Can't disagree with any of that tbh, especially the Hogan bit. Why have a guy like Roode stand there doing nothing while Hogan is out babbling incoherent nonsense just so they can let him have his cheap pop?
The last segment should have been the penultimate one anyway IMO, it would be much better to have had AJ/Joe or Roode/Hardy close the show than a 'dramatic' reveal of Kurt Angle.
Oh, and I would have given the time to promos/backstage segments not involving Hogan or Sting rather than the matches. There was more than enough match time in that show IMO.
More I think about this, the more you're right.
Why not have the Angle reveal as the opener? Bully, Anderson, and Doc come out and talk hilariously about Brooke before Sting comes out to reveal the fan voting results getting down to the business of his family. These three eventually attack Sting to try to send a message before Angle makes the save, Ankle-Lock to Bully, Anderson runs off and Doc is beaten down outside. Anderson's already there to call out Park and Doc's run in looks a lot better.
Then instead of building up to "OMG KURT ANGLE'S IN THE MAIN EVENT MAFIA! WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!" they can start closing plotholes and building some hype for this group.
The main complaint with the wrestling was them just blowing through a bunch of rushed 3-minute matches (as you say, too many?) but there was plenty of action, I'll agree with you there. Maybe some little changes like 3 more minutes for Roode and Hardy (given it's our new main event) and 2 minutes each for Magnus and Kaz and especially Aries/Bradley could have really helped.
Also, anyone else think they could be setting up a "Hernandez is losing because Chavo's a shit motivator" angle? Would be damn funny.