Money in the Bank Rate MITB 2016

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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The funny thing is, I was actually thinking about that ending before it happened. I was like "you know, I think Seth will win and Ambrose will cash in on him so all 3 shield members will be champ in the same night..." And IT HAPPENED. And I'm happy with Ambrose's cash in, but what makes me more happy is Rollins won with NO SHENANIGANS, that has to be a face turn and Reigns the heel with Ambrose maybe as the tweener, Ambrose should be the tween in this feud, it's the best for him.

After watching this I can see him maybe turning on Ambrose on Raw tonight and cementing this long coming heel turn.

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The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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I have it a 10/10... Had to. I mean think about it.

We've all been bitching that since Rollins won MITB, he's been made to be a pussy contender. He had to cheat literally non stop in order to get the upper hand on anyone. Not only did this all change last night, but he legit pinned reigns clean after 2 pedigrees (the one pedigree off the spear was amazing). I didn't expect that. I could see Rollins winning, but not like that. I expected a cheap win, honestly.

Rollins beat reigns clean. Then, which this shocked the shit out of me, Ambrose not only wins MITB, but he cashes in and beats Rollins after the match. We got to see the 3 top guys in WWE hash it out in an amazing fashion, but Dean actually came out on top this time. It was brilliant and not expected given their history with Dean.

On top of all that, the cena and styles match was awesome. Sure, the ending kind of sucked. But the match itself was great and crowd was beyond into it. I wish styles would've won clean this time, but hey that's just me.

The MITB match had some great moments with all guys standing on the ladders and beating the shit out of each other and then having Dean win was fantastic. Otherwise, have KO win would've been awesome as well.

I have to give this PPV a 10 simply because everything that a lot of us have been bitching about was resolved with this PPV. Dean was actually glorified for his skill and dominated the whole PPV, reigns lost to Rollins clean, and we got to watch cena and styles beat the hell out of each other (which will result in a great feud). Solid 10. Good job WWE
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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I was working a late night shift so I missed it. But this is one PPV I may need to at least find a way to see, or at least catch the main points of it.


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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Not so long ago, I made my case as to why I felt Dean Ambrose needed to win the MITB ladder match and hold the golden briefcase, basically opposing most that thought Kevin Owens was the man to go with. While I certainly understood the argument, I felt that Ambrose needed it more simply because his stock had dropped a lot ever since Roadblock and that great match with HHH. With meaningful feuds against Lesnar and Y2J that served little purpose, this looked like the ideal opportunity to get him hot again, given how over he is with the crowd.

Well, apparently WWE thought the same and not only did they give him the briefcase but took it a step further, having him cash in just about an hour or so later and becoming your new champ. Did I mark out? Abso-fuckin-lutely !!!!

Giving it a 9/10 myself and will come back later on for more thoughts...


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
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Gave it a 7/10. Don't feel like writing up a detailed review but I definitely enjoyed the show. AJ/Cena was good stuff, wasn't the biggest fan of the ending but the match was really good so i cant complain. MITB match I was looking forward to the most and it did let me down just a bit but it was still fun to watch. Owens/Zayn spot was nasty but a lot of the other spots felt a bit awkward idk. Still would watch again just not my fav MITB match. Rollins/Reigns was really great, that spear turned into a pedigree was outstanding. Was so shocked to see Rollins beat him clean and was even more shocked to see Dean cash in and win. I wasn't too happy with Dean winning MITB because it was so predictable so im glad to see him cash in so soon and get it over with, happy to see him as Champ though. Tag team match wasn't as amazing as I thought it'd be but it was still good, really thought New Day would lose. Don't know who's gonna beat them at this point. Divas match was trash but Nattie turning heel was cool i guess. Saw it coming but as long as this ends the horrible feud with Charlotte then i consider it a plus. IDGAF about the pre-show matches. Baron/Ziggler was okay but i hope this shits over. Titus/Rusev shoulda been earlier on the card but it wasn't a great match anyway. Titus is cool but i knew 100% he wouldnt be winning that title.

So MITB match was good, Cena/AJ was good, Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose was good, but other than that nothing else totally stuck out to me. i don't got many complaints at all but for them to call it "The greatest MITB PPV of all time" it really didn't live up to the hype. Still enjoyed it just didn't love it.


Filthy Creep
Jan 14, 2014
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Smallman Section

Another brilliant PPV. WWE need to keep this standard up, the last couple of months has been great.

