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The Artiste
Jan 28, 2013
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Ipswich, UK
Just finished watching, I would say 7/10 to 8/10...

I thought the Sheamus/Henry match was pretty boring. The Orton/Show match didn't interest me a huge amount either (skull punt aside).
Fandango/Jericho was a good opening match, enjoyed watching Fandango in the NXT Johnny Curtis days and he still doesn't disappoint.
Both Shield matches were good! Glad WWE waited a while to put titles around their waists and it's a good time to have done it.

Cena/Ryback was a lot better than I expected once the tables sparked off the more extreme side of the match. I enjoyed the arena brawling and the end spot was pretty awesome to watch.

Lesnar/HHH was again better than expected. I think that's the steel cage fangirl in me coming out! Lesnar sold the knee well, Heyman interference was just right. Much better than their WrestleMania match!

Interested to see if they can make RAW as good tonight!


The Artiste
Apr 23, 2013
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Might as well post my review.

Pre-show: Miz vs Cody Rhodes
I've never taken any interest in the pre-show nor should I as it's only there to hype the crowd for the PPV. I watched it nonetheless and I don't have anything bad to say about it I guess. Miz winning was understandable as he's a face and the crowd needs to get warmed up for the PPV, and as it was on the pre-show and it wasn't really important at all, Rhodes loss didn't hurt him in the slightest. There's really nothing to complain about. I don't think it matters if the match could have gone on a bit longer, it practically had no build at all. Just the build of a pre-show match.

Rating: N/A

Chris Jericho vs Fandango
This was alright. I don't really have any complaints about this either. This was a short match, yes, but why should it have gone on for any longer? The match didn't have any stipulation, so they didn't really have anything left to do. In fact, because of how little time the other matches on the card got, this could have been a little shorter in my opinion. Anyway, Jericho winning was probably the right thing to do as he can't put people over if that's the only thing he does, that just completely defeats the purpose of putting people over if you're not credible enough to get another wrestler over. If he's already on a losing streak, what would that mean for the next guy he puts over? Nothing. The next guy would just beat Chris Jericho, the man who will probably lose again because he has lost oh so many times already, not the Chris Jericho that beat Rock and Stone Cold on the same night. Also, Fandango got his win already, and at Wrestlemania no less, so this was clever booking despite what anyone else says in my opinion.
PS: Mid-air Codebreaker ftw.

Rating: **1/2

Dean Ambrose vs Kofi Kingston (c) for the United States Championship match
Going into the match, it didn't have too much build from before. Although in my opinion, Dean Ambrose, a member of the most dominant stable in the WWE having a shot at championship gold alongside his companions Rollins and Reigns is a good enough reason to get invested in this match for both fans of Kofi and fans of Ambrose. That is why I don't understand why they cut this match so short, especially since they've got two young guys full of stamina in there that aren't too bad in the ring either. Sure, the bigger matches needed more time, but at least they could portion it out instead of shoving the spotlight for a split second on matches like this for example. The match was fun for the time it was given, I guess. Let me remind you that it was only 6 minutes and 49 seconds though. So I can't really go in depth, really. I really wish there was more time given though. And to all you anti-IWC smarks, that is not a complaint, that's a simple wish. So shut the fuck up and stop trying to act different, you shits. Even if I was complaining, you'd be full of garbage if you didn't understand why. (Sorry, it's just that I've seen too many of these for the past 24 hours. It's not necessarily targeted at anyone of you.)

Rating: **

Sheamus vs Mark Henry - Strap match.
I was in a Skype call when watching this and I was talking to JwabTV and he said something that I can agree with. He said that this match was like watching a minigame, and that's basically how I felt. The thing is, there's only so much they could do with a strap match. They did what they were supposed to do, going for the 4 corners. Sheamus won, which wasn't unexpected at all for me. Henry's build basically told me that Sheamus was going to defeat all odds and beat him. This match didn't really do anything, to be honest. I just think it was there to have both men on the PPV, which is understandable. At least the match didn't drag on as it was only 7+ minutes. I ain't mad. Even though it was a strap match, it was fun, I guess.

Rating: *1/2

Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) vs Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan and Kane) (c)
What I wrote for the US Championship match pretty much applies for this too. Even though it was an interesting match-up, it got very little time, especially for a tag team match. This was the night Shield won the US title as well as the Tag Team Championships... in matches that have the same amount of time as a regular match on RAW. I'm not kidding, this could have been better on a regular RAW to be honest, at least it would be more of a highlight and have gotten more time. Anyway, Shield won unsurprisingly but I'm glad they did. I just think it was very underwhelming. I mean, it's confusing because I think they realize that Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are some of their hottest commodities. I think even the kids would like to see these guys get beat in a match longer than 6 minutes.
Anyway, the match was alright enough for the time it was given. Also, Reigns' spear is awesome.

