Rate AEW Dynamite! 12/18/2019

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Oct 13, 2017
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hey everyone welcome to the rate AEW Dynamite thread! no recap at the moment as i couldnt catch the show live, but ofcourse i made the rate thread anyway! so you know the drill if you watched the show rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, and i will see yall later!

Apoho Creed

Mon ami
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I tell you one thing the last thing I wanna see is Dark Order and their stupid shit ending Dynamite. So Dark Order is a horrible version of The Foot or Hand I get it now. Still SCU vs Young Bucks was a good Main Event, but it was a little anticlimactic towards the end there I felt. I thought for sure The Young Bucks would win the Tag Titles the moment was there for them, but I guess we'll need to try to be invested in Dark Order vs SCU/Young Bucks as an unit going forward. Lucha Bros vs Omega/Page was a way better Match I felt and it putting the seeds in that Page is turning. The dude didn't show up during that fight at the end you know Omega and company are going to call him out on it next Week. This could be his revival let's see how that develops. I think that Segment with Omega and Page were looking Nakazawa all around the Arena was so goofy to me clearly Pac took him to Hometown Buffet.

Cody/Allin vs The Butcher/The Blade. We get to see Cody vs Allin in a rematch as this new team of The Butcher and The Blade aren't getting over with me at all. Wrong decision how they had them debut this is why we need Packages for new talent it's a must at this point cone on AEW. Baker vs Statlander neither lady sets the World on fire for me, but it seems AEW have moved on from Baker and I think that is a smart decision. Riho should have fun with Statlander in the coming Weeks and that is she can wrestle after she gets hit in her Eyes with a Spiked Heel. I didn't know Sadie and Kris were buddies how about push Sadie please because she is better everyway. Better than Kris and Baker combined that is for damn sure.

Good for Jungle Boy this Week raising his stock within AEW facing off with Le Champion Jericho. 10 Minute Draw tells a viewer Jungle Boy is worth a damn and with him getting to that point who knows what could come from that. So a solid AEW Show this Week just thought with no AEW Dynamite next Week you come out a little harder for this Show.
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Oct 30, 2019
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Thought show was alright. Seems to me that Cody and the Bucks are going out of their way to wrestle down to some of the weaker talent. I guess they are doing this so they wont be top guys on their show. Kind of like leader of the NFL winning the Superbowl.

Page/Omega VS Lucha Bros was alright. Personally don't think these guys wrestling styles really matches up well so was just kinda interested in the match. Liked the end when Page "accidentally" hit Omega costing them the match. Although I think they are better singles wrestlers so a break up of them wont hurt my feelings.

Butcher/Blade VS Cody and Darby. I just don't understand this match at all. Darby is one weird dude and would be great to see him wrestle with Cody and suck up to him for a while and then turn on him with one of weirdest violent matches so far. Other than that I decided to make dinner during this match. I have 0 interest in the Butcher and Blade.

Awesome Kong (might be the only female wrestlers I like in AEW VS Miranda. I liked this match quick and kept me wanting more. Cant wait for next show to see what King does next.

Jericho (with Jake Hagar) VS Jungle Boy (with Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus)
#1 is it me or is Jericho getting fatter? Dude looks HUGE and not in a good way. AEW PLEASE take the title from Jericho until he loses weight and give it to someone who actually looks like they can wrestle. I've always been a big Jericho fan but I am just finding it hard to watch him. Said Jungle Boy couldn't last 10 minutes with him. I am not sure Jericho can wrestle for more than 10 minutes.
#2 Glad someone is using Hagar in a good way. Really like his role.
#3 Jungle Boy . . . Dude best advice change your gimmick ASAP. Cant think of a worse character than jungle boy!!! Only way this works is if you would have come out as some really weird dude who was raised by a tribe of warriors. But I just really dont like jungle boy and like Luchasaurus even less. QUIT CARRYING MARKO STUNT AROUND LIKE HE IS THE BABY YOU ARE TAKING CARE OF!!! If Luchasaurus wants to get over he needs to change his gimmick to something between Undertaker/Kane/Abyss.
Match was OK

Statlander VS Baker. Thought this was a decent match.

Main Event Young Bucks VS SCU. Thought this was the best match of the night. Again though like I said earlier It just seems to me the Young Bucks are handicapped as it would look weird for them to be the best tag group in AEW since they created AEW. They somehow need to separate themselves with starting AEW. Maybe Jericho loses his title but he somehow takes over AEW.

Keepers for AEW: Jericho (in a non wrestling way unless he loses weight), SCU, Page, Cody, Darby, Isiah Kassidy, Jake Hagar, Jimmy Havoc, Joey Janela, Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, Kip Sabian, MJF, Orange Cassidy, Ortiz, Santana, PAC, Pentagon JR, Rey Fenix, QT MArshall, Sammy Guevara, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow

Get rid of: Angelico, Cutler, Chuck Taylor, Cima, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Jack Evans, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt, Marq Quen, Young Bucks, Michael Nakazawa, Peter Avalon, Sonny Kiss, Stu Grayson, Trent, and Excalibur.
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The Sheik

