I really enjoyed Kevin Owens vs Neville. Some of the spots Neville had were incredible.
Chirs Jericho's act is tired. Was just a bunch of rehashed catch phrases.
And Reigns vs Sheamus was pretty much expected. Vince was hilarious throughout the match though. But the Royal Rumble announcement just ruined everything for me.
- KO vs
- I fucking love you for saying this about Y2J. This was the first time in forever that I haven't marked for Jericho. And I was thinking to myself like "Wow, I really don't care about this". That was a surprisingly shitty promo on his part.
- The ME, Reigns vs Sheamus, was all about Vince... Who has been a walking botchamania (a fun one, though) these last couple of weeks. Him yelling stuff at Reigns like "Happy New Year!!!" for like 20 times because he prolly forgot his lines, flipping the bird and trying to hide it and looking lost in the final segment with all the referee interferences is hilarious. Keep it up, man!:Mugshot: