything special, nothing we haven't seen these guys do before.
- Lesnar vs Rollins vs Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was absolutely fantastic! Loved every second of it and loved the fact Lesnar retained the title! MOTN & MOTY material, right there.
- Holy shitballs, my number [19] won! Congrats to Reigns on winning! I hope you know what you're doing, WWE.
What'd you expect, though? We all knew it was either Reigns or Bryan winning it. Reigns won and it's fine with me, honestly. I'm certainly not gonna lose sleep at night over it, even though I would've prefered Bryan winning it. But, oh well.
They should've just kept DB around longer instead of having him eliminated so early on, that was a stupid decision.
If ya asked me about pre-injury Reigns, I would've said 'Fuck that guy.' But ever since he returned from injury, the kid's been improving on the mic and in the ring and has started to grow on me.
Plus, Reigns isn't the one to blame here, b/c if Vinnie Mac came to you and said 'We're gonna make ya the next top star, kiddo. But first, you'll be winning the Rumble.' Would ya say 'Sorreh, boss. I'm not ready. Push someone else.'? Heck no, you wouldn't. If the rest of the WWE Universe is like the Philly crowd, then this is bad news for Roman.
- The Ascension vs The New Age Outlaws. Meh. Boooorrriiiiiing.
- The Royal Rumble match itself was just like last year's - a complete lackluster.
- FUCK YOU! Fuck you for eliminating Bryan the way you did and basically sending him back to midcard in a way.
Horrendous, just a horrendous decision. But, that's just WWE's thing, I guess. Plus, if they had him as one of the final men to be eliminated, the crowd wouldn't have booed everyone who entered the Rumble and most importantly, they wouldn't have booed Roman Reigns. You suck, WWE.
- Big Show and Kane were one of the final superstars?! Are you fucking kidding me?
- I also LOL'd and cringed at the same time at how Wyatt, Ziggler and Ambrose got eliminated. Just grand stuff.
Mark out moments:
#1 Bubba Ray Dudley comin' back, baybay! Hopefully he sticks around.
#2 DDP coming out. He delivered 3 Diamond Cutters and made me happy.
The 'I don't give a toss about this' segment:
- Gladly skipped Paige/Natalya vs Nikki/Brie.