The Architect
Nov 29, 2017
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Show was fine. They need to do a better job at building new characters.. Chris Jericho was the star of the show like he usually is. 7/10 show
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Oct 13, 2017
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Keepers for AEW: Jericho (in a non wrestling way unless he loses weight), SCU, Page, Cody, Darby, Isiah Kassidy, Jake Hagar, Jimmy Havoc, Joey Janela, Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, Kip Sabian, MJF, Orange Cassidy, Ortiz, Santana, PAC, Pentagon JR, Rey Fenix, QT MArshall, Sammy Guevara, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow

Get rid of: Angelico, Cutler, Chuck Taylor, Cima, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Jack Evans, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt, Marq Quen, Young Bucks, Michael Nakazawa, Peter Avalon, Sonny Kiss, Stu Grayson, Trent, and Excalibur.
Wait Luchasaurus? dude hes absolutely a keeper, hes easily one of if not the most over guy in the company, and his in ring work is fantastic, Dustin is also very over and extremely valuble, the others though i can understand, maybe besides Excalibur i think hes been decent on commentary.

Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Parts Unknown
Ugh. I really don't wanna do this, guys. Fuck you, Finn Balor. This is your fault.

Anyway, here's my "live review" of Anti-Entertainment Wrestling Dynamite. The only show where... yeah, I got nothing. There's actually nothing unique about this show whatsoever other than how bad it is.

Hangman & O(verrated)mega vs. Fearless 5 Sides & the one that isn't as good as Aerostar or Drago

-I wonder how long it'll take to finish this six-pack...
-Literally not a minute in... is the nameplate thing supposed to be some kind of contradiction? On the bottom they have all these stats to try to seem important and legitimate, and then at the top they make literally the lamest cowboy joke I've ever heard. Fuck this company (I feel like I'll be saying this a lot. Though who knows, I could be wrong xD)
-JR with the most generic sounding hyperbole and Excalibur just talking to say things. It's gonna be a long night. Does anyone have a link to a stream where those two are muted so I can only hear Tony? Seriously, Tony, why? You could've just gone to WWE. Or NJPW. Or stayed in MLW. Or literally anywhere else. What a shame that the greatest voice in wrestling has to be wasted on this
-3 minutes and 2 seconds it took them to plug all of their social media. And I do mean all of it. bUt At LeAsT iTs NoT wWe
-So commentary keeps talking about all this distrust and such between Omega and Page, yet they're frequently tagging and double teaming and getting along. #Psychology
-Lucha Bros win. Very standard match, and if you've ever seen any Kenny Omega or Lucha Bros match, you've seen this one already.
-So why is Kenny upset with Page? Kenny's the one who couldn't hold on to Pentagon...
-Why is this big backstage story thing happening during the commercial break? And how did Pac disappear with Michael Nakazawa so quickly?
-Adam Page is super talented. He shoulda just stayed in New Japan. Or alternatively, they should've just given him the first title reign instead of an old man. Hangman has all the potential to be a big star some day if he quits associating with these clowns

The Butcher, The Blade (because commas and ampersands are clearly the same symbol) with Allieana Grande vs. Tony Hawk Emo Skater & OMG GUYS IT'S THE SON OF DUSTY RHODES

-Glad to see Pepper Parks and Andy Williams get a chance to be in a spotlight. Great classic tag pairing of powerhouse bruiser and quick technician
-Cody messing up his own fucking move. Color me shocked. And by shocked I mean bored.
-Darby is always fun to watch, especially in times when I really miss Jeff Hardy
-And Cody wins. Yay. I'm sure he did it for his dad. Who is Dusty Rhodes, in case anyone was wondering. I like how the whole thing about this match would be that if they win, Darby earns a rematch with Cody, and yet Cody is the one scoring the fall. Doesn't make it seem like Darby earned shit.

Welfare Queen vs. Eva Marie Cosplayer

-I think I sneezed and pretty much missed the entire match. This was absolute nothing. Which I'm actually fine with, because despite the fact that Kong's immense talent is clearly being wasted, it means less Brandi Rhodes and whatever this stupid Halloween-all-the-time gimmick is supposed to be

-Whoa, what happened to the audio? Why is this interview sounding like it was recorded from a tin can and a string?

Memeicho with MMA guy vs. Jungle Boy sadly without "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora
-So Jungle Boy is both playing his jungle character and the Hollywood legacy character at the same time? What an awful mess of a canon that is
-Despite Jericho's shitty vocals, Judas is actually a pretty good song. Probably top 5 Fozzy songs, maybe top 3 if you don't include the first 2 albums of cover songs
-Jericho looks like he can hardly bend. Why is this guy still wrestling? Why is this guy the world fucking champion? Ric Flair getting another title reign in WWE would be more credible than this shit
-JR: "Look at Jericho, he's in incredible shape" Yeah sure, Jim, if you consider TNA era Hulk Hogan good shape.
-And... so I guess Jungle Boy gets his first win via countout? Or does that not count for some reason? Thank god these rankings are totally important and legit.
-It's really tough to sit through this Jericho promo. What was the point of that match besides giving Jungle Boy a chance to shine, when all it led to was another Jericho tantrum and a promo with Jericho talking about yet another bitter ex-WWE guy

(Literally fell asleep during the commercial break here. Please remind me to never make a stupid statement where I agree to watch and review this godawful show again)

E.T. (extra thicc) vs. That one kinda ugly chick who's a big NXT mark
-JR sending to commercial, then continuing to talk, and finally being cut off by the commercial xD
-Kris is pretty good, but even she couldn't make this match exciting for more than maybe the last minute and a half
-Kris wins
-Oh god, please no. Please make Brandi go away. She's only said like 2 sentences and I'm already somehow both bored and annoyed
-Why did the Spears/Blanchard segment need to be live? Couldn't they have taped that and like, scripted something, so that they wouldn't just seem like 2 amateurs reciting Shakespeare unrehearsed?

