I really want to shout out 7 guys... Corbin. McIntyre. Balor. Ali. Andrade. Ricochet. Orton.
These guys got off a European tour. For 2 weeks WWE practically had a live event every night. Wrestle, next town, wrestle again. Carpool, find hotels, find food, stay in shape, fly alllllll the way back to the USA and within 2 days you report to MITB and hear the finish to the most young-talent friendly match is a bunch of dumb ass trolling, your morale is already in the toilet, everyone wants to go to AEW but here you are, exhausted and have Raw tomorrow and may not know if you'll be Wild Carded over there or on SD...
And this crew gave that effort. THAT EFFORT. These seven guys absolutely destroyed one another for nothing but the entertainment of us bloodthirsty marks.
Thanks guys. Even in the land of milk and honey, you don't get paid enough.
Absolutely loved what they did with the women too. Hell of a segment with Lacey, Charlotte, Becky and Bayley, few botches aside.