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Rate Extreme Rules 2017

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Eva Maryse

The Artiste
Mar 21, 2017
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Western Australia
I knew the Miz winning would have you smiling...

That seems a bit harsh...I mean I don't consider Alexa a "Diva" but it is clear the WWE is making her the focal point of the entire division.

It really depends...I think we will have a better idea once the Alexa/Sasha feud starts. Both Alexa & Sasha are only 25 years old and
Sasha has the ability to make any opponent look solid in the ring. Fingers crossed the long term plan is for Alexa & Sasha to be the
two top women for the next 8 to 10 years.

Well...at least once my Bae Charlotte retires that is.

I'm not necessarily calling Alexa a Diva. More that her as Champion has seen the division regress back to that Divas shit. Terrible segments. Even worse and short matches. The division is as bad as its ever been right now.

And really Alexa does belong in the Divas era, hot blonde who is pretty bad in the ring; sounds like a typical Diva.

I'm more happy that Miz got booked like a credible heel. he won, but he's in the exact same spot he was a year ago, only now we've seen him try to get back to the Main Event only to get squashed by Cena multiple times and drop back down to where he was a year ago. And now we've got the rumour its all just so Reigns can squash him and get the IC Title...
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C.M. Shaddix

The Architect
Aug 8, 2013
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Suplex City BITCH
So basically it was a ppv with a semi weak card overall but good main event, if you look at it that way the Fatal 5-way saved it..... because....

WE ARE GETTING SAMOA JOE VS. BROCK LESNAR, literally saying that makes you realizes we are going to see both men try to eat each other alive. This will be nuts.

Also Miz looked good again? I only payed attention to a few things lol.

Eva Maryse

The Artiste
Mar 21, 2017
Reaction score
Western Australia
So basically it was a ppv with a semi weak card overall but good main event, if you look at it that way the Fatal 5-way saved it..... because....

WE ARE GETTING SAMOA JOE VS. BROCK LESNAR, literally saying that makes you realizes we are going to see both men try to eat each other alive. This will be nuts.

Also Miz looked good again? I only payed attention to a few things lol.

Everytime a Brock match is announced people get excited for it and act like it'll be great...Brock will squash Joe. Only part timers can have a competitive match with Brock, the guys squashed Cena and Roman...he'll squash Joe for sure.


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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Though practically nothing really "extreme" about it, I won't deny this not being at least a decent show so I guess a 6/10 is a fair score in my opinion....Notes:

- Pre show: skipped, don't give a shit...

- So they practically busted our balls with the fact that Ambrose can lose the title on a DQ, teased the shit out of it throughout the entire match only to eventually go for the clean pin in the middle of the ring. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that Miz won the IC title but I do find it funny that they booked the otherwise cowardly heel who usually cheats his way to victory win clean in this occasion. And what exactly was "extreme" about this match? Sigh...

- Hurray, Sasha got a win...On a side note, I guess that all the talk about a possible heel turn stays on hold cause apparently they ain't looking to do so just yet or not least not according to how things are evolving in the division. I mean, with Bailey out of the picture (boy have WWE damaged her), there can only be one title match for Summerslam and that has to be Alexa vs. Sasha. Granted, you still have the wild card called Jax and her little story line with Bliss but they could either work their way around it (as in Bliss finding ways to avoid it) or maybe have them do a one off at Great Balls of Fire where Alexa could somehow sneak a win. As far as I'm concerned, Bliss versus Banks should be the money match for the biggest party of the summer...

- Well, Sheamus and Cesaro indeed "broke the toy" so...could this be the turning point? :matt:

- Job well done Neville and pleased to see they booked him to retain and keep this reign going...

- The main event was by far the MOTN and in all honesty, I was quite shocked by the ending. My approach was that they'd probably go with the "safe" option being Bray or perhaps Seth Rollins if they wanted to keep the heel versus face dynamic (let's face it, Brock is a heel) which they normally like so going with Joe was a very interesting choice. It's something fresh, something new that we haven't seen before and it should be quite interesting to see if this could even mean a face turn for Samoe Joe, though I doubt they will go there just yet. As noted above though, Brock is pretty much considered a heel and being that he's been a no show since Mania, I'm very possitive the majority of the fans will be behind Joe in hope that this hijacking of the belt will come to a halt so one has to wonder a) does Joe turn face and b) do WWE have the...great balls (see what I did there?) to actually go for a title change? One thing's for sure, the promos ought to be good between Paul and Joe so looking forward to that as well...

On a quick side note, the moment Balor came out without tha paint, you absolutely knew he wasn't winning....