Suffering, Chaos, Ugliness (but no Mayhem) vs. 2 local competitors
-I think this is the first time I'm seeing those belts. Holy shit, who in the actual fuck would even want to compete for those rectangular eyesores?
-How many times are they gonna mention the tag titles "actually mattering unlike other companies". That's not even a factual statement
-Mmmmmmmm, Jack Daniel's commercial. Possibly the best thing I've seen this entire show
-SCU win and retain. Very standard small guys tag match. 50% super sloppy, 50% super contrived spots
-Longest match I've seen 2 enhancement talent have in a while.
-And now the after-match shenanigans. Cool. So what do we have here? The Super Smash Bros, who used to actually be good at one point. The Beaver Boys. And about 20 random nobodies modeling the winter line of Highspots' finest generic gear. One of whom was dead front and center of hard cam, missing his punches on Kaz by at least a foot, no exaggeration, before someone finally paid attention and switched the camera.
-I can't even put into words how utterly stupid and pointless that whole thing was. And I couldn't tell if the crowd was just totally dead for it, or if their audio was fucked up as it was many times throughout the night.
-And mercifully, the show finally comes to an end.

Fuck this show. Fuck this company, holy shit. This is what people choose to watch instead of NXT? This is what people claim is better than all of WWE? Bro, get the fuck outta here. And funnily enough, they not only haven't fixed almost any issues that they started with, but now it somehow seems to have gotten worse than the last time I watched. Insane, I feel like this show has validated every zero I've ever given this awful excuse for a show. I actually wish you would start adding negative scores so that I could properly convey how terrible of a show Dynamite was, is, and probably always will be as long as it exists (which hopefully isn't that long). But given the score system you have in place, my only option is to rate this episode of Dynamite a very generous 0/10.


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Oct 13, 2017
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Fuck this show. Fuck this company, holy shit. This is what people choose to watch instead of NXT? This is what people claim is better than all of WWE? Bro, get the fuck outta here. And funnily enough, they not only haven't fixed almost any issues that they started with, but now it somehow seems to have gotten worse than the last time I watched. Insane, I feel like this show has validated every zero I've ever given this awful excuse for a show. I actually wish you would start adding negative scores so that I could properly convey how terrible of a show Dynamite was, is, and probably always will be as long as it exists (which hopefully isn't that long). But given the score system you have in place, my only option is to rate this episode of Dynamite a very generous 0/10.
Ya know, im actually glad you watched this show so i can explain something!

Take how you feel about AEW and that episode of Dynamite, how nothing seemed to make sense, how the matches were crap how the promos were bad the brandi rhodes stuff and all of it and the whole sentiment of "Fuck this company" take all of those feelings of yours, understand them, really feel them.

Now, switch all the names to WWE, and switch you to me, and you will know EXACTLY how i feel about WWE lol, the way you felt watching AEW is how i feel watching WWE, so perhaps with that we can come to a understanding of sorts where both "get" each other lol

Also dude, last time i tried implementing a new rating system it didnt work very well so i doubt i could somehow make that a thing.

And as for your rating, since you actually watched the show yes your rating should and does count! but im still of a firm belief thart the rate threads are for those who watched the show, the thread as Jacob says every week, share your thoughts on the show, you cant really have a thought ona particuler episode if you havent watched it, that would be like me giving Game of Thrones a 0/10 yet i havent seen a single episode but assume i hate it, you just dont do things like that.

BUT you watched Dynamite this week so it counts! and no, i understand you hate AEW and alot of the people involved, i wouldnt make you watch that or even want you to, i only watch Raw because its kinda my job now lol.

..Now for the fun part..heh..heh..

-So commentary keeps talking about all this distrust and such between Omega and Page, yet they're frequently tagging and double teaming and getting along. #Psychology
-Lucha Bros win. Very standard match, and if you've ever seen any Kenny Omega or Lucha Bros match, you've seen this one already.
-So why is Kenny upset with Page? Kenny's the one who couldn't hold on to Pentagon...
Had you been watching AEW youd know the answer to thsi question lol

-Despite Jericho's shitty vocals, Judas is actually a pretty good song. Probably top 5 Fozzy songs, maybe top 3 if you don't include the first 2 albums of cover songs
Dude what? Jericho is pretty damn good at singing, better then eh has any right to be i'll admit that.

-Jericho looks like he can hardly bend. Why is this guy still wrestling? Why is this guy the world fucking champion? Ric Flair getting another title reign in WWE would be more credible than this shit
Jericho undeniably is one of the all time greats regardless of how in shape he is, nobody else on this planet can say they defeated The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night to become the undisputed world champion.

-And... so I guess Jungle Boy gets his first win via countout? Or does that not count for some reason? Thank god these rankings are totally important and legit.
Its called a Draw.

