First two paragraphs. Yeah, I'll give you all of that. *puts down phone*
Last sentence: It's not Chavo winning. Other than the opening and closing matches, what happened? Most of us aren't into the Tiffany storyline, the AJ Styles storyline is developing too quickly (sticking him in the ring already?)... Magno looked horrible in his promo and Gut Check continues to be a mess (although the pearce thing was a work imo), Joey Ryan getting destroyed by Rob Terry?
Think most of us say like Pritchard over Russo, there are just times where the storylines develop TOO slowly (outside of AJ). Both have their pros and cons. With Russo after a 2/10 episode I was yelling "same old shit" and complaining like this was WWE, nowadays after a 2/10 episode I think "eh they'll get it together next week". It's a standalone show and not a burial of the product as a whole.