Coming off one of the best shows all year, we all knew it would be quite difficult of a task for WWE to deliver again in such a big way, however I think it’s fair to say we at least got a very good follow up show overall which, I agree, deserves a solid 7/10. My thoughts:
- First off, I was very saddened to hear about Lilian Garcia leaving the WWE and my thoughts and prayers go out to her and her dad, who is battling cancer.
- Opening segment was great. Not often to we see a women’s segment open the show and aside from it being something different, it was also quite entertaining. Loved the exchange of words between Charlotte and Sasha, Y2J stepping in added a lot of spice and, well, we all know Enzo is gold on the mic so no surprise he was brilliant once again. Given that by the end of the show they set up the partnership between KO and Y2J, obviously to take on Enzo and Cass, I am already looking forward to the promos between them and especially the exchanges between KO and Enzo: this ought to be fun…
- The mixed tag match was pretty good as well – again, something different that we hadn’t seen in quite some time – however I do feel the need to point a couple of negative things, with most important being the fact that Sasha ate the pin. I understand how they played the interference factor with Dana Brook, but having her get pinned just one week after she won the title to me was kind of wrong. Would have much preferred some DQ ending based on the interference itself but it is what it is.
The second thing has nothing to do with the match but it was a pretty big botch moment. I don’t know if you guys caught it but if you go back and watch it, after Big Cass comes out for the save post match, did anyone notice how the referee ran in the background with the women’s title and tried to hand it over to Charlotte as her Brook and Y2J were walking backwards the ramp? You could almost listen to Jericho telling him that he fucked up and when he went back to give it over to Sasha, she yelled “gimmie that thing” as in “you fucking moron”.
- Can I be the next jobber to Strowman? I could certainly use 1000 bucks….
- Enough with the hate on Balor and his weakness on the microphone. Granted, it’s not his strong suit but it’s not like he tanked either; there’ve been (and still are) much worse cases….coughing...reigns...coughing...kalisto..coughing....
- So, Rusev vs. Roman Reigns for the US title at Summerslam? Me like, as long as WWE don’t fuck this up, meaning there can only be one outcome to this match, meaning Rusev MUST retain, otherwise all this build these past few months would be for nothing. By the way, when Rusev was doing his promo post match, trashing the Olympics and all, tell me you didn’t think for a second that maybe your Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle was going to show up; what a moment that would’ve been…
- Golden Truth and the whole Pokemon go thing was funny the first time around, not the second…
- Cesaro and Sheamus had a very good match and I liked how prior to it and during the backstage promo, Foley and Stephanie pretty much explained why Cesaro was drafted that late with the mentioning of the shoulder injury. I feel it was a nice addition to the story…
- I’m a little disappointed we won’t get to see Enzo and Cass vs. New Day for the tag titles but I can’t say I have much of a problem with the Club being given that opportunity.
- Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn obviously MOTN. On a side note, we all are aware of Zayn’s abilities and the arsenal he possesses, with several beautiful moves, one of which the blue thunder bomb; I just wish we’d see him actually win a match with that gorgeous move…
- Closing segment, a thing a beauty. You can obviously never go wrong with Heymann and his promos but that icing in the cake? What a sick moment, with that out of nowhere RKO and the perfect camera work made that moment look brilliant…
- When was the last time we had such an excessive use of the word “ass” on RAW, or any WWE TV programme for the matter?
- I like how Summerslam is shaping up and for the most part I think we have a pretty good idea of how things will go down but will save the predictions for when the time comes…