-It's really tough to sit through this Jericho promo. What was the point of that match besides giving Jungle Boy a chance to shine, when all it led to was another Jericho tantrum and a promo with Jericho talking about yet another bitter ex-WWE guy
Jericho may not be in his prime when it comes to his in ring ability, but his promo ability is another story entirely, even in WWE that man could get anything over and he still can.

E.T. (extra thicc) vs. That one kinda ugly chick who's a big NXT mark
-JR sending to commercial, then continuing to talk, and finally being cut off by the commercial xD
-Kris is pretty good, but even she couldn't make this match exciting for more than maybe the last minute and a half
-Kris wins
Kris seriously has to potential to be the top women in AEW, id say their biggist issue with the devision (besides whatever Brandi is) is they dont have anyone with real star power, but Kris might change that.

-Oh god, please no. Please make Brandi go away. She's only said like 2 sentences and I'm already somehow both bored and annoyed
Look i cant argue this lol, i dont know what they were or are thinking with this Brandi thing, its bad.

Suffering, Chaos, Ugliness (but no Mayhem) vs. 2 local competitors
-I think this is the first time I'm seeing those belts. Holy shit, who in the actual fuck would even want to compete for those rectangular eyesores?
They are a million times better then WWEs current tag belts.

And yeah i dont care much for Dark order either, atleast their promo packages are decent lol.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Ugh. I really don't wanna do this, guys. Fuck you, Finn Balor. This is your fault.

Anyway, here's my "live review" of Anti-Entertainment Wrestling Dynamite. The only show where... yeah, I got nothing. There's actually nothing unique about this show whatsoever other than how bad it is.

Hangman & O(verrated)mega vs. Fearless 5 Sides & the one that isn't as good as Aerostar or Drago

-I wonder how long it'll take to finish this six-pack...
-Literally not a minute in... is the nameplate thing supposed to be some kind of contradiction? On the bottom they have all these stats to try to seem important and legitimate, and then at the top they make literally the lamest cowboy joke I've ever heard. Fuck this company (I feel like I'll be saying this a lot. Though who knows, I could be wrong xD)
-JR with the most generic sounding hyperbole and Excalibur just talking to say things. It's gonna be a long night. Does anyone have a link to a stream where those two are muted so I can only hear Tony? Seriously, Tony, why? You could've just gone to WWE. Or NJPW. Or stayed in MLW. Or literally anywhere else. What a shame that the greatest voice in wrestling has to be wasted on this
-3 minutes and 2 seconds it took them to plug all of their social media. And I do mean all of it. bUt At LeAsT iTs NoT wWe
-So commentary keeps talking about all this distrust and such between Omega and Page, yet they're frequently tagging and double teaming and getting along. #Psychology
-Lucha Bros win. Very standard match, and if you've ever seen any Kenny Omega or Lucha Bros match, you've seen this one already.
-So why is Kenny upset with Page? Kenny's the one who couldn't hold on to Pentagon...
-Why is this big backstage story thing happening during the commercial break? And how did Pac disappear with Michael Nakazawa so quickly?
-Adam Page is super talented. He shoulda just stayed in New Japan. Or alternatively, they should've just given him the first title reign instead of an old man. Hangman has all the potential to be a big star some day if he quits associating with these clowns

The Butcher, The Blade (because commas and ampersands are clearly the same symbol) with Allieana Grande vs. Tony Hawk Emo Skater & OMG GUYS IT'S THE SON OF DUSTY RHODES

-Glad to see Pepper Parks and Andy Williams get a chance to be in a spotlight. Great classic tag pairing of powerhouse bruiser and quick technician
-Cody messing up his own fucking move. Color me shocked. And by shocked I mean bored.
-Darby is always fun to watch, especially in times when I really miss Jeff Hardy
-And Cody wins. Yay. I'm sure he did it for his dad. Who is Dusty Rhodes, in case anyone was wondering. I like how the whole thing about this match would be that if they win, Darby earns a rematch with Cody, and yet Cody is the one scoring the fall. Doesn't make it seem like Darby earned shit.

Welfare Queen vs. Eva Marie Cosplayer

-I think I sneezed and pretty much missed the entire match. This was absolute nothing. Which I'm actually fine with, because despite the fact that Kong's immense talent is clearly being wasted, it means less Brandi Rhodes and whatever this stupid Halloween-all-the-time gimmick is supposed to be

-Whoa, what happened to the audio? Why is this interview sounding like it was recorded from a tin can and a string?

Memeicho with MMA guy vs. Jungle Boy sadly without "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora
-So Jungle Boy is both playing his jungle character and the Hollywood legacy character at the same time? What an awful mess of a canon that is
-Despite Jericho's shitty vocals, Judas is actually a pretty good song. Probably top 5 Fozzy songs, maybe top 3 if you don't include the first 2 albums of cover songs
-Jericho looks like he can hardly bend. Why is this guy still wrestling? Why is this guy the world fucking champion? Ric Flair getting another title reign in WWE would be more credible than this shit
-JR: "Look at Jericho, he's in incredible shape" Yeah sure, Jim, if you consider TNA era Hulk Hogan good shape.
-And... so I guess Jungle Boy gets his first win via countout? Or does that not count for some reason? Thank god these rankings are totally important and legit.
-It's really tough to sit through this Jericho promo. What was the point of that match besides giving Jungle Boy a chance to shine, when all it led to was another Jericho tantrum and a promo with Jericho talking about yet another bitter ex-WWE guy