There was little I didn't enjoy.
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The Dark Master
Feb 3, 2012
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The Rock Ridge Jail
Golden Truth defeated Breezango

It was nice to see Truth and Goldy finally get a win over these guys. That means a feud makes some sense now.

Kalisto and Sin Cara defeated The Dudley Boyz

It's almost like in the pre-show they were thinking: "We've got a four-way tag match for the titles...oh, shit, we've got another four tag teams that aren't involved. Quick, set up two more matches!"

So, we got the Lucha Dragons over the Dudleys. I'm glad to see the Dudleys back in WWE, even if it is just to job to other teams as a way to get over younger talent. Good for them.

The New Day retained against The Vaudevillains, The Club, and Enzo & Cass.

Entertaining match. I was hoping the Club would get the titles and I thought that was the more interesting play, but having TND keep the titles until they break Londrick's record makes a little sense if it's true that London won't come back no matter what, even though Kendrick's back as a trainer and to work the Classic.

Baron Corbin defeated Dolph Ziggler.

It's time to move Corbin on from this feud. He's looked good as a big heel who bullies everybody and now it's time for him to do something else.

Charlotte and Dana Brooke defeated Becky Lynch and Natalya. Natty attacked Becky post match.

Actually, a decent tag team match. Becky is the workhorse of the division right now, which is the spot Nattie filled for years. Charlotte has grown as a champion and shown she can hold her own. Obviously (and we knew she probably would be), Dana was the weak link here, but that's not saying much considering the abilities of the other three women in the match. Overall, a good match that ended in a way that allowed Nattie to go nuts and attack Becky. I'm hoping this leads to a true heel turn for Nattie and a feud against Becky because the matches will be some of the highest-quality women's matches in years.

AJ Styles defeated John Cena with the help of The Club.

We knew this match would get a ton of comparisons to the Cena/Owens match and, in some ways, would have to suffer from the comparison. I fully believe that Cena is willing to put Styles over cleanly, but Styles wasn't going to be booed unless he did something heelish (Jim Ross' logic says a heel has to do something bad to be a bad guy; Sam Roberts disagrees). Either way, this match was very well-put-together (as we should expect considering the experience level of the two guys involved) and the execution was damn near flawless. This was the Match of the Night for me and the predictability of the finish didn't make it bad.

Dean Ambrose won the MITB breifcase.

This was an extremely high quality match and it was very entertaining to watch. The ending was predictable (in fact, predictability was sorta the watch-word of the night), but the effort put in by all six guys involved wasn't. Every guy gave that feeling they had a real shot to take the briefcase, but Ambrose winning made the rest of the main event scene of the show a foregone conclusion. Still, it's not the workers' fault that the writers played that card and it was still a very entertaining match. The crowd was living and dying by Zayn trying to capture the briefcase, which is a great sign for him.

Rusev retained against Titus O'Niel.

This match cooled the crowd, which is what it was designed to do. This was actually an unpredictable finish for me because I fully expected Titus to win the match. I have a feeling, however, that this is just a build-up to a later title match. I still get the impression that Titus looks too good and is too entertaining not to get a shot with gold sooner rather than later (and a successful US Title reign would be a huge feather in his cap).

Seth Rollins defeated Roman Reigns for the WWEWHC.

Dean Ambrose cashed in and beat Seth Rollins to end the show as WWEWHC.

For obvious reasons, I'm going to cover both of these at once.

Rollins and Reigns have terrific amounts of chemistry. If WWE is banking on them being the next Rock-Triple H, Steamboat-Flair, Hogan-Piper, Cena-Punk, etc. (I just typed those names to boil people's brains as they get ready to blast me for making those comparisons.....hehehehehehe), then the shows will be excellent. Reigns sold out for Seth and Seth is, of course, an amazing talent and worker, who gave Rollins all the in-ring work he could handle. Their match was very good and they left it all out there. The ending was unexpected, but not uncalled-for.

Once Ambrose won the briefcase, you knew it would happen. Which didn't make it any less entertaining. Dean has worked hard and has been somewhat "in the wilderness" of late, but the fact that he's getting to carry the WHC, whether for a few days or a few months, is a real opportunity for him. I'd love to see this develop his character further and make him bigger than he ever has been before he drops the title to either Rollins or Reigns at Battleground or SummerSlam (of course, he could be a longer term would fit with how they've been booking the title lately for him to carry it until Survivor Series or Night of Champions, etc.).

