Hell in a Cell Rate Hell In A Cell 2013

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Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio

Liked some matches, disliked others. Thought the tag match was superb, and so was the main event match for the title.

Cena vs Rio was ight.

Sweet chin music > all


The Artiste
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
- Tag match was really good
- The mixed tag match was pointless
- Langston busted +1, match ended by count out -1, good match although
- Kane returned +1, no new attire or mask -1 but idc.
- Punk vs Ryback and Heyman was good
- the cell could have been used more in both matches
- AJ retained
- Cena won the WHC, but no cash in -1
- The main event was quite good couldn't really complain
EDIT: No punt kick or tombstone. It looked like Kane was going for his tombstone on Harper but botched.
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Action Jackson

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
9/10. Great show. The matches that were supposed to be red hot certainly were, and the filler matches did their job.

Brie Bella is the greatest woman's wrestler of all time. She fucked AJ's shit all up with that half crab.

HBK did what's best for business. He knows in his heart that Bryan doesn't have the main event bulge to be the face of the WWE.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
-The Tag Team Title match opening the show was odd, as it was the match I was looking forward to the most. Rysenberg let me down, man. He said this would be tornado style. :why: That would have been fun! And it was during the second half where they stopped doing *tag match rant deleted*. Plenty of great stuff happened there, and the Rhodes Brothers clearly have a lot of fun tagging together. (Like that the Shield ate the pin, they're a known quantity that doesn't lose much with the losses.)
-Was thinking earlier about how Miz is a second rate Anderson, well make it 3rd. Watched some Miz promos earlier just to relive how "cool" he used to be, and it's stunning how much his promo work has fallen. This promo SUCKED. The Wyatts were awesome beating that ass, and then BOOOM! Kane comes out, takes out the Wyatts in believable fashion (TAKE THAT CENA) and then chokeslammed Miz for fun (WOOOO!!!!) Kane feels like the biggest star he has in a long time, thank you Kane.
-I found this spicy crab meat on clearance. Looks super tasty and it was only a couple of bucks, so I got it out of the fridge and quickly noticed this had the most confounding contraption of a lid ever. It had a lock mechanism up front, and a couple of lifty-pushdown things up top, and I had no idea how to open this damn thing and kept pulling and pushing and... oh, right, the mixed tag. Sorry, was too busy messing around with this damned thing and missed this match. Sure I missed a lot.
-Nobody cared about Big E vs Ambrose. The crowd was Tennessee levels of dead, the match was nothing to get you excited about it... I want to like both guys, but halfway through I just started dicking around with the crab again and missed the finish. Can someone tell me what happened?
-I think rating things Crab/10 may be a thing.
-Ryback's theme has never been more fitting, except it's all about Heyman. Got pumped for this match, laughed at Heyman being a lamb being led to slaughter, yayyyyyyyyyyyy Punk! But then Heyman went up to the top, which meant Ryback vs Punk one on one and I grabbed the crab again since nothing good will come out of that... then got pissed and grabbed a knife, stabbed it, and ripped open the lid in a blaze of SuperCena glory! Felt like a badass for a second, but then realized my big mistake called "darn, now I may actually watch this match." And it wasn't very entertaining outside of a few cool spots (haha, Ryback stealing Bully's casual lay on the table was beautiful). Punk wins, because the Heyman guys are jobbers, and... It didn't feel like Punk got his revenge though. It was roughly the same thing as Night of Champions except he won the match. Can totally see Punk wanting another piece of Heyman, but this feud needs to end.
-Los Mata...dammit, there's gotta be some other contraption in the fridge to mess around with... *walks away, sees dropkick* Oh, right, it's a bunch of good wrestlers (and Swagger) battling it out, so watched this for sure. Gimmick's still silly but this turned out to be nice little fun, and the Giant Swing gets more awesome every time I see it.
-John Cena's back... yayyyyyyy... The commentary wouldn't shut up about it, so I'm already sick of him again, and it's not even enough heat to get you behind ADR. The match seemed fine, there was some good psychology and yadda-yadda, crowd was into it... but I cared so little about both guys that it was really hard to sit through it regardless.
-Couldn't believe the reactions the Divas got, and somehow AJ Lee and Brie Bella had one of the best matches on the show. See what you guys say about Brie doing her best to improve and deserving her rewards. Applause to both girls, they showed themselves well tonight. :)
-One definite positive to this show: They gave Dolph Ziggler a mic. (And those other two people who made complete buffoons of themselves, but w/e). Ziggler's personality just pops off the screen when he speaks, truly a shame that they don't do more with him. One thing stuck out to me: Dolph said at the end after he really put over Cena, put over how great of a comeback and how well he did, he immediately said "I want a shot at him!" I GUARANTEE this got him heat backstage, but that'll be bullshit. Those few lines alone were the best build to a WHC match I've seen since the brand split.
-I've never seen anything like Bryan. As formulaic movesets may help cause overexposure, Bryan seems immune to that. He'll do the same stuff in every match but you'll pop for the same stuff again and again. It works for the crowd AND for me. He was dominant in this match, and boy was it fun to watch. Orton feeling like a paper champion is better because it's Randy Freaking Orton with years of built-up credibility + wins on Raw, we have a hook for Raw, another screwjob finish left me concerned, but hey. Glad Orton has the belt so it can't be stripped from Bryan again. Have a whole bunch of other thoughts but am pretty tired of writing right now, lol.