(Literally fell asleep during the commercial break here. Please remind me to never make a stupid statement where I agree to watch and review this godawful show again)

E.T. (extra thicc) vs. That one kinda ugly chick who's a big NXT mark
-JR sending to commercial, then continuing to talk, and finally being cut off by the commercial xD
-Kris is pretty good, but even she couldn't make this match exciting for more than maybe the last minute and a half
-Kris wins
-Oh god, please no. Please make Brandi go away. She's only said like 2 sentences and I'm already somehow both bored and annoyed
-Why did the Spears/Blanchard segment need to be live? Couldn't they have taped that and like, scripted something, so that they wouldn't just seem like 2 amateurs reciting Shakespeare unrehearsed?

Suffering, Chaos, Ugliness (but no Mayhem) vs. 2 local competitors
-I think this is the first time I'm seeing those belts. Holy shit, who in the actual fuck would even want to compete for those rectangular eyesores?
-How many times are they gonna mention the tag titles "actually mattering unlike other companies". That's not even a factual statement
-Mmmmmmmm, Jack Daniel's commercial. Possibly the best thing I've seen this entire show
-SCU win and retain. Very standard small guys tag match. 50% super sloppy, 50% super contrived spots
-Longest match I've seen 2 enhancement talent have in a while.
-And now the after-match shenanigans. Cool. So what do we have here? The Super Smash Bros, who used to actually be good at one point. The Beaver Boys. And about 20 random nobodies modeling the winter line of Highspots' finest generic gear. One of whom was dead front and center of hard cam, missing his punches on Kaz by at least a foot, no exaggeration, before someone finally paid attention and switched the camera.
-I can't even put into words how utterly stupid and pointless that whole thing was. And I couldn't tell if the crowd was just totally dead for it, or if their audio was fucked up as it was many times throughout the night.
-And mercifully, the show finally comes to an end.

Fuck this show. Fuck this company, holy shit. This is what people choose to watch instead of NXT? This is what people claim is better than all of WWE? Bro, get the fuck outta here. And funnily enough, they not only haven't fixed almost any issues that they started with, but now it somehow seems to have gotten worse than the last time I watched. Insane, I feel like this show has validated every zero I've ever given this awful excuse for a show. I actually wish you would start adding negative scores so that I could properly convey how terrible of a show Dynamite was, is, and probably always will be as long as it exists (which hopefully isn't that long). But given the score system you have in place, my only option is to rate this episode of Dynamite a very generous 0/10.

Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Parts Unknown
Ya know, im actually glad you watched this show so i can explain something!

Take how you feel about AEW and that episode of Dynamite, how nothing seemed to make sense, how the matches were crap how the promos were bad the brandi rhodes stuff and all of it and the whole sentiment of "Fuck this company" take all of those feelings of yours, understand them, really feel them.

Now, switch all the names to WWE, and switch you to me, and you will know EXACTLY how i feel about WWE lol, the way you felt watching AEW is how i feel watching WWE, so perhaps with that we can come to a understanding of sorts where both "get" each other lol
Big difference is that you still watch WWE every week, whereas I watched this one episode because I said I would. If you really dislike WWE and get as much displeasure and misery from watching it as much as I did this show, then either you're a super masochist, or you don't actually dislike it that much.

Another big difference is that WWE has nothing to prove, they are the established entity here. AEW on the other hand, has promised so many things and has seemed to continuously fail to deliver on pretty much any of them, and it's chipping away at the shiny new paint much quicker than any new company should.

And as for your rating, since you actually watched the show yes your rating should and does count! but im still of a firm belief thart the rate threads are for those who watched the show, the thread as Jacob says every week, share your thoughts on the show, you cant really have a thought ona particuler episode if you havent watched it, that would be like me giving Game of Thrones a 0/10 yet i havent seen a single episode but assume i hate it, you just dont do things like that.
I know we've gone into this discussion before, but I just want to touch on this again for a sec. I feel entirely the opposite way. Let's look at food for a fair comparison. I don't like ambrosia. Also, I've never tried it. And even though minus the pecans I absolutely love every ingredient in it separately, I can safely say that I know that I don't like it. This can be based on the reviews/reactions of others who do eat it, seeing/smelling a preview of said dish, and combining my knowledge of the ingredients involved because, much like wrestling, I have enjoyed and studied food on almost a daily basis for as long as I have memories. Is it fine if other people like it? Yeah, sure. But if people are allowed to express their enjoyment of ambrosia, it should also mean that I have every right to express my dislike for it, and I will definitely fight to express my opinion harder with someone who says it's the best food ever rather than just someone who eats it at Thanksgiving and says "yeah, it wasn't bad."

