Most of the Chamber was yawn-worthy. *Sigh*
WWE Network was hammered at the height of moments before Rousey's signing. WWE needs to zero in on this issue if they want to keep the network running as the run up to Wrestlemania gets underway. I saw some frames skipping, and screen freezing but only momentarily on each blip. Other than that, the stream was good.
That being said, EC got good only from the Rousey contract signing, to the Men's EC. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole Rousey segment. I was not expecting any of it. I was expecting it to be a typical contract signing. So, Angle was sublime in there. Super sublime. I didn't think WWE would go this route. Holy shit. Monday Night Raw's gonna be interesting. It just leaves a lot of questions hanging up there, but that's what you want to do - build intrigue going into WrestleMania and they successfully did that.
Angle Vs Hunter
Rousey Vs McMahon
This story just writes itself. Buckle up, people. WE'RE GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA!
The main EC match went exactly how I wanted it to go. Everyone got their screen time. Everyone showcased their talent, except for Miz. I'm sorry, but Miz doesn't belong in this match, dude. That much was obvious. Miz got steamrolled. You barely even saw him. Everyone else got their 5 sec of screen time - Miz? Where the fuck was he? lol.
[I agree with John Cena about Miz being main event star... He doesn't have what it takes. If there was ever a time to showcase your skills, your talent, it's this match - Elimination Chamber. Miz held back as usual, and he'll keep doing it - but it's actually costing him. Go back and watch the match, everyone else is putting their heart, and soul into this match.]
I was shocked to see Cena pinned in there. 1. They booked him strong going in there. 2. They always book him as "superman in jeans." 3. He has the track record... I mean, so many variables that is wrong here. What's he gonna do at Wrestlemania?
Seth Rollins? Well, he's Monday Night Rollins. Seth freakin' Rollins, man. He did a good job in there, just as well as he did on RAW. Balor, too. Elias is pretty much a rookie in there. He has a lot to learn before he's main event star. That much was obvious, too.
We all expected Reigns to win. Braun is just another piece of the proverbial puzzle here. As monsterous and popular as he is, and I too, like him... I wouldn't want Strowman to win yet. Maybe someday, but not tonight, sorry.