Rating: **1/4

Randy Orton vs Big Show - Extreme Rules match
This match was extremely (hurrhurr) forgettable if I'm going to be honest. I don't think I remember much. I remember Big Show falling on his ass through a ladder, the punt to end the match, and that's pretty much it. They didn't do nearly as much as you would think with the stipulation. The only thing extreme about this match was probably Big Show setting up the ladder between two chairs only to fall through it as I said, and it didn't look too devastating to be honest. You would think that because this match was obviously not going to be a technical masterpiece that they would use the environment or the stipulation to their advantage to a great extent, but that was not the case. I didn't like it, but it wasn't horrible I guess. Randy winning was not too smart in my opinion as it leaves Big Shows with a lot of losses recently. It just makes it harder to take the the announcers seriously when they build this dude as a huge threat. I mean, he has recently been beat by 3 guys the same size, it just doesn't make his scary giant complex any credible. I don't know what Randy's win achieved at all, except for a high five from his hometown dawgs.

Rating: **

Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio - I Quit match
I was looking forward to this match to be honest, and it wasn't too disappointing. What I didn't like was that Jack Swagger basically dominated the match and was near to get Del Rio to say I quit, but then after Zeb threw the towel to Del Rio's hand which didn't count as a victory because of the BRAND NEW INSTANT REPLAY FEATURE THE OFFICIAL JUST PULLED OUT OF HIS ASS, Del Rio applied the Armbreaker and got Swagger to say I quit. That made Swagger look incredibly weak and was just a bizarre finish to a decent match. I would say that their matches on SD and RAW for the past weeks were better although this was close. I got my mark out moment when Swagger almost walked out with the victory though, so it made my experience watching the match a bit better, I guess.

Rating: ***

Ryback vs John Cena (c) - Last Man Standing match
I was not looking forward to this match at all going into it. I was pleasantly surprised. Cena has always had this underdog complex that hasn't been believable for a while, but with Ryback I could really get into it even though it was pretty obvious Ryback wouldn't win this. So yeah, they had good chemistry and it wasn't too bad of a match even though both guys aren't exactly known to be technically sound in the ring. They took advantage of the stipulation well and did some crazy stuff to get each other to stay down. It felt like they genuinely were willing to go to any lengths just to get the each other to stay down, especially with the ending where Ryback rammed Cena through the damn tron. I will say the fact that Cena didn't get counted was pretty absurd as that's the whole point of a Last Man Standing match-- to beat your opponent 'till he can't get up anymore. He obviously wasn't dead, and there isn't a scale to being knocked out, once you're knocked out you're knocked out. What made this any different?

Rating: ***1/4

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar
Another PPV, another Brock/HHH match. What was different? Well, it was inside a cage this time.
Anyway, it lived up to the Brock/HHH standard, meaning that it had weapons, power moves, slow paced storytelling, selling of damaged joints. It wasn't really a bad match, it just wasn't amazingly great. I think I kind of overhyped myself, thinking I was going to get one of the dudes to go through the cage (it was practically built for it, lol). Anyway, it was pretty decent but understandable why people could have found this boring. It wasn't unpredictable either as Lesnar is still going to be around for a while and another loss would ruin a good bit of the hype behind Lesnar. This wasn't too bad though, a little too slow for my liking. Hey, I was watching it at 5.AM, I can't really enjoy slow matches when trying to stay awake. Looking back though, as I said, this was good, but shouldn't have main evented over Cena/Ryback in my opinion.

Rating: ***

I was rather uninterested anyway, so that might have taken a lot out of it for me. I was pleasantly surprised with Ryback/Cena (although the ending didn't make too much sense) and that was about it, the rest of the PPV was pretty forgettable in my opinion. Shield winning wasn't unexpected and the matches weren't long enough for me to remember, so that's only a little plus.


Nov 27, 2012
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Preshow: Miz/10. Cody jobbing to Miz? Unacceptable
Show: Solid 7.5/10 No blood...
May 7, 2013
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I'd say it was a pretty average ppv. Very watchable, nothing stood out (positive) I actually thought the spear Cena took was dope, until they show him basically planking on whatever in the fuck that "table" was. All in all I enjoyed it, wish I would of got in the prediction thread most likely would of got Mark Henry wrong prolly would of guessed Cody Rhodes also but that was pre-show and obviously the no contest.
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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Just finished forcing myself to watch it and as always I will now come on here to express my over-analytical and elaborate thoughts on each and every match, as I compile my list of best WWE PPV's and PPV matches. As always, I don't have a firm grasp on when to shut the hell up, so let's not make this introduction any longer than it needs to be . . .

