I'm loving Raw these days. I absolutely do not give a damn when there's stuff like Breeze just losing clean and whatever the heel the girls are doing right now, also when I see the New Day act like complete babyfaces and the supposed babyfaces attack them because they're getting jiggy afterwards is just so stupid I laugh, just as I did at Dreamer/Strowman last week or Truth and Bo being the biggest geeks I've ever seen. That said, this show not only had this type of stuff, but the ECW match was actually pretty good, the Ambrose/Owens stuff is fine build and damn, that Roman thing was great. I'm not the biggest fan of the guy, I'm not even sure if he should be the next ace, but he's an acceptable choice if they do it right. And what these geeks were unable to do for an entire year they did just like that, in two days. Granted it's not exactly the same people, but they got him to win the belt and get cheered by the same crowd that HATED the man in January. I think he even spoke too much, but he didn't embarass himself this time, and when we get some heels who are actually over and the face overcomes them, it works! Great. I'll give them a thumbs up because it may have taken then forever, but they did it. Do I trust them to actually keep booking him decently until, say, WM or even RR? No. Is there a big chance the dude will cut an awful 20 minute promo next week? Yes. They may screw it up terribly as they are known to do, but this week I'll give it to them. Good job WWE!
Hey now, Raw's been perfect for Leo the last few weeks! I can just imagine one of our Skype chats coming up with the so-bad-it's-good shit we said last week. I mean, we had a bunch of heel chicks arguing with each other and Del Rio getting pissy over tripping over a motor scooter and a fat swampman vowing to kill Tommy Dreamer, but... You heard Bryan's amazing rant about how it took them 11 months to figure out "Hmm, we're trying to get this 260 pound Samoan badass with muscles and devastating offense over... maybe we should let him beat peoples' asses?" Amazing.
I love how this show took my cynicism and threw it right in my face. Oh, here's Stephanie to open the show, guess Roman's gonna be killed by the end of it... Oh, no? Somebody (besides Ryback that one time that nobody remembers) actually stood up to her and got in her face? YES!!! Alrighty here's VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON and a "Youuuuuuu're Fiiiiiiiiiired" is also great - especially when the last fired stip was ACTUALLY FOLLOWED - no more seeing Motherfucking Kane all over our TV every monday night - and I rolled my eyes with the traditional "Y'all want a title match RIGHT HERE TONIGHT!!!" - this shit again how many times are we OH WE'RE ACTUALLY GETTING THE MATCH! WTF!!!!?!?!?!?!? Thanks, Roman making a little balls joke that was actually funny? Swear we turned on a parallel universe edition of Raw.
Hell I can't even tell you what this match was like, it's just cool to see how Roman's progressed. "Lets turn him into Cena 2.0... yeahhhh, probably not the best decision... Ooooh! What about sticking him with Ambrose? Not if he'll be a singles star? Okay, uhhhh... trying to make Daniel Bryan fail only got him more over, so lets have" Who would have thought the answer was to turn Roman Reigns into Bayley. Lets get him an I'm a Hugger T-shirt. (Don't actually do that.)
Seriously this was like that Eva Marie match except with bonus cynicism because it's Raw and Vince is sitting out there and I'm just twiddling my thumbs like "Okay, so we've got a DQ on Raw woot, lets just rip it off like a bandaid, come on League of Nations, lets get to the exciting DQ full of post-match stuff that matters! Woohoo, ending Raw with a DQ lets ge-OH VINCE WHAT DID YOU! THE LEAGUE! YOU CAN'T DO IT LIKE THIS THE REF ISN'T oh my goodness could we actually get a clean finYES YES YES ROMAN WINS GO SUCK IT IN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHAHAHA IN YOUR FUCKING FACE YAYYYY FINISHES and then Triple H will be back around Wrestlemania time with a VENGEANCE and Roman vs ANGRY GOD is the best and...
This was great. So great, in fact, that I went back to watch it again and saw it actually was a pretty good match, haha.
As for other stuff, the hardcore match was actually a lot of fun, and Erick Rowan going from "LOL someone's gotta job, and... uhh, you kinda suck dude" to 300 POUND FLYING THORUFF was glorious. The Divas did stuff, and Ambrose and Ziggler had a fun Pringles match and hopefully we can be more content with this while the Terminator sets his sights on Roman. Also New Day talks. New. Day talks. New. Day talks. Liked that serious promo there. Can we push Kalisto yet? I mean, they cut Dorito from Hulu yet again. They know. They freaking know.