At least we're in the same boat about not watching or having interest in Game of Thrones, though xD

Had you been watching AEW youd know the answer to thsi question lol
Please, feel free to explain then. Because if that's the case, then that's a failure on the production end because how can you draw in casual viewers tuning in for the first time if the most basic of stories is not only not made clear, but is made out to be the complete opposite of what is happening? If anything, Page should be frustrated with Kenny for costing them the match, and in the bigger picture, holding him back. Instead, Kenny is the one who shoved him. Not that any of this mattered, because within a minute they went right back to getting along perfectly fine when whatshisname got kidnapped. Speaking of which, Kenny must be a terrible friend anyway, because within less than an hour, he had completely just given up on searching for his supposed best friend, who got kidnapped, in order to help SCU in their beatdown. So did he find him, and Pac was just all like "ok you got me mate, you can have him back"? Or did Kenny just get to the back and find his friend gone and just say "well fuck it, he's gone. Pac has superpowers and can clearly walk through walls and fly while carrying a 150 pound man"?

Dude what? Jericho is pretty damn good at singing, better then eh has any right to be i'll admit that.
People talk shit about Nickelback and Creed, and most people blame Chad Kroeger and Scott Stapp (which is entirely unfair, btw, though that's a COMPLETELY different discussion xD). But Jericho is the epitome of shitty dad-rock vocals. Again, he's ok for what it is, but he's not blowing any minds with his talent. They peaked musically with All That Remains anyway, and half of that album had superstar guests on it to boot.

Jericho undeniably is one of the all time greats regardless of how in shape he is, nobody else on this planet can say they defeated The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night to become the undisputed world champion.
Nobody else on this planet can say that they were basically handed the entire world on a platter and then failed to deliver so badly that their reign will go down as one of the worst ever and is better off forgotten, either. What's your point? Even if he is one of the all time greats, it doesn't mean he's great now. Flair is arguably the greatest of all time in a lot of people's opinions, it doesn't mean his TNA run produced any good matches. People get old. It happens. And it's fine to bring back guys like this for occasional nostalgia pops and dream matches, imo. It's not fine to sacrifice younger and more able talent in order to make them your biggest star and feature them on your show every week, however.

Its called a Draw.
Why do the whole 5 more minutes thing then? I mean, aren't you the one who had that huge issue with there not being a winner in the gauntlet on Monday (even though Andrade was later announced as the winner)? Why is this ok to you then?

Jericho may not be in his prime when it comes to his in ring ability, but his promo ability is another story entirely, even in WWE that man could get anything over and he still can.
If by promo ability you mean relying on his past, bashing the WWE, and memes, then sure. And no, definitely not in his prime in the ring. Dude needs to lay off the Waffle House. Not only does he lose his ugly belt, he gets fat and slow xD

Kris seriously has to potential to be the top women in AEW, id say their biggist issue with the devision (besides whatever Brandi is) is they dont have anyone with real star power, but Kris might change that.
I wouldn't say Kris is a star. Not yet, at least. As far as star power, the only name they really have is Awesome Kong, who not only has appeal from her crazy good run in TNA, but has crossover appeal from GLOW fans. Kris definitely is one of the few in AEW who has the potential to be a household name, though, and is by far probably the most talented woman they have.

Look i cant argue this lol, i dont know what they were or are thinking with this Brandi thing, its bad.
Well that's no fun, I can't argue if you don't argue back xD. Hey, keep me updated though in the coming weeks as to whether or not they actually add the super-hard-to-miss bright-ass red lock of hair to their trophy collection thing, though. I'm curious how dedicated they are to continuity with this shitty gimmick

They are a million times better then WWEs current tag belts.

And yeah i dont care much for Dark order either, atleast their promo packages are decent lol.
Meh. I disagree on that. Yeah, the WWE tag belts aren't the greatest, but they really don't look awful from a slight distance, and haven't looked bad ever since they switched from that ugly fucking copper color. They're very shiny and bright and contrast nicely with the red/blue straps. AEW tag titles, on the other hand... it looks like someone found the worst cardboard backyard titles they could find, and used them as blueprints for what they wanted when they had the guy make the belts.

Funniest thing to me, and I totally get the multiple reasons as to why they don't do it anymore. But in a company full of video game nerds, Dark Order (Stu and Uno at least) were the ones who started out with literal video game gimmicks. Nothing against AEW on that, it's been years since they used that gimmick anyway. I just find it humorous and slightly ironic.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Ya know, im actually glad you watched this show so i can explain something!

Take how you feel about AEW and that episode of Dynamite, how nothing seemed to make sense, how the matches were crap how the promos were bad the brandi rhodes stuff and all of it and the whole sentiment of "Fuck this company" take all of those feelings of yours, understand them, really feel them.

Now, switch all the names to WWE, and switch you to me, and you will know EXACTLY how i feel about WWE lol, the way you felt watching AEW is how i feel watching WWE, so perhaps with that we can come to a understanding of sorts where both "get" each other lol
Then why watch WWE if you hate it? This is the type of mentality that has began running rampant in the wrestling community as of late. People watch things they hate and then bitch about it and it makes no sense to me at all. I hate comedy, hardcore, and deathmatch and therefore don't watch. If you only watch WWE because it is job to do so on here, then I am sure either Reag, Jeffry, or even myself will be fine with doing the RAW rate thread as it is no problem and therefore you can just watch AEW and enjoy what you want to watch.
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The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Funniest thing to me, and I totally get the multiple reasons as to why they don't do it anymore. But in a company full of video game nerds, Dark Order (Stu and Uno at least) were the ones who started out with literal video game gimmicks. Nothing against AEW on that, it's been years since they used that gimmick anyway. I just find it humorous and slightly ironic.
I miss that gimmick

Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
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Parts Unknown
I am sure either Reag, Jeffry, or even myself will be fine with doing the RAW rate thread
I mean, Raw is actually the one show I literally can't do cuz work lol. But yeah, agreed with the rest of the post.