Extreme Rules Review
Y2J's Rematch Against Fandingoatemybabio
Match Rating: 5/10
The Shield
This match was really not that much better than the opener, I do think once Kofi hit the Trouble In Paradise it picked up a bit but not really enough to justify giving it higher than a five but that's speaking more objectively. You see unlike the opener, I actually care about Dean Ambrose. I never cared/liked Fandingoatemybabio every since I saw him way back when as Johnny Curtis (hence why I refer to him as Fandingoatemybabio). Therefore, I had a bit more invested in this match and while it was predictable and not really that much of a better match from a technical standpoint, the fact that I actually cared did make an impact (albeit a small one) on how much I enjoyed this bout.
Match Rating: 6/10
Get Your Strap On!
Well, that was fun. Honestly this was one of my favorite matches of the night because it was just fun. A wise new United States Champion once said "wrestling's suppose to be fun because if you really think about it it's fucking stupid," and normally I neglect that but not here. It was just fun. There's nothing else to it, nothing is really at stake. Like, Henry's not coming out of this match any worse because Sheamus can touch four corners faster than him. This kind of just exemplifies that thought that wrestlings just suppose to be fun.
Match Rating: 7/10
The I Quitastrophe
As the first match made it clear, this actually wasn't going to be as analytical or elaborate thought expressing as my previous ones and a lot of that has to do with my apathetic attitude towards WWE but it also has to do with this show just not having much to discuss. Luckily, this match proves to be the exception as holy crap was it bad. Firstly, and this isn't fair but it really hurts it knowing what could have been. The Shield & Dolph Ziggler are about the only two things I care about, and even Dolph's been slipping due to the AJ disease but I actually was somewhat looking forward to that triple threat ladder match. Del Rio vs. Swagger, I've seen it before and neither of those men are well-known for being able to mix things up to make things feel different, at least not well. Even before the finish, I was not enjoying this match. The best moments were when I felt they were just rehashing stuff from their previous bouts which sadly wasn't most of it. My main problem pre-instareplay was the shear abundance of attempted victories. I understand the psychology behind that and it can work well for non-I Quit matches but hearing "Do you want to quit?" followed by grunting/heavy breathing before saying, "No," five times in the first three minutes and then continuing at that rate is just annoying.
But let's get to the terrible finish but let's ignore that Instant Replay crap since it's retardness speaks for itself. I had problems even before that, mainly why did throwing in the towel even work? I haven't been paying attention since pay me no mind if I just missed some important character development but isn't Ricardo just his personal ring announcer & friend? The logic behind a manager doing it is that the wrestler becomes their client, they sign over to that. The manager aids the wrestler's in his career and it becomes a mutual beneficial business relationship. Logically the manager would have the power to make decisions for the wrestler, it goes along with the job. However, Ricardo is an employee/friend of Del Rio, why does he have the power to make decisions for him? What's his legal right to do so? I mean, have you ever walked into your boss's office while he was having a meeting and try making his decision for him? I mean he may listen to you but he still has to be the one that makes the decision. That shouldn't have counted but of course it's not as bad as the Instant Replay which is still awful even if it is a isolated incident (and please, let this be an isolated incident).
Match Rating: 3/10
The Shield: Redux
Match of the night easily, to the surprise of no one. Even though it was quite obvious that The Shield was winning (not that any result wasn't predictable), at least it had a few false falls that I thought was it. Just a great tag team match, where everyone got a chance to shine, some nice double teams, and the perfect result. It was a very solid bout.
Match Rating: 8/10
Punt Kick
This match was very boring outside of three things. I) The title, II) Orton's corner punches (because he was clearly not hitting anywhere near Big Show's head and making these high pitched girly grunts during it, twas funny) & III) the ladder spot was alright. Otherwise, it was just boring, not a surprise consider that Big Show was involved.
Match Rating: 4/10
Okay, passable, not terrible (though the end started heading to this direction). Had some nice moments, I didn't mind the pace, but overall a forgettable bout and probably the worst Last Man Standing match I've ever seen. Again, not much to say about this. Oh, and the "F" means whatever you want it to, for me it's "Fuck".
Match Rating: 6/10
Steel Cage
I don't exactly know how I feel about this. It's kind of a double-edged sword. The focal point on this match centered around Brock sustaining a leg injury that he gained earlier in the match. Seeing Brock in a position that I don't think I ever seen him in before made the match a bit more interested but it also made it more boring and kind of less about the match. With the former, it just wasn't really entertaining seeing Brock on one-leg most of the time, I actually enjoyed the match quite a bit prior to him "hurting" his leg but afterward it just kind of became boring even though it was kind of neat to see Lesnar in that position. For the latter, I don't really remember anything about the match after the point and before Trips get's the hidden Sledgehammer and I just watched it. The only thing that stuck out was Lesnar's injury, it stopped feeling like a match, as I (and the commentators to a much lesser extent) really focused on Lesnar being "hurt" and how he's faring with that. The ending wasn't great but it was a great result. I think I'll give it a 5, because I was bored through most of the match, even though it did have parts I liked about it.
Match Rating: 5/10
PPV Rating: 5.5/10
I. Elimination Chamber ~ 6/10
II. Extreme Rules ~ 5.5/10
III. Royal Rumble ~ 4.9/10
IV. WrestleMania XXIX ~ 3.8/10
I. The Shield vs. The Justice League (Cena, Sheamus, & Ryback): Elimination Chamber ~ 9/10
II. WWE Title, The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk: Elimination Chamber ~ 8/10
III. Tag Titles, The Shield (Reigns & Rollins) vs. Team Hell No, Tornado Tag: Extreme Rules ~ 8/10
IV. Jericho vs. Bryan vs. Swagger vs. Kane vs. Orton vs. Henry, Elimination Chamber: Elimination Chamber ~ 8/10
V. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry, Strap: Extreme Rules ~ 7/10


