I didn't watch the preshow (internet problem ) but I heard it was okay...I expect that Cesaro delivered a good match and the Miz .... well is just the Miz . Good to know that the are many chances of cesaro dropping the match at WM or even after...what means a nearly 8 months title reign ...
Then I expected the WHC match to be slow and boring .. but for me stole the show ... that moment when show and ADR climbed that shit ..... Nice to watch a good match from Show and .. we all need to admmit that ADR is gonna be a great champ for about 1/2 months till he drops the title...
I liked the Ricardo stuff, it was fun to watch show doing sit ups.... ADR is really over with the crowd .. the WWE did a great move and I am gonna enjoy this new ADR. I guess is the end of this feud. (BRING BACK THE FUCKING CARS)
WHC Match was for me 8.5/10
Then the tag team titles was a boring match , good to watch dbry getting the win instead of Kane ... I was surprised cuz I really thought that RS where going to win ... I expect this fed to end in a random Monday night raw and RS to be new tag team champs.
Then there was suppose to be a quick toilet break ( also called divas match) but I actually think that the WWE was smart .. Just build a good feud for EC and WM instead of a random match with Tamina ..
RR match: when I first saw Ziggy with a mic and then saying that they could bring out anyone , I expect something big (Crish , Henry , Carilto , Benjamin ) but JERICHO ! I marked so fucking hard .. That was awesome , really really awesome ... Then goldust vs Cody was hilarious as well , and I found the godfather a freaking waste , I mean , they could just show him up in a random raw or in raw 20th anniversary but the RR .. Nah... Kofi stuff was stupid actually but it's was okay , bob Dallas..... Hope he gets bury by Barrett and do not return again to the WWE ... I loved , literally love the way Jericho was eliminated ( Jericho vs ziggler WM29 ?) and then the WWE did a wrong move ... 4 babyfaces? Sheamus eliminating ziggler? I expected there a orton heel turn , eliminating sheamus , and a shield interference ... However .. It wasn't done in the right way ... May I say I hate how this finished ... Cena eliminating ryback? Ya serious? Do they need to push cena even more ? Cena could have say .. I want a rematch . And that's it , not point of wasting a RR winner .
People booed at cena and sheamus , I hate ryback but, at that point , I wanted him to win .. So bad .
So I guess we will need to way to EC to watch an orton heel turn .. He just needs it . Dbry vs Kane WM29 loved the way this two got eliminated although it was too fast for Kane.
And what about lesnar , taker , Henry , Morrison etc.... We all got trolled by Jericho .. Once again . Despite I didn't like the outcome , it was really really nice.
MAIN EVENT : don't care if I'm a punk mark (not the biggest ) and I do like rock .. U couldn't enjoy this match , just awful . This was like a viscera vs tensai match . With a lot of breaks , just cuz rock needed it , punk looked strong during the match and I really liked that , LOL'd at that botch with the table ... Although I wanted it to happened (Rock bottom through a table). Didn't like the way Vince screwed the match by restarting it and then ending it 3 minutes later , I expected punk to "survive" to the people's elbow and then lose with a rock bottom , didn't like the finish at all . Is not the best way to end the longest reign of the modern era . Also , I realised that after the match punk just went to the backstage , not even a lame camera shoot . All rocky.. So rock has finally become WWE champ.
Overall: 7/10
Best match -> WHC
Worst match ->WWE title match
Conclusion : when the PPV finished I drove crazy , it was 5 AM and I was like screw this shit I'm gonna stop watching this bullshit . This morning I woke up , I took a shower ( it was holiday ) and then I start thinking about all this , and even if the match was crap , it's an " honour " that the rock finished the reign , it's how it was meant to be AND thanks to the rock , punk has keep the title all this time , otherwise he would have dropped it around October , I also since SummerSlam I couldn't decide who was my favourite superstar , ziggler or punk , now I just gonna say ziggler ....
Expecting RTWM to be fantastic .
I guess I'm mad with this PPV cuz everything was too obvious , and that's the reason why we all wanted to be wrong with our predictions .
I reached 1 k posts yesterday and I decided to start writing higher quality posts.. Hope this is one is enough.
That's all .
Show off.