4/10... nah, bonus point for Bob Backlund going apeshit on the Prime Time Players. That ruled. 5/10


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Didnt like the show. 3/10

Tag Team match of the night
Khali gettin PPV time? Seriously?
Cena gets a random and shot and lol he winS
Kane was cool. But expected
Lol at Brie no reaction during the match. AJ is the best face this division has at the moment. Anyone is at her lvl right now. She will always get the biggest pop
Lold at heyman. Horrid match
Bryan vs Orton was okay. Another dirty finish whatevs. Great to see the GOAT deliver a SCM


The Dark Master
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
The Rock Ridge Jail
4/10... nah, bonus point for Bob Backlund going apeshit on the Prime Time Players. That ruled. 5/10

I am not a Backlund fan, but I laughed my ass off at that.

BTW, why does Titus play WWE 2K14 with his shirt off?

Never mind. If I looked like that with my shirt off, I'd probably do it, too.

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Chairwoman of The New Day
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I am not a Backlund fan, but I laughed my ass off at that.

BTW, why does Titus play WWE 2K14 with his shirt off?

Never mind. If I looked like that with my shirt off, I'd probably do it, too.

He's probally the type to go crazy when he gets into Video Games. Probally tosses the controller when he loses, or starts doing the million dollar dance when he wins :jeritroll:
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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
So before I begin I suppose I should bring up the fact that I absolutely loathe this PPV gimmick but I'm not going to belabor on that as anyone who's been a part of the IWC has probably heard that diatribe before. That said, I will point out that the PPV gimmick won't be involved in the rating because that would be really Blue but I also don't include weight or any segments unless they're directly tied to the match (like the ending of SummerSlam) so I can see why somebody would think I would have that affect my rating. Will say my last two PPV's probably have my two favorite PPV gimmicks so yay for that. Again, this is a PPV that took me two sit-throughs to get through but I don't really think that's indicative of the quality of the show but just more of my enthusiasm for wrestling.

Hell in a Cell Review

Match of the Night
Excellent tag match. Though I did feel it was pretty boring up until the spot where Goldust realized he had to tag The Uso's (absolutely loved that [arguable spot of the night], very clever use of the stip) though most tag matches seem to operate like that and don't even use the down-time/beat-up-on-one-guy-forever time to build up to such an effective spot that it's not really fair to criticize the beginning portion of the bout. Of course once it got going I loved it. Great finish too.

Match Rating: 8/10

Three People I Hate & Natalya
Okay, I don't hate Summer Rae, I nothing her but including that would've made the title too long. The match itself had a rather weak finish and was boring all throughout. In fairness, there were some good moments when Rae & Natalya were the two legal participants (and they were for the vast majority of the match, so kudos for that) but overall this was as good as it sounds on paper.

Match Rating: 3/10

Big Energy Langston
Love Big E's energy, he was awesome in this match and the entire reason I enjoyed it. Loved the spear through the ring ropes Langston did to Ambrose and I thought the finish was great. I know some people aren't too thrilled with a count-out victory for Big E but I can appreciate it for the simple fact that it was well-built up during the match. Unfortunately the match got really boring at several points too, like whenever Ambrose was dictating the pace but for what it was, this was a solid bout.

Match Rating: 7/10

Hell in a Cell I
Pre-match stuff was great with Heyman. The post-match stuff was rather meh (shame that none of the moves Punk used are enhanced by the cell grounding they had) but it was necessary so it's fine. As for the actual match, it was alright I suppose? I was bored throughout pretty much all of it (I did like the suplex spot for utilizing the cell and both the table spots but outside of that it was a perpetual snooze-fest) but it didn't have the ability to gain my interest or even my attention really. I spent most of the match just waiting for the finish.

Match Rating: 5/10 (one point is added for the pre-match and the set-up it created, which while it detracted from the Hell in a Cell feel, added a nice dynamic to the match that created some nice camera shots during the match [Punk in the corner (getting attacked by Ryback) looking up towards a smirking Heyman was great]. Much like how the SummerSlam Cash-in was used in the ratings for the PPV segment due to being directly tied into it, that stuff should be included when reviewing the PPV. On the match list, even though it wouldn't appear due to a minimum of 8 out of 10 is required to be in contention for that, it'd appear as a 4/10).