That would also seem to indicate that [HASHTAG]#IgnoreReigns[/HASHTAG] is going to win the Royal Rumble in 2018...

He ain't winning shit. Already talked about this and Jacob Fox already nailed it as well as to why it WON'T and really doesn't even need to happen this way...

.Brock will squash Joe. Only part timers can have a competitive match with Brock, the guys squashed Cena and Roman...he'll squash Joe for sure.

I do fear the idea of a Brock squash but my early prediction is they won't go that route. I would expect WWE to at least somewhat protect Joe who is still a new face on RAW and a new face for the casual fans who's in the process of being built as a very credible opponent. Not often do you see guys standing tall at the end of a go home show and come out winners the Sunday after at the PPV so that alone (another reason, by the way, this finish caught me by surprise) tells me they have really high hopes for Joe. That being said and given that a loss to Lesnar won't harm him, I feel they will try to at least put together a competitive 8-10 minute match. Hey, I know Lesnar ain't paid by the hour (or by the minute, for that matter) but this isn't Goldberg anymore....


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
The show didn't bore me to death. 6/10.

The mixed tag match just shouldn't have been there. I mean, dear god.

That kendo stick on a pole match was always going to be crap, and it didnt disappoint (in being crap).

ME was good, Miz was awesome.

Seeing Finn kick Reigns' head off was glorious but Joe getting the win definitely came out of nowhere. If only he stood a chance against suplex repeat. Well, it was nice knowing you Joe. Happy burrial.

Mike Thunder

The Lunatic Fringe
Apr 14, 2016
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Overall rating: 6/10 Decent show
Intercontinental Championship: Champion Dean Ambrose vs The Miz: ***1/2 Good Match

Mixed Tag Match: Noam Dar and Alicia Fox vs Sasha Banks and Rich Swann: *1/2 No one cares. Would rather see my boy Drew Gulak vs Mustafa Ali instead of this.

Raw Women's Championship Kendo Stick on a Pole Match: Champion Alexa Bliss vs Bayley: * Bad. I don't care about Bliss or Bayley.

Raw Tag Team Championship: Champions the Hardyz vs Cesaro and Sheamus: ***1/4 Good match. Hopefully this means we'll get Broken Matt.

Cruiserweight Championship: Champion Neville vs Austin Aries: *** Decent Match. Nice to see Neville retain.

Number One Contender Match: Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe vs Bray Wyatt vs Finn Balor: ***3/4 Good match with some cool moments. Definitely MOTN.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Why couldn't they have made the "Kendo Stick on a Pole Match" just a regular "Kendo Stick Match" and have them go on longer and have Bayley actually get a couple shots with the Kendo Stick into build her as having a backbone? NXT they did her character great, only talked when she needed to, kept it silly, but when she had to be more serious, they let her find that balance. I am a fan of both Bliss and Bayley, but they had a solid match last month to a crap match this show which was severely hurt by the gimmick. :/

Watching the rest of the show eventually, had to get that match out of the way first...

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Everytime a Brock match is announced people get excited for it and act like it'll be great...Brock will squash Joe. Only part timers can have a competitive match with Brock, the guys squashed Cena and Roman...he'll squash Joe for sure.

I'm no fan of, and I am not used to defending Roman Reigns, but Lesnar did not squash Roman. Yeah, he hit an F-5 right away, but seeing as Reigns kicked out of the second and third F-5s (something the Undertaker wasn't even able to do), We can safely assume Reigns would have kicked out of the first one. Although Lesnar did dominate the first 10 minutes of the match, he was completely unable to put away Reigns no matter how much he tried, with Roman laughing off much of Lesnar's offense. Then, after Lesnar hit the ring post, it was all Reigns until the fourth F-5, after which Lesnar was so wiped that he couldn't attempt a cover. Plus it was Reigns who took out Lesnar, allowing Rollins to pin Reigns. Hardly a squash.

Eva Maryse

The Artiste
Mar 21, 2017
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Western Australia
I'm no fan of, and I am not used to defending Roman Reigns, but Lesnar did not squash Roman. Yeah, he hit an F-5 right away, but seeing as Reigns kicked out of the second and third F-5s (something the Undertaker wasn't even able to do), We can safely assume Reigns would have kicked out of the first one. Although Lesnar did dominate the first 10 minutes of the match, he was completely unable to put away Reigns no matter how much he tried, with Roman laughing off much of Lesnar's offense. Then, after Lesnar hit the ring post, it was all Reigns until the fourth F-5, after which Lesnar was so wiped that he couldn't attempt a cover. Plus it was Reigns who took out Lesnar, allowing Rollins to pin Reigns. Hardly a squash.

