Really? Cause to me it just sounds like its leading to 1 of 2 things...
1). A repeat of the first Ambrose/Rollins feud only with the heel/face
role possibly swapped around...I depends on how the fans
react to it...
2). Ambrose turns heel & gets fed to the Plank of Wood...
Either option sounds pretty lame to me...but that's just how I see it.
It's a classic 2018 debate we could have here. Where we'll argue totally different ideals from a simple point...
Think mostly I just appreciate the effort and week to week continuity. That they set up a really good angle the week before, then actually progressed it (half-assedly, I heard the audio and it sounded like they set up an awesome cliffhanger then killed it 2 sentences later, lol). I read that and thought wow, they're actually trying something that stands out to make us want to cheer the faces and boo the heels for manipulating Ambrose.
I see Heel Ambrose as having Broken Matt Hardy syndrome, where it's more over to tease it happening than watching them do it and fuck it up.
A big part of me wonders if it's leading to a separate turn in the match, be it Dolph or Rollins or... obviously if I'm booking it it's Reigns, leading Strowman to say he was right all along, and do the turn the right way...
Most likely is either one of your two options, or it just leads to Ambrose siding with his brothers, Shield wins lol, and 1% of the fans will be like "YAY Ambrose didn't sell out his friends!" and everyone else will be like BOOOOO THAT LED TO NOTHING
that finish would totally work well on nxt btw