Overall, this was an excellent and entertaining show. The Vegas crowd was never into it, however, which damaged the feel of the show and left it feeling like nothing was really important. They got loud at the Ambrose cash-in, but they were quiet through a lot of other important points of the show. The predictability is part of what's to blame for that and made the show worse from an entertainment standpoint.


Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Good show. 7/10

Skipped the pre-show matches and the women's tag match because life is short.

- The New Day vs The Club vs Enzo & Cass vs The Vaudevillains was a good show opener. ***
Despite the match being a bit of a mess and the ending falling apart, it was mostly good and fun to watch. I thought either The New Day or The Club would take the W, but I guess their plan is to have The New Day break Kendrick and London's record and have them drop the titles to SummerSlam, presumably to Enzo & Cass or The Club.

- Corbin vs Ziggler was meh, boring. **
It wasn't a complete DUD or anything, it was just boring. The good thing is that the feud's finally over, though... Until they meet tonight because Vince thinks it's funny.

- Crews vs Sheamus was decent. **
Not much to say here, both fellas put in some solid work, but the crowd just didn't care. Can't say I blame them. Now, send Crews back to NXT.

- AJ Styles vs Cena was pretty good. ***½
These two could put on a better match, for sure, but this one was simply good overall. Cena definitely didn't bring his A game, the ring rust was definitely noticeable, his spot-calling was pretty loud, they had some mistimed spots, but at least he tried. I imagine their SummerSlam bout will be miles better. As predicted, Styles won, I didn't like the ref bump, but what ya gonna do.

- The MITB Ladder match was good. ***¼
It wasn't one of the best and most memorable of MITB matches, but it was still fun. Cesaro was great as usual and took some big ladder bumps, KO and Zayn did some cool stuff (marked for Michinoku Driver on the ladder), Ambrose didn't do much, but I still marked for him winning. It's so nice to see him get his moment.

- RuRu vs Titus was OK for what it was. *½
I didn't care about this match-up, but it served its purpose. Rusev won, as he should and him going to Titus' kids post-match and calling their dad a loser was great.

- Rollins vs Reigns was a great ME. ****
Wow, talk about a clean match and a surprising outcome! I marked out. The match was entertaining and kept me invested the entire time. Both guys worked hard. Rollins sold Reigns' Superman punches beautifully, Razor's Edge into a Powerbomb was dope, Superplex into a Falcon Arrow was a thing of beauty, as well as that Spear into a Pedigree. Rollins winning clean had me marking out - The Man beat The Guy. But wait, that's not all... DEAN AMBROSE CASHED IN HIS MITB CONTRACT! I marked out again, all three members of The Shield got to be WWE-WHC in one night, which is awesome, and the fact that Ambrose cashed in successfully was such a feel-good moment. It was a fantastic PPV ending. Ambrose as WWE-WHC sounds fun. He'll probably lose the title at SummerSlam to either of his former Shield brethren, but hopefully the next two months will be fun.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Wow, that was a show... 8/10 over here as well!

Don't really have much to add other than what's already been said, other than "Sheamus hitting a second rope White Noise to 0 reaction is the most WWE thing" and "HOLY MOTHER OF DAMN HOW DID CESARO EVEN WHAT"
The top of the card ruled. The undercard overdelivered. The finish was DYNAMITE.
It's a great day for us old Shield marks. Five minutes, three champions. Damn, son.

Also Rollins >>>>>
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The Showoff
Apr 14, 2016
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Thanks to doing stuff for Father's Day and work, it took a few days to finally watch MitB and RAW.

-Tyler Breeze deserves so much better than to be stuck in a comedy match loss. It's also stupid, a professional model would know how to tan without getting sunburned. Still, but makeup for the burned, peeling skin was disturbingly well done.

-Dudleyz lose clean to the Lucha Dragons. Could they finally be on their way out? Sorry to any fans, but I got sick of their act over ten years ago. Match was kinda sloppy on top of it.

-More blown spots in the tag team four-way. The match was still good, but it just hurts things, you know? Given all the longevity record talk, I'm guessing the New Day aren't dropping the belts any time soon. It's a shame, the crowd popped HUGE when they thought Enzo & Cass won. On a side note, it was strange seeing the Vaudevillains lose so easily the next night on RAW. I guess they're being phased out of the tag title picture with the return of the Wyatts.

-Corbin and Ziggler was a decent match and the right person won (IMHO). The impatience of the fans was annoying, as Baron got a "boring" chant during the early part of the match.

