WWE is making a horrible mistake by turning Seth Rollins heel, again. The fans are obviously clamoring for him to pull through and win the WWE title, but they gave him the heel shtick again. It's one thing to give Reigns the title, but to forcefully put more popular superstars in a bad light is just stupid. Seth Rollins should be a face, or a tweener of sorts. Reigns and Rollins should be equals, and the question should be; should they trust eachother. If you want to turn Rollins heel down the line, go ahead, but now isn't the time.
Thought the same thing.
I was watching the whole heel shoot thinking "What the fuck are you doing, Rollins?" People are clamoring for your return, and respecting the fact that you had been through a torn Malaise (spelling, please), torn ACL/MCL if I remember correctly. Even Triple H had the biggest pop any heel character had return, and Triple H played
that up. Enzo did the same thing with Cass later in the evening, so I mean, what the fuck, man!? WWE could have run with this return, but they decided to "take the piss out" of the crowd with this return. Wrong move, WWE,
- Charlotte promo was :damn:, as well as nasty. Now, while it did get the job done, I still have kind of a problem with it. Like many of you, I too was sick and tired of the Ric Flair shenanigans each and every time (literally) and wished Charlotte would at least get a few clean wins every now and then, you know, just to prove that she is indeed that good and doesn't necessarily need help every time to do so. But this? Getting rid of Ric is one thing, but if this simply him being replaced by this blond bimbo and we get the rediculous interferences every time, what was the point?
I thought the exact same thing. But that was fucking
I say the same thing with Steph/Rollins promo skit, I was literally like "
Damn. That was
cold!" Given their history in "The Authority" I thought they'd ya know, maybe exchanged pleasantries, become like buddy, buddy like Seth seems to be aiming for. But
damn that was cold.
- Enzo & Cass. Enzo is back, baybay! That's awesome. Now, Enzo telling concussion jokes was a bit weird, but funny, I guess. And the hard sneeze into a dab part was great.
Actually, if you pay attention to his words or his tone - the jabs are directed at the doctors who are telling him shit. He's being and staying positive despite the negativity towards his concussion. This shoot is planted squarely on the heels of Daniel Bryan's retirement. He's basically saying "Hell fuck no, I ain't going the way of Bryan. I didn't come to WWE just to retire!"
And it is the end goal. Wrestling is a story based product. You don't just turn people willy nilly, there has to be a story behind it to make the turn good. Same reason they have not turned Roman heel or Cena heel just because there are large portions of the crowd booing, the story needs to make sense and work.
Seth will be face in due time. They just need the arc to take its time.
Example: Daniel Bryan did not go heel out of nowhere when he won the world title, it was a slow process of him turning more and more week by week. Same needs to happen to Seth. He needs to have his ass handed to him at MITB and then start his climb back. The seeds were already planted in the segment with Stephanie on RAW.
Well, when you put it that way... You're right, but most returns are usually about playing up the "face" thing for a little bit. When Triple H returned, he was heel, and played up the whole "face" thing, until a while when he felt like being a heel. But WWE is basically shitting on the return of Seth. That's what it boils down to. That's what everyone is thinking.