Punk vs. Ryback and Orton vs. Bryan were solid HIAC matches, which is pretty unusual for HIAC matches at this PPV. I was trying to figure out how they were going to get HBK to screw DB. I also enjoyed Punk finally giving Heyman "what was coming to him".
Kane Returns segment was interesting.
The Divas match was pretty good. AJ is a good Divas Champ and she can actually wrestle. I'm just trying to figure out why it keeps being a case of "give Brie one more chance", but I guess that's where the division's at right now.
The Tag Titles match was very good. Solid, all-around action and everybody got to do some great spots but they were still able to tell a good story with the match. I adore the chemistry between Cody and Dustin. You can tell that they have a strong relationship and it will make it all the better when the eventual break-up and feud occur.
Most predictable event of the night: John Cena is the new WHC. Everything else aside, this match showed both his and ADR's work ethics and they put on a very good match and now the groundwork is started for the unification of the WHC and WWE Championship.
I was bummed when they told us no Langston vs. Axel. I was happy when they changed it to Langston vs. Ambrose. I can't wait to see Langston as US Champion.
The other matches were not noteworthy, but they weren't terrible. All in all, not a great PPV, but a good one. I find myself wondering where they go from here.