-Divas match Nattie turning on Becky made no sense, even after her "explanation" the next night on RAW. To quote Spoony: "Bitches be crazy and I don't know what's going on."

-Styles and Cena lived up to the hype. Cena was in work mode, so that always helps. I loved the storytelling of the match, and the fact that Cena actually sold injuries throughout it. I was surprised to see a ref bump, but I knew immediately that The Club would give Styles the win. Fine with me.

-This was one of the best Money in the Bank matches I have seen. Del Rio actually brought his working boots and was wrestling like a madman out there. In a good way. I may have to give him Cena's status: When he bothers to try in a match, he's very good. Anyway, this match was full of sick spots that had me cringing. The worst had to be that Michinoku Driver on the side of a ladder. How Owens can even walk after that is anyone's guess. Ambrose won, as many predicted, but he damn well earned it after that match.

-Poor Rusev and Titus got the cool-down slot before the main event. Okay match. Rusev taunting Titus' children in the front row was a really nice touch.

-Reigns and Rollins was oddly booked, where Reigns actually played the heel. Maybe the WWE has finally given up and decided to just go with the fan response. They'd be smart to do so. Anyway, match was enjoyable once the Roman Rest Fest ended. Rollins winning clean was another shock. So much for always making Roman look strong. Of course the biggest shock was Ambrose immediately cashing in the MitB and winning the title. I honestly never thought Ambrose would hold it.

Despite the somewhat sloppy execution of some matches (I can't wait for the Botchamania that covers this show), this was one of the better shows of the year.
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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-More blown spots in the tag team four-way. The match was still good, but it just hurts things, you know? Given all the longevity record talk, I'm guessing the New Day aren't dropping the belts any time soon. It's a shame, the crowd popped HUGE when they thought Enzo & Cass won. On a side note, it was strange seeing the Vaudevillains lose so easily the next night on RAW. I guess they're being phased out of the tag title picture with the return of the Wyatts.

-Styles and Cena lived up to the hype. Cena was in work mode, so that always helps. I loved the storytelling of the match, and the fact that Cena actually sold injuries throughout it. I was surprised to see a ref bump, but I knew immediately that The Club would give Styles the win. Fine with me.

-Reigns and Rollins was oddly booked, where Reigns actually played the heel. Maybe the WWE has finally given up and decided to just go with the fan response. They'd be smart to do so. Anyway, match was enjoyable once the Roman Rest Fest ended. Rollins winning clean was another shock. So much for always making Roman look strong. Of course the biggest shock was Ambrose immediately cashing in the MitB and winning the title. I honestly never thought Ambrose would hold it.

- They're going to break Kendrick and London's record-reign and then drop the titles at SummerSlam, hopefully to The Club or Enzo and Cass.

- Not really, IMO. I mean, it was a good match, but it wasn't great. And we know they're capable of much better. As I've stated earlier, Cena definitely didn't bring his A game, the ring rust was definitely noticeable, his spot-calling was very loud, and they had some mistimed spots, but hey, at least Cena tried, so you have to appreciate that. Their next two encounters will be better, for sure.

- Yeah, it was a bit odd given Roman's supposed to be "the face of the WWE", but is getting heel reactions, whereas Rollins is positioned as a heel, but is getting face reactions and he did work as a face in the match. What an odd dichotomy, man. But still, I enjoyed the match, thought it was great and Rollins winning clean, followed by a successful cash-in by Ambrose was dope.
To get down to the 'Rollins winning clean' part, did you know Roman was suspended after RAW? Source. WWE had to know about his violation of their wellness policy prior to the MITB PPV, so as a punishment, he lost the title and lost it clean. However, they had him appear on RAW to set up a Shield triple-threat at Battleground because he'll be back just in time.


The Showoff
Apr 14, 2016
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- Not really, IMO. I mean, it was a good match, but it wasn't great. And we know they're capable of much better. As I've stated earlier, Cena definitely didn't bring his A game, the ring rust was definitely noticeable, his spot-calling was very loud, and they had some mistimed spots, but hey, at least Cena tried, so you have to appreciate that. Their next two encounters will be better, for sure.
Fair enough. I guess my biggest fear was Cena was going to go into his wrestle-by-numbers mode where no one looks good. Besides, as I said, the storytelling was excellent, with Styles having a counter to nearly everything Cena tried. As for Cena's spot-calling, that's always a problem. There's a reason Cena has his own "Talks Too Much" segment on Botchamania.
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