okay, looking at the Mania 32 go-home show...
-Show opens up hot with Undertaker's gong (dong? haha) hitting and him and Shane arguing about fuck all nobody cares and SHANE HIT AN ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE. Unfortunately he only hit Undertaker and not Michael Cole.
-Jericho interrupted a Ryder interview on the preshow where he said that Ryder would never get a Mania moment. FORESHADOWING!!!!!!!! OMG. THAT IS CRAZY. There's no way they knew they were going to do that random ass title change... did they? DID THEY??... anyway Ryder vs Jericho happened and Styles uncomfortably walked out to start a Y2Jackass chant and Jericho got distracted so Ryder won with a Rollup. They set up Jericho getting the most pointless victory ever over AJ Styles by having him lose to Zack Ryder on Raw. :aids:
-I want a snowball smiley.
-Charlotte beat Becky when Ric Flair grabbed Becky's foot when bouncing off the ropes. Sasha on commentary
-Kane and Big Show beat up the Social Outcasts
-Triple H and Stephanie come out to talk forever, Roman runs down to get beat up, then come back enough to hit two punches before they bail. Cool
-New Day was actually over then and people loved the Booty-O's. The League of Urinations spoils the fun and puts everyone to sleep so they missed current Impact World Heavyweight Champion Dorito trying to hook his tree of woe double stomp on Kofi, then missing and getting rolled up
-Dudleys talked down Roman backstage and Triple H jumped him. Dudleys still got their asses kicked.
Kalisto defeated Konnor, then survived a post-match attack from Viktor and this entrance was so cool
I miss this Ascension... and then Ryback stared down Kalisto where there was probably one dude in the audience starting a CM Punk chant.
Lesnar promo was just like every other Lesnar promo before Ambrose ran out with a radio flyer and started throwing weapons out of it Tommy Dreamer-style, before getting to the barbed-wire bat and chainsaw to tease the promised chaos and insanity that the Mania match didn't deliver 1% of. Fuck off.
Paige wound up on her back after a 10-person melee ends with Lana kicking Paige in the back of the head... to set up the 5-on-5 Farewell to Brie Bella match. I love how people remember Paige being booked 500x stronger than this on the main roster... and then there's a big brawl and who's going to come down to make the save for the faces....... EVA MARIE!!!!! TO A CHORUS OF BOOS!!!!
Golddust and R-Truth talk up how they aren't a tag team and won't be friends in the battle royal
Stardust, Miz, and Owens faced Zayn, Ziggler, and Sin Cara to set up
Zayn vs Owens a random ass ladder match, the ENTIRE crowd turns on this match, actual Punk chants, RVD chants, the usual... Owens never tags in until it's time for Sami to get his hot tag and hit a flurry of offense on KO for the 1-2-3.
The Authority main-events with a promo, and Roman limps down to brawl and security breaks them up, and Roman does a dive OVER the top rope and lands on everyone but Triple H, who bails. Cool.
This looks hella lukewarm, so lemme go see what last year's thread contained! :yay:
Spoiler - Rate Raw 03/28/2016
nothing really interesting here lmao. Outside of some loser twat named Shadow who used to be here. Whatever happened to that guy???
(srsly I want to know)
"I'm trying to type an interesting post but the enthusiasm for the show was just not there."
-Jacob Fox
"Should've just watched the opener and gone to bed."
-Leo C
"Obligatory plug: Lucha Underground, Wednesdays at 8 PM on El Rey Network. Also, NXT TakeOver: Dallas this Friday at 10 PM ET/7 PM PT."
-Prince Balor
I miss the LU plugging gimmick lmao