New Member
May 13, 2013
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It was an alright PPV to kill a few hours.

BUT; When you are the biggest company in your industry, your PPVs should be more than just "alright".

I enjoyed the US Championship match, the I-Quit match and the Tag Team Championship match.

The Steel Cage match was decent, The WWE Championship was bearable because some of the spots were ok, their predictible no-selling killed the match for me though -.-

I only liked the Orton vs Show match because they brought back the punt, it was the only thing that garnered my interest from the entire match, besides from that the match can

The strap match was horse-shit to me, even when I take Reginald's point into account, the match just didn't do it to me. Such a shame because both performers can do good, even Sheamus when given the right opportunity, can have fucking good match. Don't fucking understand how badly WWE fail to actually do this.

So.... Dear WWE, GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER, I want PPV's that are 8/10 minimum, and until you bring this to me, I'm not sure I can commit myself to your fucking product!


Jan 23, 2012
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Solid 8/10 for me.

Ryback Cena was a crap ending to a match though and I loved that it got booed.

Other than that though it was surprisingly a good event.


Feb 8, 2013
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10/10 - WOW WOW WOW WOW THE MOST EXTREME PPV EVER..... But the Cena getting injure and shield winning the matches made me sad.


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Pretty sure there have been more extreme pay per views but glad you liked it.

What did you really like?


Mar 4, 2012
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United Scotland of Ambrose
10/10 - WOW WOW WOW WOW THE MOST EXTREME PPV EVER..... But the Cena getting injure and shield winning the matches made me sad.

BUT I THINK CENA IS OK THO? cos he walk up out of neck brace and look not injure? and yeh those shield guys suck, specialy the one who one the us champion!


Feb 8, 2013
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BUT I THINK CENA IS OK THO? cos he walk up out of neck brace and look not injure? and yeh those shield guys suck, specialy the one who one the us champion!

Yeah. Cena vs Ryback will be possible at Payback I guess. anyway I expected more from the strap match so that match made me kinda disappointed. but Brock vs HHH was the Match of the Night in my opinion if Cena vs Ryback wasn't gone weird.


Mar 4, 2012
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United Scotland of Ambrose
Yeah. Cena vs Ryback will be possible at Payback I guess. anyway I expected more from the strap match so that match made me kinda disappointed. but Brock vs HHH was the Match of the Night in my opinion if Cena vs Ryback wasn't gone weird.

yeah strap matches are usually good so i dont no why that one was bad. yeah brock vs HHH was great, HHH is the best and that rivalry was awesome!!!


Feb 8, 2013
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yeah strap matches are usually good so i dont no why that one was bad. yeah brock vs HHH was great, HHH is the best and that rivalry was awesome!!!

I quit match was also good but the fact that jack swagger said I quit, made me somewhat sad I don't know why. anywah that match wasn't boring tho.


Alien Princess
Sep 18, 2012
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Just finished watching this. Late, I know.

Anyway, pretty decent PPV. Wasn't bored to tears for once.

Really don't see what was so special about Cena/Ryback, it wasn't horrible like I was expecting it to be, but it wasn't all that great either. Just a bunch of huge spots/bumps.
The Shield with all the title was cool to see. The tag team match was especially cool.