And no, Insane, this isn't me trying to dissuade you from watching WWE because we don't like you. I always have fun debating and discussing things with you, and I have no issue with you personally, just so that's clear. I'm more doing from the POV that if you don't like something, then why continue to do it? There is wrestling for everyone, dude, and there's plenty of us to discuss things outside of WWE with, man.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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I mean, Raw is actually the one show I literally can't do cuz work lol. But yeah, agreed with the rest of the post.

And no, Insane, this isn't me trying to dissuade you from watching WWE because we don't like you. I always have fun debating and discussing things with you, and I have no issue with you personally, just so that's clear. I'm more doing from the POV that if you don't like something, then why continue to do it? There is wrestling for everyone, dude, and there's plenty of us to discuss things outside of WWE with, man.
You know what I meant, lol.

Also, couldn't say that better than myself


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2017
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Then why watch WWE if you hate it? This is the type of mentality that has began running rampant in the wrestling community as of late. People watch things they hate and then bitch about it and it makes no sense to me at all. I hate comedy, hardcore, and deathmatch and therefore don't watch. If you only watch WWE because it is job to do so on here, then I am sure either Reag, Jeffry, or even myself will be fine with doing the RAW rate thread as it is no problem and therefore you can just watch AEW and enjoy what you want to watch.
Well here is the thing.

Im a pretty positive guy lol, i try to find the good in allmost everything! Sure there are plenty of things i dont like about WWE but i dont hate everything! and as the recap guy i have to watch Raw and im okay with that. I signed up to recap Raw every week, im not quitting just because i dont like alot of aspects of the show, im not the quitting type. (did you forget my never ending saga to try and get Jeffry to agree about atleast 1 time WWE screwed up? LOL)

Im not like these other people like you said who just throw nothing but hate and also throw that hate onto others, yeah me and Jeffry dissagree on alot of things related to WWE and AEW but that doesnt mean i hate the guy, i like Jeffry! (And as you will see me confirm, in my response to him in this thread, i was just haiving a little fun ?)

I mean, Raw is actually the one show I literally can't do cuz work lol. But yeah, agreed with the rest of the post.

And no, Insane, this isn't me trying to dissuade you from watching WWE because we don't like you. I always have fun debating and discussing things with you, and I have no issue with you personally, just so that's clear. I'm more doing from the POV that if you don't like something, then why continue to do it? There is wrestling for everyone, dude, and there's plenty of us to discuss things outside of WWE with, man.
Speaking of which like i said, im not the quitting type lol, besides like i said i dont hate everything, and im positive.

For me, my frustation with WWE is i KNOW it can be so much better then it is, atleast to me. My arguements when talking about WWE is never just "It sucks" and i give no reason, i always have one and for me, i remember enjoying WWE every week, and i feel like its gotte worse, less inconsistent and all that. And countless Ex WWE employees have confirmed alot of what i suspected.

But yeah like i said before, i requested to Jacob that i recap Raw, i cant just back out or quit, that goes against who i am as a person, i dont quit, not my thing, even if i hated absolutely everything and i dont! you know that yourself there are plenty of things i enjoy about WWE. But there are alot of things i dont like and think they could improve upon.

Now that the serious stuff is out of the way. Time for more of the fun!

I know we've gone into this discussion before, but I just want to touch on this again for a sec. I feel entirely the opposite way. Let's look at food for a fair comparison. I don't like ambrosia. Also, I've never tried it. And even though minus the pecans I absolutely love every ingredient in it separately, I can safely say that I know that I don't like it. This can be based on the reviews/reactions of others who do eat it, seeing/smelling a preview of said dish, and combining my knowledge of the ingredients involved because, much like wrestling, I have enjoyed and studied food on almost a daily basis for as long as I have memories. Is it fine if other people like it? Yeah, sure. But if people are allowed to express their enjoyment of ambrosia, it should also mean that I have every right to express my dislike for it, and I will definitely fight to express my opinion harder with someone who says it's the best food ever rather than just someone who eats it at Thanksgiving and says "yeah, it wasn't bad."

At least we're in the same boat about not watching or having interest in Game of Thrones, though xD
But again, sure, you have an idea of what that foods gonna taste like, but your never gonna know with absolute certainty what it tastes like, until you actually try it, same with video games movies TV and music. Sure you may see a game and have a pretty good idea what its gonna be like and think you wont like it, but maybe chances are you play it and boom, its different then you thought, maybe better, maybe worse, but still you cant know for certain.
Nobody will take you seriously if you rate something but then say "Oh, i havent seen it but im pretty sure i hate it so yeah!" That just doesnt work as a good enough reason, sure, would you likely hate it? yeah, but you havent seen it, up until you watched Dynamite, it could have been way better then you thought, but it sadly wasnt, but you would have been none the wiser unless you had watched it.

The entire point of a review, is for you to had seen or experienced the product in question before sharing your thoughts, thats always how they worked, its never been a rate the season even if you havent watched it type deal.

