Rate RAW 03/04/2019

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What do you rate this week's RAW?

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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Ok, I'm back...so...

Disclaimer: This response/rant is for anyone who wanted to know why I gave such the rating I did in my first post in this thread. This is meant to cause ruckus, dismay or aggressive arguments. So...IF YOU CHOOSE TO RESPOND BACK, then you have volunteered yourself in perhaps the back and forth debate with me and such.

Alright to begin, WWE you can NOT have 2 decent/good back to back episode of RAW and then this week pretty much shit the bed. It just doesn't make sense to do this at all. You gave exceptional contents on the way to your biggest event, Wrestlemania no matter if the bad or good or both good and bad content is meant for Fastlane coming up soon. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

Now to list what bothered me while watching this recent episode from the beginning.

1. The opening - I figured okay, Roman is back so they're going to probably use him for either reuniting The Shield (which I never cared for The Shield so I was hating this) or they were going to have Roman try to address Dean Ambrose about his actions the night he left WWE (which I would have preferred). But okay, I wait and watch Roman get all gushy with the fans and I'm like ROMAN JUST GET DOWN TO THE RING, TAKE CARE OF BEGINNING...STOP GETTING TOO HAPPY, TIME TO GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. Btw, I'm a Roman Reigns fan and criticize him deeply at certain times. So anyway, he goes into his whole spill of wanted something but he had to talk with Seth in order to get it. They do this cheesy discussion about The Shield and Dean Ambrose then Dean comes out...so I'm like okay maybe this can become interesting if Dean snaps at Roman right there even at Seth too. A perfect moment for an entertaining opening with 3 of the (debatable) "top guys" especially for Ambrose as a heel. NOPE!!! WWE has Elias come out and crack Dean across the back with a guitar which to me is a lazy created idea and now adds more confusion given the fact that The Shield is supposed to be teaming to go after Corbin, McIntyre & Lashley. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

2. First match - after a lazy type of opening, they give the viewers/audience this same Blue "feud" match of Corbin, McIntyre & Lashley vs the guys that they keep whipping their asses (Balor, Angle & Strowman). Hmmmm...I wonder who's going to win this and/or get the upper hand in this team-up??? Hmmmm... So again, laziness in this booked match. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

3. The announced Tag Team Championship match - Ricochet & Aleister Black get a Tag Team Championship match...after 2 weeks of getting wins? Really, WWE? Is that how you're playing things? Making special exceptions just out of thin air...AGAIN? And let's face it, they've recently allow these four new guys from NXT have automatic wins since bringing them up to the main roster (well not really new, per se...Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Chiampa, Aleister Black and Ricochet to name all four). This is irritating to me and yes, lazy...to me even if it'll pay off for some "rookies" vs "veterans" type of thing. Still this is quite lazy. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

4. Second match - ...so then we have...Natalya...vs Ruby Riott...with The Riott Squad at ringside. And at this point not only am I getting bored as fuck but I'm getting a bit sleepy. I mean have the fans/viewers/audiences not had enough of this "feud"? The constant attacking, ambushes and one upping Natalya? Yes I know Nattie won this match...using a quick roll up/schoolboy... Another boring case but wait, here comes the girl (Lacey Evans) who comes out strutting then turns right around and leaves... More stupid content and filler for the show. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

5. Surprised guests - ...here we have the host of SNL's "Weekend Update" Michael Che and Colin Jost brought, and their the special guest correspondants of Wrestlemania 35... And this will be exciting because of...what? Will kids care? Hell, will adults even care that they are going to be at Wrestlemania? Will teens or young adults care? I don't know but it didn't seem like they got excited about them, other than Michael Che doing a cheap pop for Philadelphia. And neither do I care about them being there, hopefully they have some type of comedic segments that will be actually funny for this environment. I'm just saying. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

small gripe - Ok, Batista's Instagram vid was okay I guess and Triple H did a great job driving his response all the home (meaning it made sense and worked)...except...why are they using Ric Flair? Looking back on their first encounter in years on Smackdown 1000, Ric was the one calming both guys down then at his birthday celebration he's the one attacked by Batista. Then Triple H talked about his friendship with Ric's real identity and so forth. I thought about this after it was brought up in the chatroom and at the end of RAW. I believe that Ric is going to be used as like a guest referee or something. Either way, that piece of this is just not connecting...at least, not yet. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

6. Stephanie's announcement - So now Steph comes out and explains that all charges against Becky Lynch are being dropped. WWE is also lifting the 60 day suspension (all of a sudden...? ) for Becky. And now, Stephanie is offering this hold harmless agreement for her to sign tonight to face Charlotte for the Raw's Women Championship. I mean didn't Seth Rollins just do this similar storyline 2 years for his match at Wrestlemania 33 (yes, given the fact that they were some changes to this one but let's see...knee injury, check...doing attacks while still injured, check...getting escorted out of arenas a few times, check...now a special contract so the person can wrestle while not fully 100%, check...). This just keep getting less and less interesting. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

7. The last straw for me - WWE booked Heavy Machinery in a gauntlet match...against tag team jobbers...then another cheesy segment but this time between Roman & Dean and I just couldn't take it anymore. At about an hour and 15 minutes of this RAW episode, I had to leave the chatroom on this site and change the channel. I just couldn't be more disappointed and uninterested in this utter garbage. This is my opinion and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.

So I watch some old episodes of Family Guy & The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and it eliminated the feeling I was having. I was back to enjoying life again, WOW.

Then after awhile, I looked past anything else that was left on the show LIKE...Torrie Wilson announced as Hall of Fame inductee (...well good for her, I guess), an Elias match (ugh), The Shield formed, the women doing tag team stuff and The Revival (ugh). Well, thank God I missed all of that.

So I did go online and find footage of the closing to this RAW, and why did I even bother to watch? I mean Stephanie had already changed things in Becky Lynch's favor...Charlotte comes off looking like the smartest one out of all this and this is before Ronda makes her robotic walk down to the ring and have her hissy fit about things being unfair/not giving a care anymore about anything (leading to a reason to show her more as a heel now?! Ummm...ok?!). Then Ronda assaults everyone in her way and beats down Becky (but...but she doesn't even focus on the "injured knee"...c'mon now). This was confusing and cringey FOR ME. Is Becky now a complete babyface?! Wasn't Becky supposed to be this badass, this female Austin? Why does she so easily smile about every damn thing? So now Ronda is this super angry heel showing "signs" that she's "fed up with WWE"? Is Charlotte a face, a heel, a tweener? I mean honestly I don't know, it's like WWE is just mixing all 3 of their disposition in hope that it all lives up to the hype.

sighs and then Stephanie...sighs Stephanie just the worst backstage performance possible and give these half ass answers. Soooo... it's now supposed to be like Stephanie AND "Ronda" are setting something up for Becky at Fastlane?!? I don't know anymore...I give up trying to understand this whole storyline. So yeah, I rate this episode of Raw a nice fat ass zero and again...THIS IS JUST MY OPINION and I am NOT speaking for everyone or anyone else.
I have 2 questions, is this your opinion? And are you speaking for everyone?

Death Walker

Better Known As King Of Armageddon | Trapped In Darkness
Jul 16, 2017
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No, @The Reagmaster , this is all your opinion and it's speaking for the galaxy. Great job, buddy. LMAO