Los Matadores?
Well, I must have missed a lot but for my first experience with Primo & Epico's new characters (one of them was called Diego, didn't catch the other) it was rather poor. Outside of the Cesaro's swing, which went on for thirty-one spins according to JBL and is awesome as ever, and some of the moves done by Los Matadors (and I do mean some, others were either poorly executed or just didn't do it for me [their finisher falls under the latter category]) this match was rather dull. Oh, and El Torito will never be an acceptable replacement for Rosa Mendes dancing. That was always the best thing about Primo & Epico.

Match Rating: 5/10

Here's Johnny!
Obligatory reference due to Halloween, check. Now this is unrelated but what happened to the champions coming out last (during title matches)? That hasn't happened all night. Cena coming out last, fine I get that. He's John Mother Fuckin' Cena and he's returning way early again but why did Big E come out after Ambrose? Why did The Rhodes brothers come out before The Shield & the Uso's? I know this is like, the most insignificant thing to complain about but it's been bugging me all show as I skip through the entrances.

Also, I watched the post-Cena talk with Dolph after reading Rain Pun's review and I have to say R-Truth & Kaitlyn were awful (especially Kaitlyn). Dolph was great but I've always been a huge fan of that guy on the mic since his little promo battle with the beast Mick Foley. Oh, and the actually match? Meh. Liked a few parts near the end but otherwise, much like Punk/Ryback, I was bored all throughout and was just waiting for the finish. Did chuckle when Cena got distracted by the crowd chanting what they always chant during his matches.

Match Rating: 4/10

Another time when the champion came out first. Anyway as for the match, can't say I'm seeing the praise that it seems to have gotten on here. Brie did show improvement and proved that she [probably] just isn't a placeholder wrestler (i.e. completely generic/standard moveset that it doesn't really matter that she's the one competing) like I thought she was and it had a moment or two I liked but overall it was boring and without much sense of progression (though they did attempt to at the beginning but I felt that outside of that and the ending spot, every other spot could've been completely swapped around and nothing would change [also, the individual moments just weren't that entertaining]). Aj was her typical self and I don't mean positively. All the breaks in the action to have her do something stupid like skip around the ring or take off Brie's hair ribbon thing (one of the few times I'm against a woman stripping another woman [though I don't find either of them attractive to begin with]) were horrible to sit through. Overall the match was kind of dull for me and never really got started. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't really good either.

Match Rating: 4/10

Hell in a Cell II
Really great match here. Daniel Bryan was awesome as always (every single one of his running dropkicks are pure gold) and Orton is no slouch himself. Several good spots from both men and while this match didn't really have that Hell in a Cell feel to it (very few nowadays do), it definitely did better to emulate that than the previous one, thanks in part to being a much bigger match and more/better incorporation of the actual cell. My favorite part of the match was probably just Daniel Bryan throwing in a bunch of steel chairs into the ring (on a side-note, this match did make me miss chair shots to the head). Rather liked how the ending all played out to (Leo C & Waco explained it perfectly here so I won't bother) though I really wish the angles were different as it couldn't have been any more obvious that Bryan's knee completely missed Triple H. Likewise with Shawn's SCM on Bryan (this one was much, much worse).

This also inspired me to watch the segment between Shawn & Bryan on Raw, great stuff. Loved how Bryan didn't respond to anything Shawn said, he just stared at him with that angry expression written on his face until it was time to lock him into the Yes! Lock. Probably has no purpose being in this review other than to extend the length but regardless, thought I'd throw it out there.

Match Rating: 8/10

PPV Rating: 5.5/10


I. Payback ~ 6.3/10
II. SummerSlam ~ 6.1/10
III. Elimination Chamber ~ 6/10
IV. Money In The Bank ~ 5.9/10
V. Extreme Rules ~ 5.5/10
V. Hell in a Cell ~ 5.5/10
VII. Battleground ~ 5.4/10
VIII. Royal Rumble ~ 4.9/10
IX. Night of Champions ~ 3.9/10
X. WrestleMania XXIX ~ 3.8/10

I. WHC, Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler (c): Payback ~ 9/10
II. Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk, No DQ: SummerSlam ~ 9/10
III. The Shield vs. The Justice League (Cena, Sheamus & Ryback): Elimination Chamber ~ 9/10
IV. Orton vs. Bryan vs. Punk vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. RVD, MITB Ladder: Money In The Bank ~ 9/10
V. WHC, Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian: SummerSlam ~ 8/10
VI. WWE Title, The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk: Elimination Chamber ~ 8/10
VII. Sandow vs. Rhodes vs. Cesaro vs. Swagger vs. Barrett vs. Fandingoatemybabio, MITB Ladder: Money in the Bank ~ 8/10
VIII. Tag Titles, The Rhodes (c) vs. The Shield vs. The Uso's: Hell in a Cell ~ 8/10
IX. The Rhodes vs. The Shield: Battleground ~ 8/10
X. Tag Titles, The Shield (Reigns & Rollins) vs. Team Hell No (c), Tornado: Extreme Rules ~ 8/10