Please, feel free to explain then. Because if that's the case, then that's a failure on the production end because how can you draw in casual viewers tuning in for the first time if the most basic of stories is not only not made clear, but is made out to be the complete opposite of what is happening? If anything, Page should be frustrated with Kenny for costing them the match, and in the bigger picture, holding him back. Instead, Kenny is the one who shoved him. Not that any of this mattered, because within a minute they went right back to getting along perfectly fine when whatshisname got kidnapped. Speaking of which, Kenny must be a terrible friend anyway, because within less than an hour, he had completely just given up on searching for his supposed best friend, who got kidnapped, in order to help SCU in their beatdown. So did he find him, and Pac was just all like "ok you got me mate, you can have him back"? Or did Kenny just get to the back and find his friend gone and just say "well fuck it, he's gone. Pac has superpowers and can clearly walk through walls and fly while carrying a 150 pound man"?
Well Adam page left the elite and has struck out on his own and while they did get a win there has been tension between the two with miss ques and page hitting his finsiher on kenny.there are other detaisl but i forgot lol.

Its important to keep in mind, this company has only had 9 epsidoes of TV and a handfull of PPVs, they just started, there is alot they have to learn and are learning, its gonna be awhile before they learn everything.

Nobody else on this planet can say that they were basically handed the entire world on a platter and then failed to deliver so badly that their reign will go down as one of the worst ever and is better off forgotten, either. What's your point? Even if he is one of the all time greats, it doesn't mean he's great now. Flair is arguably the greatest of all time in a lot of people's opinions, it doesn't mean his TNA run produced any good matches. People get old. It happens. And it's fine to bring back guys like this for occasional nostalgia pops and dream matches, imo. It's not fine to sacrifice younger and more able talent in order to make them your biggest star and feature them on your show every week, however.
Do i even need to bring up the amount of times WWE has done that? lol And dude, like it or not Jericho is a star, hes a legend in the business and he is a HUGE draw for AEW, AEW was smart in putting the belt on Jericho because hes a legend, makes the belt more prestigess by having a name like that as part of the belts history, Jericho has done a great job at getting talent over, and thats his job, by being the top star he can and has made talent that more then likely this audience doesnt know much about and turn them into big time stars, thats the goal, and they are doing it well.

Why do the whole 5 more minutes thing then? I mean, aren't you the one who had that huge issue with there not being a winner in the gauntlet on Monday (even though Andrade was later announced as the winner)? Why is this ok to you then?
This is WAY different then that, a draw is a tie, thats a finish, and its something AEW has established in other matches aswell, plus it works with the story they were telling, Draws used to be a big thing back in the day but it faded away, and the thing is, is it worked. Wanna put both guys over but dont want either one to lose? easy, make it a draw.

If by promo ability you mean relying on his past, bashing the WWE, and memes, then sure. And no, definitely not in his prime in the ring. Dude needs to lay off the Waffle House. Not only does he lose his ugly belt, he gets fat and slow xD
Okay you have to be joking about the belt, The AEW World Title is freaken beautiful, say what you will about everything else, but come on man, that world title is pretty, it remidns me a little bit of new japans IWGP heavyweight title which is also a beautiful belt.

I wouldn't say Kris is a star. Not yet, at least. As far as star power, the only name they really have is Awesome Kong, who not only has appeal from her crazy good run in TNA, but has crossover appeal from GLOW fans. Kris definitely is one of the few in AEW who has the potential to be a household name, though, and is by far probably the most talented woman they have.
Absolutely! and admittedly they do have a few others, Shanna has been really good and Hikaru Shida is my favorite woman on the roster.

Well that's no fun, I can't argue if you don't argue back xD. Hey, keep me updated though in the coming weeks as to whether or not they actually add the super-hard-to-miss bright-ass red lock of hair to their trophy collection thing, though. I'm curious how dedicated they are to continuity with this shitty gimmick
Well if you want the answer to that, you better read the recaps :p

Meh. I disagree on that. Yeah, the WWE tag belts aren't the greatest, but they really don't look awful from a slight distance, and haven't looked bad ever since they switched from that ugly fucking copper color. They're very shiny and bright and contrast nicely with the red/blue straps. AEW tag titles, on the other hand... it looks like someone found the worst cardboard backyard titles they could find, and used them as blueprints for what they wanted when they had the guy make the belts.
, All i can say is its better then WWE having the same damn design for nearly every belt they have, we can atleast agree thats dumb..right? that all the top titles are literately the same belt just a different color?


New Member
Oct 30, 2019
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Wait Luchasaurus? dude hes absolutely a keeper, hes easily one of if not the most over guy in the company, and his in ring work is fantastic, Dustin is also very over and extremely valuble, the others though i can understand, maybe besides Excalibur i think hes been decent on commentary.
Luchasaurus is a good wrestler he just needs to get rid of the gimmick. Its horrible!! I think the best gimmicks are ones about the wrestler not some made up I want to look like a dinosaur and carry a smaller wrestler on my shoulders wherever they go.
Dustin is just past his time. Just tired of seeing things go down in the ring and he is the first one down. Barely see him in a ring but is always first in the ring to save the day.
Lucha wrestlers wear masks, Excalibur doesn't wrestle get rid of the mask you look like and idiot.