It was a Lesnar squash. Everyone takes multiple F5s. Fact is Lesnar dominated the match until the baby face comeback. Lesnar v Reigns was 95% Brock beating Roman down.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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It was a Lesnar squash. Everyone takes multiple F5s. Fact is Lesnar dominated the match until the baby face comeback. Lesnar v Reigns was 95% Brock beating Roman down.

No it was not. There is no babyface comeback in a squash match. In fact, every Hulk Hogan match ever would have to be a squash if you define it by those terms. Hogan always got his butt kicked through 95% of the match only to have a comeback at the end. However, I have NEVER heard a single person ever say Hogan was ever squashed in any match ever. A squash is a completely one sided match and this was not one of them. And your assertion that everyone takes multiple F-5's is silly. Very few have ever taken more than one and very few have kicked out of even one. Roman Reigns is the ONLY person to ever kick out after three F-5s. That is a fact.

However, believe what you want. Your misperception doesn't really affect me in any way and this is a really insignificant thing to argue about.
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May 25, 2017
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Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Overall i liked the show so i gave it a 7

DIdnt bother with pre show, nothing match.

IC title win for Miz is good for the title so long asa it doesnt continue this goad awful fued with Ambrose, i just want him to go away now i hate the character.

Skipped the mixed tag, coudnt give a fuck.

Womans title match sums up one of the worst builds to a match iv ever seen, Bliss doesnt gain much and the Bayley is done the office done believe in her so they are just buried her. Awful for all involved.

Last 3 matches of the night saved it for me:

Cage match was really good and well worked and the close call finish gives us a chance to extend the fued which despite whatI said in another thread im actuall ok with now, to see what a chasing Hardy Boyz do next.

Cruiserweight title match was all i hoped it would be, think Aries should have one makes him look a tad weak but the match was brilliant and you can see just how on top of their game these two are.

Fatal 5 way was very good, i worried it would be a bit of a cluster fuck but everyone pulled out their end and all the timeing was spot on, brilliant swerve right at the end all was sure that was Finn for the win and then Joe steals it, never would have called Joe but fair play cant wait for the build so long as WWE dont shit the bed like with this PPV.

Not sure i like no babyface winning in an important match, i know the mixed tag but its was crap and i skipped so im not counting it.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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It was a decent show. 6/10

I skipped the pre-show match, the mixed tag match and Alexa Bliss vs Bayley. I had no interest in them whatsoever.

Now, onto the good stuff:

- The Miz vs Dean Ambrose was a pretty good show opener. ★★★½
Good match, they played well to the stipulation, loved The Miz trying to get Ambrose DQ'd and especially loved his sneaky tactics to win the title. So, the IC title is finally back on The Miz, that's what truly matters and now he'll hopefully make it prestigious again.

- Sheamus & Cesaro vs The Hardy Boyz was good. ★★★
I don't like cage matches at all, but this was surprisingly good. I would've preferred pinfalls and submissions instead of escape rules (but I guess they wanted Hardyz to lose the titles without getting pinned), so this was good for what it was. Also, I'm glad Sheamus & Cesaro are the new RAW Tag Team champs.

- Neville vs Austin Aries was good. ★★★
Good match, but didn't have much heat. The crowd didn't care much and you can't blame 'em. Now, Neville's had a great run with the title, but I felt this is where they should've given it to Aries. He's lost to Neville many times now, so I think he's done as a title contender. Time to move Aries away from the CW division.

- Samoa Joe vs Finn Bálor vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt was a great ME. ★★★★
It was MOTN as expected. All five guys worked hard, had an invested crowd and put on an entertaining match. Joe winning was a bit surprising, but in a good way. Hopefully he doesn't get squashed by Lesnar at the next PPV, but I doubt it'll be an even match where they beat the crap out of each other for like 10-15 minutes. We'll see, though.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Am I insane for thinking the cage match was easy to follow? I know we're all conditioned to yell BUT WTF WWE WHY U DO THIS but... Both guys had to be on the floor at the same time to win. The commentary said this over and over.
Jeff Hardy had his chance to clear and he saw his chance, but that left his brother in one on one (stupid, but by wrestling logic it works) so he got back in there and saved him.
The finish sucked and I'm really starting to think that's an underrated problem in WWE (ok so the Hardys are 100x better but Sheamus and Cesaro won by a really fluky finish so they can kill 2 more months of PPV time to save the Revival match? It's all so pointless but hey, more good wrestling?)

Show gets a jaded as hell 3/10 from me, but hey, positives