Isn't this like 2 RAW's in the last month or so where Brie
has delivered an ultimate level botch or botches?
Didn't she pancake some suicide dives not that long ago?
(Honestly though...the entire roster needs to cut that shit
out...leave that to the 205 Live crew & guys who can do it
safely like Rollins & A.J)
Women's wrestling doesn't need this...especially with all
the amazing work some of the other women have done
in raising the quality of the actual wrestling expected from
the entire division.
I'm the first to say that "Shit Happens" in a contact "sport"
like wrestling...but holy shit...those kicks were actually
terrifying to watch.
Especially with the "YES!!!" chants...Jiminy Cricket.
Brie could have killed Liv if she struck her hard enough
& pushed the bones in her nose up into her brain.
Fuck...can you imagine if that happened?
And Seth throws Jacob under the bus.