-The Tag Team Title match opening the show was odd, as it was the match I was looking forward to the most. Rysenberg let me down, man. He said this would be tornado style. :why: That would have been fun! And it was during the second half where they stopped doing *tag match rant deleted*. Plenty of great stuff happened there, and the Rhodes Brothers clearly have a lot of fun tagging together. (Like that the Shield ate the pin, they're a known quantity that doesn't lose much with the losses.)
-Was thinking earlier about how Miz is a second rate Anderson, well make it 3rd. Watched some Miz promos earlier just to relive how "cool" he used to be, and it's stunning how much his promo work has fallen. This promo SUCKED. The Wyatts were awesome beating that ass, and then BOOOM! Kane comes out, takes out the Wyatts in believable fashion (TAKE THAT CENA) and then chokeslammed Miz for fun (WOOOO!!!!) Kane feels like the biggest star he has in a long time, thank you Kane.
-I found this spicy crab meat on clearance. Looks super tasty and it was only a couple of bucks, so I got it out of the fridge and quickly noticed this had the most confounding contraption of a lid ever. It had a lock mechanism up front, and a couple of lifty-pushdown things up top, and I had no idea how to open this damn thing and kept pulling and pushing and... oh, right, the mixed tag. Sorry, was too busy messing around with this damned thing and missed this match. Sure I missed a lot.
-Nobody cared about Big E vs Ambrose. The crowd was Tennessee levels of dead, the match was nothing to get you excited about it... I want to like both guys, but halfway through I just started dicking around with the crab again and missed the finish. Can someone tell me what happened?
-I think rating things Crab/10 may be a thing.
-Ryback's theme has never been more fitting, except it's all about Heyman. Got pumped for this match, laughed at Heyman being a lamb being led to slaughter, yayyyyyyyyyyyy Punk! But then Heyman went up to the top, which meant Ryback vs Punk one on one and I grabbed the crab again since nothing good will come out of that... then got pissed and grabbed a knife, stabbed it, and ripped open the lid in a blaze of SuperCena glory! Felt like a badass for a second, but then realized my big mistake called "darn, now I may actually watch this match." And it wasn't very entertaining outside of a few cool spots (haha, Ryback stealing Bully's casual lay on the table was beautiful). Punk wins, because the Heyman guys are jobbers, and... It didn't feel like Punk got his revenge though. It was roughly the same thing as Night of Champions except he won the match. Can totally see Punk wanting another piece of Heyman, but this feud needs to end.
-Los Mata...dammit, there's gotta be some other contraption in the fridge to mess around with... *walks away, sees dropkick* Oh, right, it's a bunch of good wrestlers (and Swagger) battling it out, so watched this for sure. Gimmick's still silly but this turned out to be nice little fun, and the Giant Swing gets more awesome every time I see it.
-John Cena's back... yayyyyyyy... The commentary wouldn't shut up about it, so I'm already sick of him again, and it's not even enough heat to get you behind ADR. The match seemed fine, there was some good psychology and yadda-yadda, crowd was into it... but I cared so little about both guys that it was really hard to sit through it regardless.
-Couldn't believe the reactions the Divas got, and somehow AJ Lee and Brie Bella had one of the best matches on the show. See what you guys say about Brie doing her best to improve and deserving her rewards. Applause to both girls, they showed themselves well tonight.
-One definite positive to this show: They gave Dolph Ziggler a mic. (And those other two people who made complete buffoons of themselves, but w/e). Ziggler's personality just pops off the screen when he speaks, truly a shame that they don't do more with him. One thing stuck out to me: Dolph said at the end after he really put over Cena, put over how great of a comeback and how well he did, he immediately said "I want a shot at him!" I GUARANTEE this got him heat backstage, but that'll be bullshit. Those few lines alone were the best build to a WHC match I've seen since the brand split.
-I've never seen anything like Bryan. As formulaic movesets may help cause overexposure, Bryan seems immune to that. He'll do the same stuff in every match but you'll pop for the same stuff again and again. It works for the crowd AND for me. He was dominant in this match, and boy was it fun to watch. Orton feeling like a paper champion is better because it's Randy Freaking Orton with years of built-up credibility + wins on Raw, we have a hook for Raw, another screwjob finish left me concerned, but hey. Glad Orton has the belt so it can't be stripped from Bryan again. Have a whole bunch of other thoughts but am pretty tired of writing right now, lol.